I sent an email to cfnews13.com, The Weather Channel, and wftv.com

I sent an email to cfnews13.com, The Weather Channel, and wftv.com. Subject:  A no cost plan for viewers to help with the hurricanes.

“I’m writing to suggest that perhaps you might reconsider the spin you put on the storms and hurricane projections.  I know you want to stress to the viewers to be prepared, but there are thousands glued to their tv sets, all worrying themselves sick over something that most of them won’t personally experience.  This is also more than the weather person saying “it’s another bad day out there with the rain/storm/heat/humidity.”  Why drive home the idea that rain = a miserable day?  For most, that is not true. So, sure, say it’s going to be a wet one.  But there’s no need to say it’s going to be a miserable one.  The rain may be a fact, but the misery is an option.  But enough about that.”  

What we can do about the storms and hurricanes – How we can help.

It’s not just a new age fantasy anymore, science has discovered that indeed:

1.  We each have a hand in creating our own reality.

2.  Our point of power is in the Now moment.

3.  Our place of power is where we stand right now today.

4.  One person, connected to Source/God with focused intent, is more powerful than many who are not.  Two or three or a group like this has much power.

5.  Our thoughts (and prayers, our holding of a vision for ourselves and others) profoundly contributes to the outcome.  Mainstream science tells us that when an observer looks at something, it causes the observed object to react to the observer. That means we can use our observation time to produce a preferred outcome.  That means viewers can help calm these storms even while tracking them on tv.

6. It works whether you believe it or not.  A fish doesn’t have to believe in the ocean.

This is the process I use with a group and we historically have success:

I say a prayer for the latest storms and hurricanes to pass by, giving rain to whoever needs it, and clearing out the dead branches from the oaks, pines and palms, and leaving us all happy and safe with power in the house and cable to the computer and streets we can safely drive on.

I do a visualization every few hours to see and feel how much I appreciate having come thru the last storm as well as I did, how lucky some were with no problems whatsoever, knowing that could happen to me, to us, and we can create it into being.

Remember, the feeling of appreciation includes the feeling of gratitude, so it’s the more powerful attractor.  I invite you to join me.  Together we can make it happen, and we can be on the other side of the storm before we know it.

The Global Coherence Project (which I am not affiliated with) encourages us to practices meditation collectively in order to generate coherence in the world.  See www.globalcoherenceproject.org.  A paraphrase of their meditation technique is to center yourself and bring to mind someone or something you truly love and appreciate.  Hold that in your mind a few moments, bringing up all the feelings of love and appreciation associated with the scene.  Then gently move the focus of that love and appreciation to your community, your state, to the storms out there.  Radiate your love and appreciation upon it all for a few moments.  30-60 seconds is fine, 3 minutes is great, longer if you can do it.

As I see the storms spin on the tv, I envision them gently spinning in the opposite direction to slow down, to dissipate.  I personally keep the sound off.

Sound crazy?  Sure, if this is the first you’re hearing of it.  Does it work?  There’s no evidence it doesn’t.  Besides, it can’t hurt.  And it will give your viewers a new way to watch your show.

Thank you for your time.
Andrea de Michaelis
end of email

I sent it to enough names internally that at least one person will read it and resonate with it.  And that can set good things in motion.

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