Janine emailed me that our drumming to calm the storms seemed to be working. She suggested making up some chants for the media to get them to back off a bit.  I replied:

“I totally think it’s working. I am loving getting to spend time doing the storm prayer work, at Unity’s noon prayer service today it was mostly about the storms, seeing them slow down and spin in clockwise direction.  I shared the storms chants with Beth earlier and at her suggestion we did it at the noon session – there were only a handful of us there but it felt very powerful! “

Email to Rev. Beth “I was so glad I came to prayer service today.  Thank you for incorporating the storm chant into the prayer offering.  Did I email you the storm chant words?

CHANT TO SLOW THE STORM (to the tune of The River is Flowing)
The storms, they are slowing, Slowing and slowing.
The storms, they are slowing, Out in the sea.
Spirit, cover us, With your love, your Mother love.
(for my Christian friends, Jesus cover us, with your love, your Father’s love)
Spirit, cover us, Keep us safe and free

As we do the chant, we see the storms circling clockwise at your great suggestion.

This is the chant I did earlier today:
Sarva mangala mangalye, Shive, sarvartha sadhake,
Saranye triambike Gowri narayani namosthuthe.

Sar’ va    man’ ga la     Mahn’ ga lay
Shi’ vay    Sar’ vaa tha’     Sad’ ee kay’
Sha’ ran yay’    Tray am’ bee kay’   Gowri
Na’ raya nee’     Na mos’  too tay
Na’ raya nee’     Na mos’  too tay     (repeat the chant in sets of 3)

It basically is a Hindu version of  “Blessed Mother who oversees the material world, bless us and protect us.”


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