I Become the Observer to Fall into Sleep

I stepped outside for a walk at 5:00am after morning meditation and found it was about 70 degrees.  The air felt nice and chilly, a relief from the humid 90 degree days we’ve been having.  l took a walk around the property and then an hour’s nap in the chaise out under the oaks. I love sleeping outside in nature, it really regenerates my body.  Then I raced inside to go to bed for another couple of hours before it became fully daylight. 6:00-8:00am is the best sleep I get.

If I can keep myself in an alpha state after meditation and trick the cells of my body into thinking it’s still dark, I get a better sleep.  If I get up and turn lights on and music or tv or eat or start checking email and voice mail, I can forget about that extra 2 hours’ sleep.  I’ve been working on my sleep schedule to allow myself more social time with friends.  The last 20 years, my sleeping time has been between the hours of  4:00 and 9:00pm.  From 10:00pm until 2-3:00am I do my phone sessions for my psychic reading practice.  During the day, I do the Horizons Magazine work.  In my free time, I work on several projects with friends.

For the most part, social events fall during the time I have to be sleeping in order to work overnight.  I’ve learned I can occasionally skip that sleep segment, but not often.  When I get off my sleep schedule, that’s when I enter that tired and wired stage.  Body tired and mind wound up with thoughts.  Usually 20 minutes of a conscious wind down routine: yoga, breathing, decompression in the silence, will relax me into sleep.  But if I’ve allowed myself to get to the tired and wired stage, I don’t always let that work.  My unconscious resistance keeps me teetering on the tightrope of here and there, awake yet not alert, body tired but restless and wanting to move.

If I can lose the head trip that usually accompanies the tired and wired stage, the I-know-better-I-should-just-sleep-and-stop-whining loop of thoughts, the I-need-to-walk-my-talk thoughts, if I can become the observer of the One who is tired and wired, who is head tripping, then I can relax into the Now and remember what I know and sleep always instantly follows.

So when I get that under control, I find myself with more time for friends.  When I make more time for friends, I find I need less decompression at the end of each day.

Restful sleep and increasing melatonin levels naturally
My sleep habits are morphing again
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LISTEN FREE: Sleepytime Recharge