Having a home gym is my answer for staying isolated

resistance bands workoutI love having a home gym set up for when I don’t make it to Planet Fitness.  I have a HealthRider Cardio Rider, a Vitamaster Air Advantage exercise bike, and a Marcy Cardio Rebounder set up in the living room, next to my dumbbells and resistance bands.  It’s next to the area I do my morning yoga on. I’d like this body to last me another 63 years, so I’m keeping it strong and in motion. It’s not difficult. Do what you can. Turn on a fitness workout on Youtube and follow it.  Or a yoga video, or tai chi. When I get bored, I switch it up to make it fun. As long as I’m moving, I’m happy and my body’s happy.  See more links below for my adventures in exercise.  

Don’t be too shy to ask to be shown how to use the machines at your gym
Working out as soon as I wake up works best for me
I feels good to be back in the gym for regular workouts
Glad I dressed for the gym because it got me there
Just noticed my walking has helped lift and shape my bottom
I ordered my rebounder exercise trampoline today
Back to daily working out is paying off in making me strong
I score a HealthRider Cardio Rider from a pal
I got a killer deal on an exercise bike at a garage sale!
Nothing brings me back to center like a physical workout