For everyone who asked for lightning to strike last night, it did

lightning you are the sky textThoughts are powerful. Everyone who hoped for lightning to strike in Melbourne last night, it did. But it didn’t strike the Trump rally at the airport. Lightning struck the main line in Melbourne, and a boil precaution has been advised until bacterial testing has been completed and water is safe to drink. A good reminder do not wish on someone else something you would not wish for yourself. Here’s a link to the Boil Water notice on the City page

One thought on “For everyone who asked for lightning to strike last night, it did

  1. Jean

    I must have missed the meditation memo about hoping for a lightening strike last night & then laughing about it missing your target, today. Even in the most benign circumstances, lightening can be life threatening & cause severe damage. It is disturbing to read the posts of people who profess to be thoughtful & caring, wishing for a lightening strike, to satisfy their political agenda. Hope you all find it funny boiling your water & inconveniencing seniors, schools, businesses & restaurants. Yea for your team!

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