Dear God, something beyond my current understanding is before me, the understanding of which would change EVERYTHING. Please Show me the Way

Beverly Marie Gelb-Ceroy

“I believe that when we set foot on the PATH, people, thoughts and things drop away from us as they no longer FIT who we are becoming. Like losing a great deal of weight, you have to release your old wardrope, some of which you may still love but it just doesn’t fit any longer. I also believe that allowing ourself to be Guided is part of the process and this is where it gets tricky.  We’ve never really Allowed this fully before.  When I don’t know what to do, I say this prayer from Neale Donald Walsch:  “Dear God, something beyond my current understanding is before me, the understanding of which would change EVERYTHING.  Please Show me the Way.” Then I go about my days…..until I AM shown my next step. The Buddah says: ” when in doubt do nothing.” Allow the next step REVEAL itself to you.” Beverly Marie Gelb-Ceroy

The above was in response to:  What about vows when life choices and intentions change?