A sign-by-sign breakdown of the Pluto-Uranus square effect

Image templeofthejaguar.wordpress.com

Image templeofthejaguar.wordpress.com

This Good Friday’s astrological aspects are the Sun Trine Jupiter and Uranus Square Pluto.  Sun trine Jupiter brings luck and expansion. This is generally a good time to schedule new beginnings in business, education, personal relationships, marriage, creative projects. Maybe it doesn’t feel like a good time to you.  Life for many people has been riddled with curveballs. The rug has been unceremoniously pulled out from under you.  Not much has come easily. In order to pass “Go,” you’ve had to face your own shadow nature and take a hero’s journey. Rash moves and thoughtless actions have met harsh consequences. This no time to live an unexamined life.

Things are happening…even when they aren’t. Trust the “invisible realm.”

Since Pluto rules the underworld, things might be happening that aren’t apparent in tangible form yet. You may feel like you’re spinning your wheels when you aren’t. You’re just allowing a situation to undergo its due process. With impatient Uranus jumping the gun, it’s hard to remember that progress can also take time. Divine timing is where it’s at now. Time plays tricks on us—being the greatest test of our ability to stick to our beliefs or convictions.  Even with the harshest of planetary events, there’s always a greater lesson or opportunity. Here are a few suggestions for how you can navigate this:  

Plumb your psyche, question your motives.

With Pluto, king of the unconscious, in the mix, it’s karma, karma everywhere. Before you forge ahead with firebrand Uranus-in-Aries’ stubbornness, pause and ask yourself: WHY? Why am I doing this? Why do I want this so badly? Why am I fixated (a Pluto issue) or obsessed with things going a certain way? Don’t rush. If you’re uncertain, allow yourself the time to really mull it over and soul search.

In the quest for progress, Uranus can make us skim over the finer details, rushing headlong into reform or pursuing change at all costs. But when change happens that quickly, something valuable can get lost or destroyed in the process.

A sign-by-sign breakdown of the Pluto-Uranus square effect

Andrea’s Note: The below applies for your Rising sign rather than your Sun sign.  For instance, my 26 degree Aries rising sign lands Pluto not in my 10th house as it says below, but in my 9th house.  Uranus is not in my 1st house but my 12th.  Check your transit chart for which applies to you.

Aries: Pluto in your 10th house of career vs. Uranus in your 1st house of identity
Issues with authority figures, men, fathers, husbands. Finding your own authority and voice. Creating a career path that reflect your authentic self. Allowing yourself to be “mainstream” and an individual at once. Living in the moment versus planning for the future. Being a “company man” versus going solo.

Taurus: Pluto in your 9th house of faith/expansion vs. Uranus in your 12th house of fear/closure
Have you dealt with unfinished business before moving ahead into something new? Are you stuck in the past instead of seeing the big picture? Are old patterns, addictions and fears preventing you from growing? Are your “philosophies” about life outmoded and lacking faith? Are you in need of more compassion—for yourself and others? Running away versus staying put and dealing. Being overly optimistic one minute, feeling like a victim the next.

Gemini: Pluto in your 8th house of intimacy vs. Uranus in your 11th house of detachment/groups
How much “me” time and “we” time do you need, and what’s the right balance? Your desire to keep things light battles with your need to feel safe and intimate. You want both breadth and depth, and can’t always have them at once. Doing a “come here, now go away” dance with people. Revamping your inner circle. Jealousy, intrigue, power plays and learning when to address them head-on versus when to let it go.

Cancer: Pluto in your 7th house of relationships vs. Uranus in your 10th house of career
Balancing your personal relationships with career demands. Learning how to navigate interpersonal dynamics. Standing up for yourself if someone is being dominating. Reconfiguring the power structure in your relationships.

Leo: Pluto in your 6th house of health/organization vs. Uranus in your 9th house of expansion
Don’t promise more than you can deliver. Learning how to be precise and not exaggerate. Learning how to toot your own horn and not be a “good girl” or “good guy.”

Virgo: Pluto in your 5th house of passion/self-expression vs. Uranus in your 8th house of privacy/intimacy
How much do you hide and how much do you reveal? Allowing yourself to get attached to someone intimately without losing yourself. Learning how to trust, be vulnerable, let down your guard and speak from the heart. Detaching from a manipulative person, recognizing hidden agendas. Making passive income from your creative talents.

Libra: Pluto in your 4th house of home/family vs. Uranus in your 7th house of relationships
Disentangling from family dynamics. Keeping your family out of your relationships, learning how to detach from need for parents’ approval. Children/pregnancy change the nature of an intimate relationship. Instability and changes in your love life, not letting that shake your emotional foundation. Becoming more secure in yourself, despite what others think of you or do with their own lives.

Scorpio: Pluto in your 3rd house of communication vs. Uranus in your 6th house of health/organization
Communicating precisely and openly, since your words manifest your reality now. Just the facts, ma’am—saying what you mean and meaning what you say. Mind-body connection, learning how your thoughts can make you sick…or well. Learning how to adapt to change better, not freaking out when someone you count on (e.g., an assistant or service person) moves on. Revamping your systems, upgrading technology, becoming more efficient instead of trying to control everything.

Sagittarius: Pluto in your 2nd house of work/money vs. Uranus in your 5th house of creativity/self-expression
Fears about money and scarcity, not letting those interfere with your creativity. Old self-worth and confidence issues come up. Suddenly in the spotlight, need to transform your self-image and step into fame. Watch your temper and overreacting when your security is threatened. The need to build financial stability versus having creative freedom.

Capricorn: Pluto in your 1st house of identity vs. Uranus in your 4th house of home/family/foundations
Family can be disruptive, living situation in flux. Changes in your family or home environment. Or, you’re changing as a person, and this causes the role you play at home to shift. Putting yourself first instead of being the rock for everyone. Moving, uprooting, changing your image. Interesting women come in and revolutionize the way you see the world and yourself. Discovering your voice, fighting for women or children’s rights.

Aquarius: Pluto in your 12th house of healing/closure vs. Uranus in your 3rd house of communication
Healing through holistic mind-body connection. Not being gullible or overly trusting with friends. Be a rebel FOR a cause, instead of a rebel without a cause. Learning about the quantum field, law of attraction, how what you say/think manifests into reality. Overcoming fears, learning radical new approaches to healing and well-being. Practicing forgiveness and compassion, but still saying what you think.

Pisces: Pluto in your 11th house of groups vs. Uranus in your 2nd house of work/money
Not letting other people’s opinions dictate your self-worth. Standing up to a bully. Leading a group/team project. Freelancing, consulting or working on a more independent basis. Upgrading your technology skills to increase your market value. The desire to make a difference versus the need to make a steady income.

THE REMEDY? Plumb your psyche, question your motives.

Before you forge ahead with stubbornness, pause and ask yourself: WHY? Why am I doing this? Why do I want this so badly? Why am I fixated (a Pluto issue) or obsessed with things going a certain way? Don’t rush. If you’re uncertain, allow yourself the time to really mull it over and soul search.

From http://astrostyle.com/pluto-uranus-squares/