A nice festival of sleep this weekend

Ok, so my only job this weekend was to get my bookkeeping and billing done, neither of which happened.  Instead I played in my yard, moved furniture around and put the February Horizons Magazine online.  I also had a weekend festival of sleep, culminating in my last sleep segment being from 5am-9am this morning.   For me that is unusual, going to bed when it’s dark outside and then waking after sunrise to get into my day.   When I have phone appointments at night, I usually start winding down to sleep – darkening the rooms and muting the sounds – about 3pm so I can be up by 9pm.  If I don’t have calls, then I’m up at 4:00am for morning meditation and usually just go right into the office after that.  It’s remarkable how much better I think and feel when I get real sleep.  Real sleep as in not waking every 30 minutes to check the clock to see when 3-4 hours have passed so I can finally just get up and have it over with. I run myself ragged and don’t know I’ve done it. Nice to have a wake up call to it and a break from it.

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