Do You See 336-970-4221 On Your Caller ID? They are *NOT PHISHERS* It’s Wachovia/Wells Fargo

UPDATE:  I WROTE THE BELOW POST EARLIER AND IT IS WRONG. THIS IS WACHOVIA/WELLS FARGO. If you see 336-970-4221 on your caller id, or have gotten a call from your bank telling you a loan payment is late when you know it is not, these people are PHISHING for your personal information in order to scam you or even steal your identity.  Read the experience others have had with this phone number.  I was checking voice mail and see this number called several times in one day but left no message.  Be safe.  When in doubt, Google it and go to And never give personal info out to anyone who calls you.  I AM LEAVING THIS UP FOR PEOPLE TO SEE.  THESE ARE NOT PHISHERS, IT IS WACHOVIAWELLS FARGO AND I WAS LATE ON A PAYMENT WITHOUT KNOWING IT – I checked my own files to tell me this.



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