Work at enjoying living then your body fights disease as it was meant to

bird in flight pink skyOn Facebook, I posted a link to Why get your teeth cleaned? If you grow plaque in your mouth, you grow it in your body  and thanked Marlene B for giving me the heads up that the two are related. Immediately, several FB friends began challenging her and giving her unsolicited advice.  I wondered what Bernie Siegel would have to say on this Topic, so I tagged him in a comment. He responded, “yes there is a correlation with heart disease etc. we all die some day so do what makes you happy. love and care for yourself but don’t become obsessive about not dying. work at enjoying living then your body fights disease as it was meant to do and you’re not upset about all the dentist visits which didn’t save your teeth and life.”  Thank you Bernie for reminding us what’s really important.

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