Reminding myself I don’t need to know where my next good will come from

It just occurred to me tomorrow is Monday so I’ll take a moment to pre-pave a good business week by reminding myself of what I already know: that I don’t need to know where the next dollar or advertiser or client will come from. I just need to remember — and keep myself in a state of expectation for it — that I can be unexpectedly delighted by the interesting and fun people sent my way, who also happen to provide my income. I used to do elaborate rituals for manifesting income and they worked, then I came to realize that the rituals were what my egoic self needed as a safety net until I formed my own beliefs. Once I saw it happen over and over and began to believe it to be true, the only ritual I needed was to bring it to mind, then know the dollars would come in while I go do something fun.

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