Stop stuffing emotions until you blow up and have to start over with all new people

Galpal Doreen Virtue with cockateil Angel

Spiritual sister  Doreen Virtue with cockateil Angel

Conflict phobia keeps several friends from speaking their mind and so they’re always stuffing emotions until they blow up. Then they cut off the ones who care and have to start all over again with new people.  They are running out of new people.  How do you handle conflict and harsh energy?  In this video–>  gal Doreen Virtue “shows you how to overcome conflict-phobia and stop the unhealthy process of stuffing down and denying your feelings. Learn how to clear issues with people, in peaceful and compassionate ways.  Watch the differences between assertive, aggressive, and passive responses to stressful situations, and learn to speak up for yourself.” 

A new friend is always tentative and unsure in her interaction.  It can make it tedious to be around. She’ll say, “do you need anything at the store?” (Me: No.) Then, “I need to go to the store but can drive you home first if you don’t want to go.” (Me: No, it’s ok, let’s go.) “Are you sure you don’t mind? Because I can go another time if you’re not in the mood.” That’s more discussion than I want to have on that topic. I told her I really appreciate it when someone just flat out says, “Hey, I need to drop by Publix on the way.”  End of discussion. The hesitant, being-tentative is annoying and unbecoming who she is. She’s someone fun to be around or I wouldn’t be in her car, and I’m glad to go on little excursions with her. But when she starts that pussyfooting around, I call her on it. What she has to say is important, or we would not be standing side by side at this moment. Speak your mind. Speak with confidence.  Stop the unhealthy process of stuffing emotions until there’s no choice but to blow up.  Doreen’s video can show you how.

RELATED: Learn to speak your mind
We’re all looking for a family to fit in with
Not saying what’s on your mind because you don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings is unkind and disrespectful to both of you