Send me a Facebook Friend request if you’re interested in my work

This happens to all the women on Facebook, I just happen to be an “A” name so I get lots of them. If someone is interested in my work, they’re IN!  If they just think I have a hot pic, I’m not in the market.  So today, the first friend request from an unknown man who has not only no mutual friends, but no friends at all and he joined FB two days ago. Handsome guy, professional photos, no personal info, at least half my age.
Hello, to what do I owe the honor of a friend request? I always ask when we have no mutual friends.
*Thanks Andrea, well your smile capture my heart so i feel we could be great friends…I see you as a good and nice person hope you dont mind ?
If you’re interested in my work, let me know how you found me
*I’m interested in getting to know and be friends and if you dont mind you can add me so we can get to know more about each other
If you’re not interested in the work, not right now.
*You mean we cant be friends? What do you do for work ?
I have enough public posts on my wall if you want to read.
*I would love to get to know you.
Not interested, thank you.