Some people start talking it 20 years before they start walking it

talking headsI have to laugh at myself. Anytime I get irked that someone is talking and not walking, I remind myself I did the same. Some of us need to psych ourselves up for like 20 years first.  It’s helpful to remember it’s a process. Don’t beat yourself up for falling short. Just clean up your act now. When I get irked about anything, when I’m judging and justifying and defending, that’s evidence I’ve let myself get off balance and out of alignment. It’s part of the process. As soon as I notice, I do what it takes to get back to my Godself, then I do what it takes to stay there. That means first forgiving and making amends with everyone I’ve wronged, and keeping my karmic momentum clean. Our present relationships are only as conscious as our past partings are.  You know who someone is by how they interact with their exes, and with those who can do them no benefit. When people talk a good game and you know they don’t walk it, recall when you did the same and have some compassion.  At least they are on the topic and it’s the job of none of us to judge another, period. As always, I’m only talking to myself here. Indeed, there’s only One of Us here.