Yesterday at New Way the choir sang Jesus Christ Superstar and the crowd went wild; people jumping and dancing and singing along; we got an encore at the end, it was awesome, I had tears just spurting out of my face 🙂    I was listening to Fred Migliore’s FM Odyssey radio show yesterday on WFIT 89.5 and emailed him:  Your project about “Songs that changed my life” interests me.  The particular focus that interests me is your belief that we can change our thoughts using words and the importance of thoughts and words.  I believe singer/songwriters can be powerful poets who sing our tomorrows into being, since the words of their songs resonate in our heads over and over and over.   I’d like to run an article about that and along with it we can plug any personal projects you want to promote.  I’d like to know some songs that changed your life or changed your thinking processes.  I ideally have 800 words worth of space.  But that could expand because I think it’s important what we choose to listen to; what we allow into our life as even background sounds. Let me know your thoughts.  Email is always best for me.   

A friend emailed to ask if I was sponsoring an upcoming expo. I wrote to him: “I don’t do a lot of sponsoring, so am not planning on it with Steven, although thinking about it.  If I had a staff I might do more sponsorship and if I had salespeople I might attend more expos.

I know ideally I should attend all the expos and go around and hand out Horizons and introduce myself, to connect in person.  I should contact each vendor afterward and ask them for an ad.  I should sponsor lots of events and get the Horizons name plastered all over the place.  I should partner with other publications for cross-advertising.  I should cultivate dependable volunteers and staff.  I am never sure if I am being lazy and selfish, or being efficient.  Business is fine even with me not seeking it. I don’t know if I could handle the workload if I promoted it. Wow, what a interesting belief that is to see in writing…”

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