I went to the Yoga Shakti Mission last night, took Michael Everly to meet Mataji, he had hot flashes the whole time there. She asked if we were bed partners and I could have dropped through the floor. No, we’re not, but thanks for asking.  My day is going fine, got lots of work done, found a writer I liked and downloaded a bunch of his articles into my hard drive to use him.  His website is www.universeofsuccess.com.  I’m printing out some of his stuff to read at lunch.   A friend and I have been doing the Monroe Institute Gateway Voyage exercises on cd together. She had not had success yet in going out of body, but she takes a variety of medication and drinks about 6 sodas a day with Asparatame. I wrote to her: 

“You should probably drink a lot of water today.  And I must tell you that the diet sodas with aspartame are working counter to your wanting to alter consciousness and go out of body, etc.  Aspartame has been proven to kill neuron cells.  The large majority (75 percent or more) of neural cells in a particular area of the brain are killed before any clinical symptoms of a chronic illness are noticed.  See Aspartame: What You Don”t Know Can Hurt You

Also, I read up on your meds, the Effexor and Neurontin, and see they are re-uptake inhibitors.  That means you are already impacting your psychoneuro system and it’s important to keep that system healthy and well nourished.  Good vitamins and lots of greens and B vitamins are good.  Asparatame depletes that, when you need to feed it.  Let’s find some alternatives that you like to drink as much as your diet cokes.  Even sugar is better.  Splenda is even better as a sugar substitute, and some new products are being made with it.

I’d say let’s try again after 30 days of no aspartame to go out of body.  In the meantime we can meditate together so your mind can get used to it.  As the aspartame leaves your system, your nervous system will begin to attune and you will intuit the energetic subtleties.  To me, that’s what it’s all about: keeping my system as clear as I can in order to tune into to the subtle energies around me.”
end of email

A friend is working on a new project and finding she lets her attention be scattered and then loses motivation. I emailed to her:

“If my attention is scattered, I can’t build up the steam power I need to move forward.  It’s like the steam escapes with every distracted thought.

It’s like I want a cup of tea, but I am not patient enough to wait for the water to boil.  Every time before the water starts to boil, I get bored or distracted and turn off the fire and go do something else.  And I can’t figure out why I can’t have a cup of tea!  Just the same, our thoughts need to come to a crescendo of focus and intensity so that our intuition can guide us to the next level.  If we don’t get completely involved in Step One, they’re not going to tell us Steps 2 and 3.  I know you know how that works. “


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