Art by Lisa Evans
How To Have A Better Tomorrow: Prime your positive pump by saying such things as: “The thing that I liked about that was… My favorite part of that was…” Follow any positive thread that you find, thinking about the best parts of your day; and then, once you are feeling the effect of your positive thoughts, focus on your dominant intention right now: getting a good nights sleep and awakening refreshed in the morning. Say to yourself, ‘I’m going to sleep now; and while I’m sleeping, because my thoughts will be inactive, attraction will stop and my physical body will be completely refreshed at every level.’ Turn your attention to the immediate things around you, like the comfort of your bed, the softness of your pillow, the well-being of your moment. And then softly set forth the intention: ‘I will sleep well, and I will awaken refreshed with another new, good feeling, positive point of attraction.’ And then go off to sleep. Abraham Hicks