Monthly Archives: August 2012

Be Happy Or Be Out Of There

This morning, Domino begins to tell me all the problems she’s having with her boyfriend.  She’s not complaining, since she’s paying me for the call. She and I have had this conversation several times through the 15 out of 18 years she’s been with him.  I stopped her from reciting her long list of his faults and transgressions and asked why she doesn’t move out and be done with it.  “I can’t afford it.  He pays the bills.”  I understand, but you’ve been telling me this for 15 years.  As soon as you choose to take control of your own thoughts and do something about it, you’ll be on to happier times.

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Lethargy: Letting our mind get the best of us

It’s when we’re in the slumps and don’t feel motivated that we find out how in control of our mind we really are, how in control of our will.  We can either choose to begin using self  talk that motivates us, or choose to do nothing and let the old, unproductive thoughts rule our mind, letting us brood and isolate.  We can either choose to jump up and stay in motion and do something that needs to be done, or we can choose to do nothing.  As I wrote in  How to stay functional as you sit out the bleak and depressing times, “Maybe we can’t always control the sudden onset of a mood, but we can control how we react to it.  We can control our thought that if we trust in the process, we will have successful results.”  As soon as we become in charge of what thoughts we choose to think and begin to exercise the power of our will to do so, we become very powerful creators.

RELATED:  How To Strengthen Willpower

Guest blogger Kathy Lee: Relinquishing Our Loved Ones Back to Spirit

Kathy Lee

I enjoyed this article so much I wanted to share it.  I love the insight: “We relinquish our loved ones back into the arms of Source.  It can love them in a way, that with our human limitations, we never can. Our loved ones, whether human or animal, return to a place of perfect peace and bliss.  How could we fight their departure if we know this?”   Here is the story that led to Kathy’s insight and revelation: Continue reading

Weeding to stay in motion

I just stepped outside and began weeding miles of wedelia out from under the loquat trees in the front yard.  In just 10 minutes I cleared an entire pathway.  I’ve learned to stay in motion while I’m waiting for things to happen.  Once I’m in motion, I am receptive to being guided this way and that.  If I don’t get up and get moving, I can stand dead in the water and nothing happens.  It’s a balancing act for sure.

RELATED: Gardening as Guru

Wow, I am in the flow today.  19 calls!  I’ve learned I DO HAVE super powers.  My mantra today is: goal and focus and check it off the list and go on to the next.  Hand to the plow, but it’s fun since I’m plowing through work I love with friends I haven’t spoken to in awhile. I love my life.

I kinda like it when I squeak; that’s the signal something good is just around the bend

When I squeak, I know something good is just around the bend

This is the time of month that I get to see how resourceful I am: the time between paying bills and sending out invoices, and having payments come in.  Know why I don’t mind these squeaky times?  Because I know I’ll always be provided for and that everything will be paid on time.  Experience has shown me that when I need to get resourceful, I am up to the task.  I have no evidence that it won’t happen that way every time.  Do I know exactly where it’s going to come from?  I don’t need to.  Through the years I’ve done much planning and put into place several ways for dollars to flow to me.   They can come in the form of advertising dollars for Horizons Magazine, they can come from different websites I’ve created and monetized, they can come from the items available in our store, mp3 files designed for spiritual growth and personal empowerment, astrology reports  geared to self discovery, tarot and astral projection workbooks.  Dollars can come from personal consultations, or someone may offer to buy land I own. Continue reading

I’m happily working away on ads while the doves and blue jays vie for space at the birdbath outside my office window. The jays are loud and bossy, the doves wait their turn and relish the time they get. I’ll bet you’re a dove and know plenty of jays, huh.

It’s not about casting spells, it’s about breaking free of them: Breaking free of the cycle: Now matters more than Then

On April 18, 2010  I posted on Facebook “There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have. And if you cannot hear it, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls. Howard Thurman”
In a later comment on that post, I received a grand compliment. Continue reading

Just saw the two bunnies

Just came back from a walk around the property, watering bushes, pulling grapevines, watching bunnies. One was brave and stood her ground as we walked by, the other darted to a nearby corner to watch from afar. Sometimes I’m the brave bunny, sometimes I’m the cautious bunny.