I’ve butted my nose where it didn’t belong and disappointed someone. I asked her to drop a matter with another friend altho she feels cheated. She’s written a long explanation I did not read. I said I’m out of the matter and don’t want to vibe in that place. I apologize for butting in. I ask her to forgive me. She thinks I’m discussing it with the other party and I’m not. This, too, shall pass.
Yearly Archives: 2011
The Truth About Hair and why Indians would keep their hair long
Reported by C. Young: This information about hair has been hidden from the public since the Viet Nam War. Our culture leads people to believe that hair style is a matter of personal preference, that hair style is a matter of fashion and/or convenience, and that how people wear their hair is simply a cosmetic issue. Back in the Viet Nam war however, an entirely different picture emerged, one that has been carefully covered up and hidden from public view. Hair is an extension of the nervous system and transmits vast amounts of information to the brain, including enhanced intuition and precognition. Continue reading
When I prayed for patience, why did my life get more hectic?
Years ago I prayed for patience and wondered why my life got more hectic. What about ask and you shall receive? Where’s my freaken patience? Years later, it finally sunk in: If I ask for patience, the Universe will give me new opportunities to respond differently when a situation demanding patience arises. I can choose to continue being pissed off, anxious and restless, or I can take the time to sit back and breathe and remind myself not to sweat the small stuff. And that, yes, really, it is all small stuff.
Blaming everyone when I lose my connection
I did a few things wrong today and blamed my computer for it. When I woke up and turned my laptop on, after 5 minutes it had still not come completely on. It was being real weird and slow like a bad dream sequence. It does that sometimes, so I went into the office to check email. About 30 minutes into it, I dropped my mouse, causing my cable box to fall from its perch. When I picked it up, I noticed the mouse cable (yes, I still have cables, I’m old school) was tangled, so I unplugged it, untangled the cord, and plugged it in again. My monitor had gone to screensaver and I couldn’t get it back, so I shut the machine down manually. When I turned it back on, I could not get an internet connection. I went back into my bedroom and checked my laptop and could not connect there either. Phooey. I figured it had to do with me shutting the computer down manually. I went back into the office and, as I began a series of rebooting my computer, I took the opportunity to move my desk around a little; moving routers and boxes, dusting behind cables, tightening cable and power connections. Connections. The power to the cable box had begun dislodged when it toppled an hour earlier. That was why I had no internet connection. I hadn’t noticed the cord had come loose. Here I was so ready to blame my computer when I was trying to work from a place of disconnection. Yes, I was doing all the right keystrokes but the right things weren’t happening. Connection — no surprise there — is once again the answer to everything
If I’m not getting enough rest, the Universe makes me close my eyes and be still
A Facebook friend asked yesterday, “Just up for some suggestions here. I just got back from the eye doc. My left cornea is irrtated. I am seeing double and have blurred vision. I will be ok. Just wondering what the universe is telling me.” I thought that was interesting because Monday I scratched MY left cornea and it blurred my vision for the 24 hours it was irritated. I pondered what it might mean for me, what it was I might not want to be seeing very clearly, what I should pay more attention to detail to rather than keeping in a soft focus. I found it hurt less if I looked down and kept my eye still or even closed. I took that as a sign to rest more that day. The cells of my body heal very quickly because I eat healthy. My eye was fine 48 hours later, and my body was rested as well. You can’t fool Mother Nature. The Universe knows what I need, even when I forget.
Don’t like your rights taken away? Don’t take away someone else’s
I saw this and liked it:
Don’t like gay marriages? Don’t get one…
Don’t like abortions? Don’t get one…
Don’t like sex? Don’t have it…
Don’t like drugs? Don’t do them…
Don’t like porn? Don’t watch it…
Don’t like alcohol? Don’t drink it…
Don’t like your rights taken away?
Don’t take away someone else’s.
I’m living happily ever after and did not need a Prince to get me there
I don’t have the “romantic partner for life” dream. That makes life so much easier because I have fewer dashed expectations. It’s easier – not to mention more productive and time efficient – to have secret crushes, keep to myself and tend to business. I didn’t know this was how I was going to feel at this age. I used to always be in a relationship, one after another. I loved it and them. But in my 30’s that began to change and I began to want more time to myself. Who I was was expanding and I needed more space between my molecules. I wanted more silence and less in-person interaction. I became more aware that what I think and do and say in the moment has power beyond anything I thought possible. That when those 3 are in sync, what I give out and what I get back is always instantaneous — and I can make it good and I can make it bad. Continue reading
A Reality Show I’d Like To See
I just watched a few minutes of Big Rich Texas and was inspired. How about a reality show where all the purposefully mean girls undergo two weeks of breathwork, meditation, yoga, sensitivity training and trust building exercises. The first week their jaws are wired shut.
Former Facebook Posts on this day in 2009, 2010
2010: I just had some delicious miso soup, and am watching squirrels go after the new pine cones. They eat them like cartoon squirrels would eat a cartoon ear of corn.
Everybody believes in something and everybody, by virtue of the fact that they believe in something, uses that something to support their own existence. Frank Zappa
I’m going to jump into the new puffy chair and have a nap in the giant marshmallow.
2009: A composer is a guy who goes around forcing his will on unsuspecting air molecules, often with the assistance of unsuspecting musicians. Frank Zappa
I just made some orange jello. I put canned pears in it.
I’m sauteeing mushrooms, carrots and scallions for dinner.
I always wake up wondering what magic does today hold for me?
I always wake up wondering what unexpected and exciting happening is waiting for me today. What gift will unfold before my eyes, if I keep them open and looking for it? What person will I run across who may become a forever friend and how will our lives change because of even a 10 minute call? What if magic and happiness comes out of it in surprising ways? What if? What if?