Blaming everyone when I lose my connection

I did a few things wrong today and blamed my computer for it. When I woke up and turned my laptop on, after 5 minutes it had still not come completely on. It was being real weird and slow like a bad dream sequence.  It does that sometimes, so I went into the office to check email.  About 30 minutes into it, I dropped my mouse, causing my cable box to fall from its perch.   When I picked it up, I noticed the mouse cable (yes, I still have cables, I’m old school) was tangled, so I unplugged it, untangled the cord, and plugged it in again.   My monitor had gone to screensaver and I couldn’t get it back, so I shut the machine down manually.   When I turned it back on, I could not get an internet connection.   I went back into my bedroom and checked my laptop and could not connect there either.   Phooey.  I figured it had to do with me shutting the computer down manually.   I went back into the office and, as I began a series of rebooting my computer, I took the opportunity to move my desk around a little; moving routers and boxes, dusting behind cables, tightening cable and power connections.  Connections.  The power to the cable box had begun dislodged when it toppled an hour earlier.  That was why I had no internet connection.  I hadn’t noticed the cord had come loose.  Here I was so ready to blame my computer when I was trying to work from a place of disconnection. Yes, I was doing all the right keystrokes but the right things weren’t happening.  Connection — no surprise there — is once again the answer to everything