If I’m not getting enough rest, the Universe makes me close my eyes and be still

A Facebook friend asked yesterday, “Just up for some suggestions here. I just got back from the eye doc. My left cornea is irrtated. I am seeing double and have blurred vision. I will be ok. Just wondering what the universe is telling me.” I thought that was interesting because Monday I scratched MY left cornea and it blurred my vision for the 24 hours it was irritated. I pondered what it might mean for me, what it was I might not want to be seeing very clearly, what I should pay more attention to detail to rather than keeping in a soft focus.  I found it hurt less if I looked down and kept my eye still or even closed. I took that as a sign to rest more that day.  The cells of my body heal very quickly because I eat healthy.  My eye was fine 48 hours later, and my body was rested as well.  You can’t fool  Mother Nature. The Universe knows what I need, even when I forget.