A friend asks: “I live in Michigan. On the way home the other day, I looked up in the sky and to my surprise I saw hundreds of sparrows flying “North”. Even more so surprising, the dead silence all around for over the past two days. Yet the other morning as I looked out the sliding glass door of our third floor apt, there on our bird feeder was a dove. unlike any dove I had seen before. It was a most velvet soft dove I had ever seen. It was the most beautiful gold bronze color I had ever seen before as well. It sat there for for a time, then it looked right at me, and eventually flew away. After this happened, there are no birds on the telephone lines, nesting in the trees. No abundance of birds fly from tree to tree. much less in the sky. Any Ideas?”
Ted Andrews mentions in his Book on the Animal Wise Tarot that when we hear a Dove calling, it indicates that life is about to settle, to become more peaceful and calm. Some things to pay attention to when Dove appears: People often find that unexpected and unseen support and assistance comes when they need it most. Travel is often indicated when Dove appears prominantly, and this may include relocation to a new home. An event will conclude with a sense of relief and gratitude that suffering has finally ended and peace will soon be at hand. A new relationship may begin or an old one rekindled. The ways and means of leaving a destructive or difficult situation is at hand. Life is about to become much more peaceful and satisfying on all levels.