Visitations come in different forms to different people. We all know the one. She has to one-up everyone at the table with tales of her adventures with spirit guides and angels. Yet her life is continually a mess and she doesn’t seem to be working on fixing any of it. It used to irk me when I had to spend time with people like that until I realized what was happening. Are they making up stories to get attention? And if they are led to do that, is that all that’s happening? We often mistake what is the deeper happening of a situation. Yes, many people have angelic or spirit guide visitation and their lives may or may not reflect that. Guidance is being given to every one of us every day, and how much we receive depends on the amount of resistance we have. Yes, many people change in the instant of a new realization about themselves, and live their lives forever after in a different way. Some people need a few more a-ha moments before a realization makes its way in before changing their behavior and their lives for the better. Then there are those who have a hard time handling the inner expansion they experience when faced with realizations about themselves. They aren’t ready to look at their lives from that broader perspective because, quite frankly, it hasn’t been a pretty sight up to now. They fail to see the sparkling gem within.
Like all of us, they are constantly receiving inner guidance. Not everyone knows what to do with what they hear. Most often they discount it as their own random thoughts and don’t give these thoughts much attention. Sometimes they get so wrapped up in the telling of the story of it that they don’t take time to contemplate the message to see how it might pertain to them in their life today in a very real way.
Some recognize guidance when it comes. Some hear guidance through a thick muffle, and receive it distorted by their own belief system. In trying to make the new info fit in with what they currently “know,” they have to squeeze it and twist it and slice a part off it, to fit that square peg into the round hole. That leaves them with conflicting info they feel their mind can’t handle, yet their Soul calls them forth towards expansion.
It’s a ripping off of the bandaid to some. Those in a fragile state will feel bombarded. They’ll need time to collect their thoughts so they can sort through the info and make it useful to them. Until they have time to sort it out, they don’t recognize it as guidance.
No, they don’t recognize it as guidance BUT they find themselves increasingly drawn to the idea of angels and spirit guides. They begin considering how they might interact in such a visitation. The act of envisioning such a scenario begins calling forth more guidance and they spend more time on the topic. They don’t realize they are in the midst of incoming communication because they haven’t practiced the receiving of it. They just think they are having thoughts and ideas about it. They find themselves telling stories to friends of their experiences, sometimes wondering “Why on Earth am I saying this? I didn’t see an angel come down and talk to me.”
What they don’t realize is they HAVE had a visitation, however it did not come in a form they expected, so they did not recognize it. The quickest way I’ve learned to become receptive is to begin a daily meditation practice. Sit 20 minutes twice a day and just follow your breath and keep your attention on your breath. You’ll fail miserably but what you’re doing in the process is building up that muscle to focus attention in order to open a pathway to greater insight.
With greater insight, you have the broader view, you see the wider perspective. You see things for more of what they are. You’ll see people for more of who they really are. It’s not just that you’ll begin to see auras and energetic fields, you’ll see the reason for these fields and the interconnectedness of everything and everyone. And when you see that, you literally see God. It is the seeing of this and the realization of this that is the goal of (my form of) meditation.
When you’ve had that realization, you begin to review your life for instances of guidance and visitation that you missed because you were looking for something else. You were looking for a giant winged creature to swoop down on a beam of light.
And that’s not to say you’ll never actually see a giant winged creature swoop down on a beam of light. That is how some people experience it. That is the movie Spirit chose for them to be shown in order to accept the experience and expand their belief. I may experience it as viewing an upon-first-glance nondescript person in the checkout line and seeing her energetic field and thus her intention and her state of being. In that instant I can know the angelic realm works through her and I can have visions of past times they have.
I will know what these “visions” are since I’ve been in the psychic field 30+ years. Someone un-practiced may have no idea what they are seeing or sensing. Is it my imagination? Are my eyes playing tricks on me? Am I remembering something from a movie?
When they think about it later is when their consciousness will begin expanding and they begin to see from a broader perspective what happened. They will see several versions of it as they meditate upon the experience and see it for more of what it was. The very force of these realizations puts you in an altered state. In that altered state, you’re very receptive to input. You need time to grok it, to integrate it.
This is where it gets interesting. You will each interpret the info received depending upon which chakra you filter it through, as well as which belief system you filter it through, which economic or political or environmental preferences you filter it through. All this determines what you “see” when you have a “vision.”
So even if you think someone is fibbing or exaggerating about their “experiences,” understand that no matter what it looks like, this is a fellow seeker on the Path and they are expressing the only way they know how.
If YOU are the one who has the greater realization of the inter-connectedness of us all, take her story as an ambulance siren call, and send a prayer when you hear it, and hold her vision of guidance coming to awaken her to her expanded, more joyous life. But don’t let it keep you from yours.