I need to start dressing a little less casually when I’m out and about

I skipped delivering magazines to Cassadaga today and just slept from about 11am until 4pm.  Then I got up and drove to the beach to see if any waves were happening but it was kinda flattish.  I almost drove over to a meeting at a friend’s but I was dressed real bummy – jeans and tshirt.  I need to stop dressing like that out in public.  I think I had to wear dresses, suits and pantyhose for so long that I am rebelling in my later years.  At the office, I always dressed on par with the female attorneys, since we were side by side in court.  To me, wearing jeans and a tshirt only happened when I was playing or camping or travelling.  So I think I’ve let it become my badge of freedom.  However, too often lately I find myself running into someone and I have no makeup, am dressed bummy and hair up in a granny knot.  Not a good image for the mag, I guess.


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