I just got evidence of my own expansion. In the span of 7 days I greatly expanded my perception of how much I had and what I could afford. Last week I wondered if I could justify buying a second smart tv. It makes work easier so I bought it. Next I bought a new Windows 10 desktop computer, I didn’t have to justify much since I needed a 2nd one. Then a friend mentioned his washer crashed parts cost almost as much as a new washer. Today my 7 year old washer began to whine as it went into the spin cycle. I didn’t even think about it, I ordered another online. No justifying needed. How did I know I expanded my territory? Thirty minutes later I open mail and I received a fat check from someone I’d loaned money to many years ago and never expected to hear from again. You never know where unexpected dollars may come from. They can come from all corners of the Universe.
I get evidence of my own expansion
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