Category Archives: Uncategorized

Your market isn’t the people who sell what you sell

owl who's my marketIt’s interesting to see so many FB friends who now do life coaching, advertising their services to other people who all do the same thing. Your market is not the people who already aren’t buying your services, your market is someone who does not know about it.  On the self-help scene, it’s a common error to try to teach to the same group you learned with. Take what you’ve learned to people who don’t know about it, open their eyes. Don’t keep trying to sell to the same group that hasn’t gotten it the past 20 years. Discover who’s asking for what you have to offer.


Sometimes we mistake why someone is in our life

Chemistry means we have karma to work out and this person can help us do that

Chemistry means we have karma to work out and this person can help us do that

I did a session with a friend last night who is disappointed in her partner. They talk about the life they are going to build together but when it comes right down to it, there’s no movement forward unless she does it on her own. He’s very good with his words but there’s no follow through. She loves him and he’s finally got a job where he can contribute, but she’s wondering what her guidance is telling her to do. “I know I should go toward what feels good, but I feel so many things,” she cries, “I can’t tell what feels good and what feels bad. When the times are good, the times are good, but I am tired of there being no follow through and no movement forward unless I do it. Help me understand what I am being guided to do.” I knew all she needed to do was to get clear on some issues and release some resistance and then she’d be able to intuit for herself what her inner guidance system was signaling her to do.  Continue reading

I remind myself to use the Nano Energy Wand

The Nano pen

I over squatted a couple of weeks ago and my right knee has been tender and a little stiff off and on.  It is not swollen but it is a little stiff and it feels like it is all full of fluid but to look at it it does not look like anything is wrong with it. But it has a weird feeling to it and when I leave it bent for any period of time like sitting at the desk or riding the bike, it stiffens up for a while until I leave it straight out for a while or raised. Reminder to self: Arnica gel helps!  Another reminder to do what I have already learned to do:  I have been using my Nano Energy Wand on my knee consistently since yesterday and it really feels a lot better.  It’s so easy to forget the obvious tools I have on hand.  That’s one reason I put everything here on my blog, so I can do a word search anytime I need to be reminder of what I know on something.

RELATED: How to Balance Your Body with the Nano Energy Wand

How to Balance Your Body with the Nano Energy Wand

The Nano pen

I’ve been using the Nano Wand on my knee and it seems to be helping clear whatever congestion is in there.  I’ve used it also on my carpal tunnel in the past.  I don’t sell these.  Here’s the info.
“Human beings are made up of varying electromagnetic frequencies that naturally interact with all natural and man-made external energies. These energies play a large part in our health and well being.  When exposed to man-made frequencies, our body absorbs and stores such energy fields. These unnatural and chaotic electromagnetic fields emitted from items such as microwaves, cell phones, computers, TVs and more can play havoc in our bodies. These EMF energies can weaken our immune system, which can potentially lead to illness.     Continue reading

Basic Grammar Reminders

Things “that”
People “who”
Use “that” when talking about an object, use “who” when talking about a person — the guy who sold me the car, the tree that fell.

Whom? = “Him” (To whom does it belong? It belongs to him.)
Who? = “He” (Who wrote the letter? He wrote the letter.)

Recognizing sleep as very sacred and healing for the adrenal glands

Sleep restful by pinoI’m getting a lot of sleep lately. Sometimes I’ll go years with insomnia. Search the words sleep or insomnia at my blog and you’ll find my many posts about it, my thoughts, my perceptions and also the natural remedies I’ve found to work for me. I’m self employed from home the past 23 years, so I make my own schedule. That’s allowed me to fall into a natural sleep pattern of twice a day, usually between 4:00 — 9:00, both am and pm. When a cycle of insomnia ends, I go through a delightful time of being able to fall asleep anywhere, anytime and often do. It’s happened for enough years that I can tell where I am in the cycle. I know I’m good for the first 3-4 hours after I wake up, so that’s when I do all my running around, my errands and appointments. Any longer than that, I’m likely to snooze in your chair. It might just be 10 minutes, it might be an hour; we never know. Like the nuns used to say, “it’s a mystery.” I’ve learned to just be in a safe place and let it happen. I’ve been reading about the adrenal glands lately and sleep is very recuperative for the adrenal glands. Adrenal function affects sleep and energy. That means eat nutrient dense foods, avoid toxic foods and get plenty of sleep. Take vitamin D and cod liver oil, exercise and get real sunlight. Spending time outside at dawn and late afternoon helps regulate the pineal gland, which also affects sleep. That is why I take my walk as dawn is breaking, and at sunset I go outside to water the back property, where the light lingers longest.  Continue reading

Spiritual Significance of the 4th of July

To me, Independence Day is a chance to celebrate granting everyone else as much freedom as I’d like for myself. I’m not a history buff. I don’t celebrate most holidays. But part of my spiritual practice is being a vision keeper and the holder of a higher feeling thought. My experience is if even one person can contemplate a scene and have faith in a successful outcome, that can entrain the consciousness of everyone who was aware of it. It’s been said that when just 1% of the population meditates upon peace and loving kindness, the effect spreads to the other 99% – even if they don’t believe it.    Continue reading

The July 2015 Horizons is now online, here are the July horoscopes

7-15 Cover Campfire dancer 3x4-72The July 2015 Horizons Magazine is now online at  Here are the July 2015 Horoscopes by Barbara Lee:

Aries: May 20 to April 19 “I Am” This month think of your relationships like a flower bed; the seeds you plant this Summer will grow into a beautiful garden of bounty, if you tend to their needs properly. Your relationship is ready to take the next step. Keep the weeds cleared and give your garden plenty of nourishment, water, love and light.

Taurus: April 19 to May 20 “I Have” You may be taking a long road trip this Summer; it all depends on you and what you really want for your life. Once again there are distant ancestors knocking on your door to dispense wisdom if you are willing to listen. Be open to what the Universe has planned for you, it will be what you have always wanted.   Continue reading

Managing Stress and Nourishing the Adrenal Glands with Herbs

From Cecelia Avitable of The Herb Corner in Melbourne, FL:   We all get stressed every once in a while because our lives have become so hectic; but for some of us our stress is more emotionally related from worry, work, finances, anxiety, tension, grief, frustration, depression and anger. Stress can be due to illness, loss of a loved one, a job loss, family visits, over-work, travel or exposure to toxins. Anything that threatens the body physically or emotionally causes stress; over-time your body’s reaction to continual stress can cause conditions like high blood pressure, asthma, ulcers, headaches, insomnia or weight gain.  Fortunately herbs can help reduce the effects of stress. Adaptogenic herbs normalize the body so it can better cope with stressors; they support your immune system and nourish your adrenal glands.  Here’s a list:   Continue reading