Category Archives: Uncategorized

Add Gelatin to Smoothies, even Coffee: Health Benefits of Collagen and Gelatin

Coffee protein smoothie for breakfast, now with gelatin! I’ve been reading up on gelatin and the benefits of collagen, so have been having a tablespoon a day of Knox gelatin in a smoothie or hot drink. I’ve been buying bone-in chicken thighs and now wonder if that’s my body’s way of saying *more collagen please* “Collagen is important for skin and bone health, bone and joint health, heal intestinal issues by restoring the normal mucosal layer in the gut.”  The story of gelatin actually starts with a protein called collagen. Collagen is the most important protein in connective tissue, skin, and bones; you actually have more collagen in your body than any other type of protein. Degradation or lack of collagen can cause problems from skin wrinkles to osteoporosis. Continue reading

I self talk myself to sleep with suggestions for the next day

Well, I’m glad yesterday’s “I don’t wanna work” mood changed at dawn this morning into “let’s whip right thru this job” since the I’ve got a mega busy day ahead. If I go to bed not wanting to finish a job, I self talk myself to sleep with suggestions about how easy and quick I can make it so I can get on to more fun stuff. Without fail I’ll wake up excited to get into it. 

A self talk script I read over when I need replacement thoughts
Why This Affirmation Works
Program Your Inner Dialogue To Propel You Forward
Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies
Law of Attraction works even when you think the “wrong” thoughts
Hanging On To The Wound By Telling The Old Story
It’s All Related
Shall I Spend Time Saying Affirmations or Playing?

How do you prepare your family for the idea of death?

A question for you: How do you prepare your family members for the idea of death so they aren’t afraid of it, and aren’t devastated and lost when it happens? Growing up as a child, I was always comforted when my mom would say we would see our loved ones again, they were just on the other side of a wall, kind of like when Abraham butterflies flying upsays it’s as though they are in another room and soon we will be in that room as well. That made it not such a scary thing for me, knowing the separation is only temporary.  Later in life, Mom likened it to the tadpole becoming the frog; to the caterpillar not dying, simply becoming a butterfly.  We both agreed we believed we survive in consciousness after the change called death.

RELATED:  Her perception upon dying
Hard as it is, get used to death
It’s comforting to know we get more than one lifetime
How to forgive and find closure if the other is unwilling, absent or dead
A Friend and I Talk About Dying and Easy Transitions
Why pretend loved ones aren’t going to die? Let’s get over the fear

RELATED: Thich Nhat Hanh on death
RELATED:  Rumi on Death

The End of Death As We Know It: What The Crossing Over Experience Was Like, As Reported By Those Who Made The Transition

Rumi on Death

sunset blueRumi says: On the day I die, don’t say he’s gone. Death has nothing to do with going away.  The sun sets, and the moon sets but they’re not gone.  Death is a coming together.  The human seed goes down into the ground like a bucket, and comes up with some unimagined beauty. Your mouth closes here, and immediately opens with a shout of joy there.
Rumi says: A moment of happiness, you and I sitting on the verandah, apparently two, but one in soul, you and I. We feel the flowing water of life here, you and I, with the garden’s beauty and the birds singing. The parrots of heaven will be cracking sugar as we laugh together, you and I. In one form upon this earth, and in another form in a timeless sweet land.   Continue reading

Sometimes I forget not everything is work

I’m reading the Notifications on Facebook to catch up and I keep letting myself be distracted by the new notifications. I got impatient I had to keep switching screens to read the new stuff, then go back to the older ones. Then I remembered I didn’t have to do it at all. It was a goal I set for myself that did not have to be accomplished. Sometimes I forget I’m the boss and sometimes I forget not everything is work.

I just had a good example of endorphin flow

zz topp gimme all your lovinI’ve been studying brain chemicals and just had a good example of endorphin flow. Endorphins are the chemicals that produce the euphoria that masks pain. I was listening to some ZZ Topp and kind of dancing around the office, purposely being careful of my knee — at first. Then Benny jumped on the desk and began watching me, so I began performing for him. I had such a good time, I didn’t think of my knee until afterward. I need to not do that again anytime soon. I was focused on my knee initially and avoiding my classic smooth moves, but when I focused on Ben watching me, I went all out and didn’t realize until 2 minutes later maybe I shouldn’t have done that….

Abraham on What Others See In You

Abraham on What Others See In You: If someone is arguing with you, or finding fault with you, and not liking what they see, say to them, and mean it lovingly and kindly, but mean it sincerely, “You’re seeing something in me, that must be active in you, and I think this is more about you, than it is about me”. So if someone is having a bad day, and they are angry at you, it’s about their bad day, much more than it is about you. It’s always about the beholder. Everything is about the beholder.

So what you want to do is become more aware of what you’re seeing in others. That’s the thing you want to be aware of. Don’t worry about what other people are seeing in you. Don’t worry about the love they’re giving you, or the love they’re not giving you. Let your awareness be about what you’re putting out. Let your awareness be about how much you’re loving.

We wouldn’t be running around saying, ‘Who loves me or who doesn’t love me?’. We’d be saying, ‘Who do I love, what is it about you, that I love?’ ~ Abraham Hicks

My knee injury is healing in record time

The body is amazing in its recuperative ability

The body is amazing in its recuperative ability

I’m seldom sick or injured. Each time  is a wake up call. Yesterday I was glancing at both my knees and realizing for the first time in a week my right knee isn’t swollen at all. I can bend it with no pain and no stiffness. I can’t believe just 3 days ago it was so swollen I was concerned enough to ask a doctor buddy about it. Two weeks ago at the gym, I managed to oversquat in poor form and slightly injured it.  Instead of staying off the leg, I kept exercising it for another week, until it began to stiffen up on me as it filled with fluid.   The fix was to keep it raised above my heart for 3-4 hours each day and not exercise it, only regular walking maybe 2500 steps a day, plus magnesium oil the last two days. I used my Nano wand each evening and have eaten light for 3 days so my energy can go to healing rather than prolonged digestion.  To reduce the inflammation, I did two ibuprofen a day for 3 days. It feels fine right now, a little tender but just barely. Our bodies are amazing in their recuperative powers! I feel I’ve gotten a second chance so I won’t be being frivolous with my knees.  That way they can last me another 63 years.

RELATED:  My notes on pain and inflammation in the back of the leg
Magnesium Oil Benefits and my Knee Story

Relationship karma July 25th – Sept 6th as Venus goes retrograde

parrot loveWhile Venus is Retrograde July 25th through September 6th 2015, be prepared for relationship karma to come back around. You are likely to be contacted by people from your past that you have unresolved issues with, from as long as 20, 30, 40 years in the past. During the Venus Retrograde, don’t do anything rash. Use this time to quietly observe and formulate a plan. Wait until AFTER Sept 6th to make decisions about old friends who’ve resurfaced, to fall in love or get married, to buy, remodel or furnish a new home, property, stocks and bonds, clothes, jewelry, art, or any beauty/fashion items, including hair style and color. If you do it during the retrograde, you may have to restart the process. I’d wait until after October 9, since that’s when Venus returns to the position it was in before it went retrograde. Retrograde can be a good time for negotiation but not closure. There will be a solar eclipse taking place shortly after Venus moves forward again. This means that many people are embarking on totally new cycles as the summer comes to a close.
Remember: Relationship karma can be “good” as well as “bad.” When you are thoughtful and considerate, you are always rewarded by good relationships of all types.
Just because you love each other doesn’t mean you have to get married.
Just because you argue doesn’t mean you have to divorce.
Just because you can’t be lovers doesn’t mean you can’t be friends.
When you stop taking score of where you are in a relationship, and where it’s going, you have more enjoyable Now moments, which lead to more enjoyable Now moments, and the viscous snowball of good goes into effect.

When someone is healing, don’t add the burden of dealing with your reckless — albeit well meaning — advice

arguing groupA friend had a stroke a couple of months ago and adamantly refuses to follow any medical or holistic or dietary protocol for healing.  After a stroke, emotional responses are skewed until the brain has time to rewire itself.  He’s not in his right mind, yet he is being allowed to make poor choices. He has a large following of Facebook friends who argue with him daily on controversial topics of government conspiracies and such, and who now give him a lot of well meaning, but reckless advice.    Continue reading