Category Archives: Uncategorized

I always have a Plan A, B, C and D

plan A plan B focusSince I’m spontaneous and apt to change my mind at the last minute, I don’t get irked when others do the same. I was scheduled to meet a pal this morning and she had a change of plans. She wanted to play instead. I get that! So I switched my Monday duties with Tuesday’s and problem solved. I always have a Plan B, and a Plan C and D as well. If I didn’t, well I’d just take note of where I am and what I need, and focus on the next best step.

I don’t get why some books are popular

diamonds on blueI just finished a book that people are raving about. Everyone except those who’ve had a session with the author, a self described medical medium. I catch things the casual reader misses. It’s not much different than other books in the genre. The first part is the promotional back story of how amazing the author is from an early age, and that no one else does what he does. Like other books of its type, he gives case histories of people he’s diagnosed and healed. He mentions a dozen popular diseases, his theory on the origins and gives advice on nutritional supplements. Publishing in the body/mind/spirit genre, I received review copies of every new release since 1992 so I see patterns in books that casual readers don’t see. Many books are reworded compilations.    Continue reading

i love youWorking in the side yard, Fed Ex drops a box at my door. I know he doesn’t see me so I call out, “thank you!” I swore he called back “I love you!” We hear what we want to hear.

If you’re disappointed in how the election is going

woman run up stairs textTo anyone who’s disappointed, stay hopeful. It’s still progress. It took more than one election cycle to put this system in place, it will take more than one to morph it. No matter who’s elected, no matter by what means, don’t take score too soon. It’s still progress. More people are more aware than at this time last year. Too little too late? Matters not. Rigged voting? Matters not. Give this stew time to brew. Change is in the air. We’re stronger than we think. It’s still progress. I’m hopeful.

This is how a human being can change: there’s a worm addicted to eating grape leaves. Suddenly he wakes up, call it grace, whatever, something wakes him, and he’s no longer a worm. He’s the entire vineyard,and the orchard too, the fruit, the trunks, a growing wisdom and joy that doesn’t need to devour.

RELATED: Bernie Sanders has already made a difference

Rainbow Nation, a good idea, not a Native prophecy

"When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as the warriors of the rainbow." NOT a Native american prophecy

“When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as the warriors of the rainbow.” NOT a Native american prophecy

I agree with what Nicholas Wood of Sacred Hoop Magazine says below. A Rainbow Nation is a great idea, but it’s not a Native prophecy. This meme shows Fedora Poligus, a shaman from Siberia, not a Native American. The origin of the “prophecy” is a 1962 book titled Warriors of the Rainbow by William Willoya and Vinson Brown. The idea of the Rainbow Nation got picked up by early environmentalists and spread. It’s a compelling and inspirational idea but it’s not a Native prophecy. We can still make the earth green again. We can still call ourselves warriors of the rainbow. But this is NOT a Native american prophecy.

Nicholas Breeze Wood writes: “Trawling through my home page this morning, to see what my friends are doing, I came across this photo several times. I think it’s a loverly idea – the Rainbow Nation – but in the spirit of accuracy I really have to comment.”     Continue reading

Drop the rock in your hand and God will fill it with diamonds

diamonds in handA friend just wrote that “evil beings have created the human experience and all his life he’s been doing his best to stop them”. What he doesn’t realize is that by continuing to talk about everything he sees that’s going wrong, every plot, every conspiracy, all he’s doing is perpetuating the misery and anxiety in his own life. He’s holding on literally to old stuff for fear of what will happen. He doesn’t realize that as soon as he lets go, his eyes will open to new opportunity.  He doesn’t realize that when you drop the rock in your hand, God can fill it with diamonds.

Untrained psychics please hone your skills

 Adam Bernstein had a channel offer him an unsolicited message. Adam wrote “Against better judgment I said “OK” so her “spirit” message was “there is a lady who you like but she’s going to break your heart”.  There is so much wrong with that statement where do I begin?” (His entire post is below.)  I agree with Adam. I’ve had that happen to me many times in my 30+ years as a psychic. If they insist on giving me a reading I did not ask for, I let them have their say and I say thank you. What the untrained and unexperienced do not realize is that if they ‘see’ a problem, they can also look past it and see what the remedy is. They have to ask to see past it. They can look at the disaster and look past it to see what good will come after.   Continue reading

Not today Windows 10

not today satan needlepointMy computer guru from the Lake Worth computer repair service just removed all the Windows10 stuff Microsoft kept loading into my system hoping I’d let them activate it. It was taking five seconds to move between screens and two minutes to restart.

I knew WIN10 was lurking in the background because when he removed it last time, it fixed my problem.  If you’re getting notifications to upgrade, that means they’ve already installed the files in your system, it happens little by little with each update. If you click on “schedule to install” that just activates it. He unistalled it using the GWX control panel, see –>

I also had him disable programs from loading at start up and uninstalled ones I don’t use. We opened all my programs at once and the only thing I noticed was different was a handful of nonstandard fonts were no longer available. I replaced them with available fonts, problem solved. The computer is once again fine and fast! Oh, WIn10 you may get me someday but not today. “I got troubles, Lord, but not today. They’re gonna wash away. They’re gonna wash away.”  Wash Away Joe Purdy

Sooner or later love is going to get you * Bernie has already made a difference

Sooner or later love is going to get you. This song keeps ringing in my head. It doesn’t matter if Bernie Sanders becomes president or not. He’s already been the Catalyst for an Awakening in Mass consciousness as to what the possibilities are for this nation. Seeds have been planted. More people than ever especially the youngbloods are recognizing the unity of all and have started on a path to realizing it for their children and grandchildren and perhaps even in our lifetime.  Give a listen to Sooner or Later with the Grass Roots –>


I cleared the front property

I imagined I'd do this, instead I began yard work

I imagined I’d do this, instead I began yard work

I woke up slowly this Sunday morning. I was going to sit on the driveway with a giant cup of hazelnut coffee with almond milk and watch my neighborhood wake up while I did. As an Aries times 5, it’s hard for me to simply sit rather than do, so I go outside prepared, just in case. Before I went out, I gathered anything I might need like my phone, Skin So Soft for the mosquitoes when the wind dies down, the mini tarp in case I want to sit because everything’s soaking wet from last night’s rain, hand pruners and gardening gloves. There are not too many places on my property that I can sit and not be looking at something that I’d like to prune, to water, or to transplant.  Thirty minutes later I’d rooted a dozen more night-blooming Jasmine cuttings and found a tray of loquat seedlings. I decided to clear the front part of the east property, which had become a tangle of grapevine, fallen oak and pine branches atop old bamboo. There must have been some wind storm the last two days. Some of my giant plants are bent over 45 degrees and there is a ton of deadfall from the oaks and pines. An hour later I’d stacked the bamboo poles that have been laying on the ground for the last several years.  The good, intact poles I set aside to use for a fence and the ones that had crumbled into mulch have now become mulch for the front berm, which is now 18 inches higher. All garden tools and supplies, all bricks and cinder blocks have been moved to one specific area. I now have officially zero areas of junk on my property and I have another nice clearing to sit with friends, private from the street.