Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sometimes the kindest thing to do is not answer the survey

customer-surveyI attracted confusion at the post office this morning. I love and appreciate our postal system: it’s fast, it’s safe, it’s affordable, it has always been good to me.
He: Your prices are wrong on this form.
Me: I’ve been using these prices the last 6 months, price list January 2016.
He: I’ll write the new prices down for your job. You have to fix it and come back.
Me: Can you give me a sheet with all the new prices?
He: I’ll just write down the ones you need.
Me: Can you please tell me where to find the form you are looking at on your computer so I can look them up myself next time?
He: No, you don’t have access to what I have in my computer.
Me: Can you tell me the name of it? Can you print out that page for me?
He: It is the Ratefold 123. It’s this thick (holding fingers a half inch apart.)      Continue reading

I got called for jury duty

I was called to jury duty this week for the first time in 20 years and was pretty excited to do it. I’m always up early and it would be a fun break in the day.  I’d carefully packed my purse to go thru the metal detector, forgetting that instead of a bulky plastic hair brush I’d opted for a small flat hair pick — with metal prongs. It got confiscated. Phooey! I was surprised I didn’t know more people in the jury pool since there were about 100 there.  At 10 a.m. they’d called names for two jury pools, but we were not in those groups. I got called the same day as a girlfriend so we had a chance to catch up and do the jury duty adventure together. Waiting for jury duty, I thought it’d be fun to play some spidey sense games. When they were calling names for the second jury pool, I turned to my friend and said to her “You’ll be the 5th name called.” They didn’t call her (Ellen) but number 5 was Ellie sitting right next to her. So no, I can’t count that as a hit. Most jurors were glued to their phones, three had hard copy books and magazines and only two sets of people are talking face to face.  I found an outlet to charge the phone and sat facing a giant map of the world on the wall. I took time while I charged my phone to study it and do the meditation where you are breathing in the troubles of the world and offering them up to God, breathing down God’s love and breathing it out into the world. I figure if I’m trapped here I have to make use of what’s in front of me. Here’s the meditation –> A Meditation To Help Transmute the Suffering Of The World

At 11:20 a.m.  I got released

Your misdeeds affect your loved ones

dominoes redSome are being betrayed by having FB friends with fake profiles give info to exes they have blocked. If they only knew the karma they were bringing down upon themselves and their loved ones by doing it, they’d stop. This isn’t what they want to put in motion — sudden chaos around them, they get sick, their kids get in accidents or their parents lose everything. Everything is related. As soon as they stop, it takes a little while for the momentum to catch up, depending on how much they’ve put in motion, but it will be over soon. Everything we do affects every other area of our life, whether we believe it or not.  Send out what you want you and your loved ones to get back. Because it’s on its way.

RELATED: Tie Up Loose Ends
Your misdeeds affect your loved ones
Building momentum
Riding Out Past Momentum
Factoring in past momentum
Creating Momentum To Move In A New Direction
The process to gather momentum and amplify attraction power
Turn your attention elsewhere and stop creating more karma
When your karma visits your loved ones, you can help them by cutting out your nonsense and cleaning up your past
If you’re being blocked, look for unresolved issues to clear
When you’re doing all the “right” things and still get hit by karma, that’s past momentum
You destroy the chance for your future by not clearing up your past

A story about perception

Sathya Sai Baba

Sathya Sai Baba

Twenty years ago I applied to have my home refinanced. At one point the inspector came out to the house to look around inside. He noticed my meditation altar and the photos of Sathya Sai Baba in each of the rooms. He told me his brother was a devotee and we had a short discussion about it. I went back to work in my office and he back to his inspection. Suddenly I heard a crash and yelled out, “Don’t worry I can pick that up later.” He came out and he was very cool and distant the rest of the visit. I didn’t think much of it and went back to work. It wasn’t until hours later I remembered the crash and went into the room to see what it was. Apparently when he opened the closet door, it caught on the zipper of my husband’s duffle bag. He’d moved out of town a year earlier, storing his belongings in my back bedroom. It unzipped and all the contents fell onto the floor. The contents were his video porn collection, you know the kind with the scantily clad naughty nurse, etc. on the cover? I smiled that the inspector said nothing to me before he left. I bet his perception of me changed a few times between the time he stepped inside and the time he left.  You can’t judge a book by its cover. 

Tuesday June 21, 2016 International Yoga Day at Yoga Shakti Mission

sun salutationsYoga Shakti Mission is planning “Akhand Surya Namaskar” (Non-stop Sun Salutations) from 6:00am until 6:00pm on Tuesday, June 21 – the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year. Please sign up individually or in groups for a 15 minute segment. Sun Salutations will be performed in the Surya Mandir, the Sun Temple Pavilion at Yoga Shakti Mission, 3895 Hield Rd NW, Palm Bay, FL 32907.   ALL ARE INVITED to drop in at your convenience during the day to participate by doing 15 minutes or more of Sun Salutations or other Yoga Poses of your choice.  Let us support this Initiative of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to spread the practice of Yoga and Peace in the World! Drinks and light refreshments will be served.  321-725-4024

My happy life depends on where I focus

To everyone promoting inflammatory conspiracy theories — any of them, on any topic — I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m saying that if I can’t suggest a remedy, if I don’t have first hand knowledge, I won’t add to the complaining. Me focusing on them doesn’t add to my happy life. I’ve learned what to overlook.  You’re not a victim of the Illuminati or Big Brother or whatever, living in fear of terrorist activity. You’re a person surfing the internet and getting riled up over what someone said. Nothing sucks the life out of you quicker that to have a continual reminder (your FB feed?) of everything that has or could possibly go wrong. Sh*t happens. That’s life. I look for the good, It’s all over. I look for the helpers. They are all over. I keep my attention on what is going well, what I enjoy and what delights me. My life is a heaven because of it.

We’re all alchemists

woman eyes birdI burned my favorite small saucepan and try as I might, I couldn’t scrub it off. My first thought was to discard the pot and buy another. Then I Googled how to clean a burned pan and saw I was doing it the hard way. I could simply boil water, vinegar and baking soda and it would lift right out.  How often do I try to do things the hard way? Learning that alchemy saved me a lot of physical labor. It’s also alchemy when we take a moment during an emotional flare up and decide to transform an irking thought into a better feeling thought. We’re all alchemists with the power to transform what we find around us into the heaven we want to live in. We all have the power and ability to take what we have and make it into what we want.

When we experience ourself outside the body, we understand there is no death

soul separating from body for blogWe freak out about death because we think it’s the end. We don’t know what comes after, so our thought is stuck on oh, no, death! They’re gone! It’s like any other goal. If we’re to demystify it, we have to imagine ourselves on the other side of it. This is what we do in meditation, it is a daily separation of consciousness from the body. We transcend our awareness of the physical body and brain and find ourselves, maybe just for a split second, in a place of clear consciousness, abundantly free and completely aware of our surroundings as an observer. As you continue to experience that during daily meditation, you lose your fear of “death” since you’ve discovered how to move between the worlds, so to speak, between being the one who is in the body and the one who exists beyond the body.  When this happens, you no longer weep for the death of the caterpillar — you’re excited for the butterfly on its way.  In the overall scheme of things, this one life is just a moment in time. Every loved one who disappears from it during your lifetime, you’ll see again, I assure you. Continue reading

I sweep my front walk each morning

woman sweeping with cat for blogI sweep my front walk in the mornings, as well as my driveway. Benny is always out there with me and he’s not always helping. I live under an acre of oaks so there are always leaves and fallen branches overnight. I used to look at it as a chore, and I resisted it. When I began to think of it as part of my daily spiritual practice, it became a welcome ritual.  As I sweep I bring to mind how much I enjoy my home and grounds. I not only sweep the walk to keep it clear for mail and delivery persons, I sweep it to clear the way for new good to arrive in whatever form the Universe wants to deliver it.  I sweep the dried leaves into the yard as mulch so it returns to the land as nourishment. As I sweep, I also sweep away any cobwebs of confusion that may linger from yesterday into today. I sweep in clarity of purpose and focus of intent. I acknowledge that I live a blessed life, shared with loving others.  I’m blessed to work at home surrounded by loving family and to have a comfortable life.  Sweeping clears my mind for the day, as well as the driveway. Keeping my space clear of unnecessary items has become a great metaphor for keeping my life clear and uncluttered. When I find things piling up, that reveals my state of mind and that tells me I’ve got some internal work to do.

Housework as a Spiritual Path