Category Archives: Uncategorized

Doing experimental creat-ive visualizations; notification of payment received; the Creative Visualization Process

dollars in hand I always have several creative visualization projects going on at one time.  Some I do with friends and clients, helping them hold a vision of something they are working on changing. A vision of wellness or quick healing for the sick.  A vision of a friend finding the perfect job, a client finding the perfect partner, a family member attracting a good used car at a great price. I do creative visualization for myself for various areas also.  And I switch it up, so I can tell what specific visualization attracts what specific result.  I like especially to play with how income comes my way.  Continue reading

The Real Housewives of NJ bring me a 14x windfall

I had a good surprise when I got home today, a notice that had sold a book I had listed with them for sale.  When the tv show The Real Housewives of New Jersey came on, at the center of controversy with the character Danielle Staub was a book called Cop Without a Badge: The Extraordinary Undercover Life of Kevin Maher by Charles Kipps.  When I saw the book cover, I knew I had the book here. On 6-6-09,  I wrote on Facebook: “I just realized I have an out of print book here that is suddenly in the news, so I listed it to sell at a ridiculous price at Let’s see what happens.”

Then on 6-8-09,  I wrote on Facebook: “OMG the book I listed on the other day is now the only one available. Too funny. I listed it on a whim.”

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Competition karma and protecting territory

YinYang is very territorial and I've seen her pitch her little fits

YinYang is very territorial and I’ve seen her pitch her little fits

My cats each have their own favorite places to sleep and hang out. Giant Maine Coon Izzy likes to be stationed either at the hallway, so he can see anything that comes in the cat door or the front and back doors.  My sleek haired, black and white masked harlequin YinYang likes to be in a box top on top of an end table by the tv, with a view toward the living room and backyard.  When Izzy finds YinYang in his spot every so often, he just acts like he didn’t even notice and goes elsewhere.  When Yinny finds Izzy in her spot however, she goes all King Kong on his fuzzy butt. Continue reading

A test to see where your beliefs really are about your business

Want to see how much you really believe in your business? Place an ad – anywhere – see what you attract. Little or no response?  Amp up your belief and expectation, recreate your ad in treasure board fashion and rerun it and see the difference in response.

It’s not where you place your ad, it’s from what state of consciousness do you place it.  That’s what attracts your results.

An 8 Minute Creative Visualization To Increase Dollars

Doing what must be done

Today is typically the day I do my paperwork for the magazine mailing this weekend, but I was smart this time and did it all yesterday.  In fact, I did it in record time – about 5 hours – since I managed to stay off Facebook and Twitter.  It’s amazing how quickly the work goes when I jump right into it rather than whining to myself for an hour that I’d rather play instead.  I learned that if I do the work a day early, then I am not rushing at the last minute.  That idea was as helpful as learning to bill early enough that the payments are all in by the time the bills need to be paid.  I’ve now got it down to a science. The next  best idea was pre-paying my printer every week so that by the time my job goes in, it’s paid for.  Last year I got behind with them just from not paying attention to what I was doing. When they finally called it to my attention I was really embarrassed.  Now I just order a check sent several times a month and by the time it goes in, it’s paid for. Continue reading

In the news; editorial spin; going with the grain of Nature

A Belgian teenager supposedly fell asleep while getting her face tattooed and woke up to 56 Rihanna-style stars on her face. Now, she’s suing the tattoo artist. The original account claimed she “was happy with the work when she left the tattoo shop, but changed  her mind when her father saw the stars.”  The next version of the story, in the next publication, said that she “is only peeved because her boyfriend dumped her after seeing the monstrosity.”  Who knows what this story will end up being by this time next year.  Don’t believe what you read.
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Happy Summer Solstice

Sunday, June 21, 2009.  Happy Summer Solstice. I did a half assed blog post this morning since I had worked until the wee hours finishing the July Horizons Magazine.  Then I woke up and had to leave right away to drive to The New Way to hang with the POD. A mile from my house, I stopped to get gas, and also filled the small 2 gallon can I use for my lawn mower.  I decided to drive it back home rather than keep it in the hot car with me for several hours.  Even though it would make me late, I felt strongly about taking it back to the house before continuing on my day.  Inexpicably, as I dropped the can inside the garage, I was compelled to go inside and change clothes.  That’s something I rarely do.  I throw something on and that’s that.  I keep it simple.  A fashionista, I’m not.  I put on a short knit sundress I hadn’t worn in 18 years, with a pair of leggings and ran out the door.  All in all, I dawdled and it was a good 20 minutes later before I was back on the road. Continue reading

Paving neural pathways to achieve meditation and access elusive inner states

A friend and I were discussing meditation the other day and she asked what the purpose of mantras and mudras were. A mantra can be thought of the same as an affirmation, or a line of thought that you want to repeat until it sinks into your brain and your belief system.  I use several mantras during my hour of meditation twice a day. I use them in a particular order because they have become my trigger to create the inner space for me to access heightened awareness.  The same with the mudras, or hand gesturesWhen you put your hands together in prayer, that is called a mudra. 

When I sit to meditate, I typically sit Indian style (half lotus) on a cushion, with hands on knees, palms up, thumb touching my index finger in what is known in the yoga tradition as the Guyan mudra.  The mudra is also a trigger for me.  A trigger to elicit states of calm and receptivity.  A trigger to contemplate how I act and react in this world.  A trigger to consider and implement any changes I feel I want to make. The mechanics of making these changes is via changing (programming) the neural pathways in my brain. Below is an excellent article on how mantras and mudras can help you do just that.

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Getting rid of the dreaded air potato vines

air-potato8I just took a lap around the property spraying the  Air Potato Vines with Round Up – yes, Round Up.  These vines are so invasive and choke out everything else, the native plants, the exotics, everything.  Here’s a great article on Combating Invasive Plants – The Great Air Potato Roundup in Gainesville.  The first couple of years, I simply dug them up and threw them into the campfire.  I’d get hundreds of them.  Once I paid my yard guy’s daughter 10c each for them and let her do the work.  It was worth it.  If I catch them early in the season, and spray the 1.5 solution of Round Up on the emerging tiny leaves as they break the ground, I can nip the invasion in the bud.  I used to just pull up the small plant when I saw the tiny leaves, but, more often than not, that leaves the potato seed in the grow to sprout again.  The big problem the last couple of years is that a neighbor has them and likes them, so they are left to overgrow their fences.  The birds drop seeds over here, too, so my property – the big bird hangout – gets overrun with them.The entire acre on the corner is choked with air potato vines, and I also spray those lots.  Anyway, see this stuff in your yard?  Round Up.  Nothing else works.
UPDATE: This was the last time I used Round Up


Sunday Recap of The Universal Lightworker’s Conference

Monday, June 15, 2009. Sunday was the final day of the 12th Annual Universal Lightworker’s Conference. The morning began with rousing music by Ron Gosio, Michael Mirdad, Armand and Angelina, Steve and Amy Sciulli, with Steve wailing away on some crazy kind of wild flute.  That was followed by an open hearted meditation, co-led by all the presenters.  Michelle Whitedove was the opening speaker and she told of her death experience at age 18 and the bargain she made with God when she was in that in-between place, before coming back to Earth to fulfill her mission.  She told of how the doctors said she’d have permanent disabilities and never have children.  She proved them wrong on all counts.  Being a fire sign, she bucks authority and has no qualms about it.  She knows what she knows.  She encourages people to disregard any pessimistic news they may hear from (well meaning) doctors, and just focus upon wellness and know God can get you there.  No matter what someone else tells you.  I agree that’s the thing to do.  I agree it’s not easy to go against the crowd.  Only the brave dare and Michelle is one of the brave.  She’s wonderfully delightful to listen to and looks in person just exactly like she did when she won Lifetime TV’s  America’s Psychic Challenge.  And yes, Michelle Whitedove is that good.  She convinced me. Continue reading