Category Archives: Uncategorized

11 Fun Steps Guaranteed To Initiate Change And Get You Unstuck

I always have friends who are ready for change in their life, and they ask for suggestions to accelerate the process.  That’s a catch 22 – if you’re asking to accelerate the process, you’re not savoring the Now moments.  If you’re not savoring the Now moments, you can remain stuck where you are for, well, a lifetime.  What works for me every time is to find new fun things to think about, even before changes are made.  What anyone could do who is ready to make a giant change in their life is the following 11 Steps Guaranteed To Initiate Change And Get You Unstuck. Continue reading

The Haunted Chair, De-Activating Thoughtforms, Journeys Out Of The Body, The Monroe Institute Gateway Voyage

The Haunted Chair

Last night I went out to shop for a recliner. I got rid of my last one in 2006 and below is a story about “the haunted chair”:

October 2006: This month, galpal Beth Head and I are doing the Gateway Voyage at The Monroe Institute. We’re driving there and taking the week long residential program. We’re excited about our adventure! My interest was peaked by the books of the founder,Robert Monroe, in Journeys Out Of The Body, Far Journey and Ultimate Journey. Although the institute will tell you that the purpose of the Gateway Voyage is not to give you an out of body experience, they say, “The out-of-body state and tools that may be utilized to achieve this particular state of consciousness are covered in the Gateway Voyage®, but that is only a small part of the program’s overall scope.” They describe the Gateway Voyage as “an on campus six-day intensive program designed to provide the participant with tools that can enable: development and exploration of human consciousness; deeper levels of self-discovery; expansion of one’s awareness; willful control of that awareness; communication with and visits to other energy systems and realities.” Being an explorer of consciousness and having experienced many different dimensions of reality, including the out of body experience, I am excited to take it to the next level. Continue reading

Spiritual Memoirs: Eat, Pray, Love and Sharon Janis’ Never to Return

I just got my copy of Eat, Pray, Love in the mail. I get so many review copies that I seldom buy books, ever, but I wanted to see what everyone was so fired up about.  Eat, Pray, Love is built on the notion of a woman trying to heal herself from a severe emotional and spiritual crisis.  Author Elizabeth Gilbertwanted to explore the art of pleasure in Italy, the art of devotion in India and, in Indonesia, the art of balancing the two.”  I enjoyed the book and, as a former devotee,  I enjoy reading about ashram life.  I spoke with Sharon Kumuda Janis, author of Spirituality for Dummies, and Secrets of Spiritual Happiness, who first contacted me 1998.   She told me since her memoir Never To Return describes her decade living in and serving with the same path that Elizabeth Gilbert wrote about in Eat, Pray, Love, she thinks the time is right to re-release an updated version of her book to ride the wave when the movie  Eat, Pray, Love is released next year. Sharon recorded a version of the Guru Gita, which played a part in Gilbert‘s story, and the Diamond Sutra as well.   I told her I’d be glad to help promote her. Continue reading

Leaving the Physical Body Does Not End The Connection; Transmuting Energy; Procrastination & Incubating Ideas

In October 1997, we witnessed the passing of two profound women who lived their lives as a testament to caring for and comforting others. Both Princess Diana and Mother Teresa were monumentally compassionate and courageous and, as Jean Houston so poignantly put it, “willing to shine light in places many of us are afraid to go.“ I personally thought, “what better time for the most compassionate Mother on Earth to leave than when an entire nation was mourning the passing of such a beloved sister and princess.I truly feel that we affect others more profoundly from the non-physical than we can from the physical. I truly believe that yes, while Mother Teresa was in her body, she helped and comforted many, yet she held many more in her heart than she could in her arms. I believe those who gazed upon her radiance from afar were just as comforted as those within hand’s reach, for even we who saw her only on tv were moved by her, even if for a brief moment to consider someone in our lifetime who was so openly compassionate and displayed such enormous faith. Continue reading

Dollars, Hurricanes, Personal Storms, Everything is Related

Remember, your personal success, and your prosperity are not in the hands of some “fickle finger of fate”—nor are they determined by sudden changes in the economy. The answer is in your conditioned ability to form and shape the ever-present substance of the Universe. There is just no way around it: your fortune (good or bad) begins with you. Financial crises, even recessions or depressions, so far as they affect your pocketbook or bank account or job stability, begin with your reactions of faith or fear. You do not cause economic conditions, though we all share in the cumulative consciousness that is the cause; but if you give them reality by your negative thoughts or conversations about them, you become synchronized with an energy flow which has as swift an influence on your life as the light that bathes the room when you throw the switch From Eric Butterworth, in Spiritual Economics.

That has been my experience, not just with money, but with everything.  If I get a fear or anxiety about something, I start a chain reaction of a downward spiral which affects the other areas of my life.  The domino effect, plain and simple.  It happens every hurricane season, too. The weather guys try to freak us out when there are storms brewing in the Atlantic.  Remember, getting riled up over that is a waste of time.  We know by this year’s weather pattern that like 90% of the tropical depressions will dissipate before hitting Florida.  Get off the Watch And Worry Bandwagon and don’t talk about the storms. Don’t make folks think about them because they will then only attract something else they don’t want. So it’s in your hands... and on your lips. Last year I even  emailed the local news and weather stations. Continue reading

Meteor Shower; Meditation, Breathing As A Key To Youth

I was up early this morning, sitting out in the yard and watching the sky for the Perseid Meteor Shower.  The moon is at the last quarter and at 3:00am was almost right overhead.  It was hovering below and to the left of the Great Square of Pegasus, near the constellation Perseus, from where the meteors appeared to come. That just means the moon kept the night sky from being dark enough to see the dramatic meteor show we’ve seen in years past.  Some years friends and I will go to the beach late at night and watch them.  It’s a very magical and mystical time.  A meteor is a bright light cascading from the sky.   I like the Perseids shower because Helena Blavatsky‘s birthday is August 12, and her writings were an early influence to me.  I read much simpler fare now by far, but she helped shaped what I have come to know.  She was indeed a bright light that came steaming into my life, so I think it is fitting that her birthday coincides each year with this meteor shower.  According to legend, Perseus was able to behead Medusa by seeing her via the reflection in his polished shield, and his helmet of invisibility allowed him to escape.  I think that is, esoterically, what Blavatsky’s early teachings taught me: how to approach my personal demons through reflection upon what is in front of me.  And that being as transparent as I can be is my ticket to freedom. Continue reading

Why Does “The Secret” Movie (extended version) No Longer Contain The Secret? The Abraham-Hicks Back Story

I got an email yesterday that read:  I was just reading the latest Horizons and I see that you recommend the original Secret with Abraham-Hicks. That is the version that I first saw and was surprised that they edited Abraham-Hicks out of future versions. With Abraham explaining our Emotional Guidance System, THAT is the key to working the Law of Attraction! Without that segment in there, there IS no secret. But I never did hear WHY she/they were edited out–did you? (see end of this article for their statement in their own words.)

I wrote him back that I had a blog post waiting to go in about it and this is it:  I just saw the revised/edited (they call it EXTENDED) version of The Secret for the first time.  I had seen the original one with Abraham-Hicks, whose material was the inspiration for The (original) Secret movie, several times and it was an excellent work.  The revision is a very diluted version that paradoxically leaves out “the secret” itself.  No wonder everyone is so confused despite the new legion of Secret Teachers out there. For WHY Abraham-Hicks bowed out of the original project, read at

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Hanging On To The Wound By Telling The Old Story. You’re not hurting, you’re healing; it’s not a wound, it’s a repair.

Two weeks ago Brothermine Has Hip Replacement Surgery and he’s been keeping me posted with his progress.  One thing we have in common is we both heal quickly from whatever nicks and scrapes we go through.   Jerry wrote to me: “I’m getting over the Oxycontin (they gave him in the hospital) withdrawal now.   It’s just amazing that I’ve had no more pain than I’ve had.  I mean good grief they dislocated my hip, sawed the end off the bone and hammered a metal shaft into the bone.  No to mention all that cutting through muscles and tissue.  My thigh was black and blue from the rough handling. I think it’s all a matter of perception.  Any surgery I’ve had, I’ve always felt like I’m healing rather than hurting.  While they call an incision a wound, I call it a repair.  All the wounding happened while I was asleep so I didn’t experience that. Anyway, I think that healing never hurts.  It’s the hanging on to the wound that is painful, be it physical, emotional or spiritual.”

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Keep Telling That Story, You’ll Keep Living That Life: Program Your Inner Dialogue To Propel You Forward

I listened to the latest Abraham-Hicks cd on my drive to Ocala Monday.  As usual, there was a lot of helpful information and reminders.  One favorite line was The only way unhappy people can stay in your life is if you focus on their unhappiness. I thought how true that was.  We all have friends that go through rough times now and again and then there are those that have one string of problems after another.  Despite being adults, they just can’t seem to get their sh*t together, and they want to tell you all about it on a regular basis.  You know, of course, that listening to them tell their story over and over again is not doing either of you any good. But they don’t know that.  All they know is they think they feel better when they drag someone else into their chain of pain to commiserate with.  “But I’m just letting you know,” they will say, or “I’m just telling you the facts.” They really don’t get it that whether their story is true or not, telling it over and over is not helping them. Continue reading

I Pray For My Advertisers and Clients Twice A Day As Part Of My Spiritual Practice; My Altar and Healing Bench Techniques

 Meditation area

Meditation area

With the most recent Horizons Magazine having gone to press, I go into my next stage of the process: bookkeeping and billing.  I like every part of my job to be fun and meaningful, and the mundane jobs are no different.  in fact, I know that no job is mundane unless I make it so.  I don’t like to just send out a boring black and white bill with meter stamped postage.  If my mission in life is to lighten things up, I think: what kind of invoice might be fun to open? So I selected as a mascot for the bills, a small fairy on a flower.  I print them in color.   I always enclose a self addressed return envelope, then those envelopes go on the altar before they go into the mail.  When I pick up my mail from the post office, the envelopes go onto the altar before they come in to the office.  Blessings for everyone. Continue reading