Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Saga Continues with Sharon Janis: Let’s Get Over It Already

I thought this topic was over days ago. It began when I wrote a generic blog post What do you do when friends misunderstand you and don’t want to play anymore? My daily blog is about what lessons I learn as I travel this road of Life, but I don’t disclose names and places. After reading my post, the friend, Sharon Kumuda Janis, got miffed at me and took it public.  It turns out that although I’d known her for 10 years, she’d only let me see one facet of her during all that time.  Hmmmph.  I thought, ok, lesson learned and moved on. She then deleted me as well as several dozen mutual Facebook friends, but a week later she’s still on the topic doing emails behind the scenes. I don’t know who all they went out to, so I’m posting this here just to tell you – I don’t know anymore than you do about why she’s doing this. Don’t hold it against her.  We’ve all done public sh*t we later regretted. Continue reading

A Beautiful Full Moon Tuesday

I’m really enjoying the cooler weather.  I like it when I can open all the windows up and turn the fans off and let the natural cool breeze run right through the house.  It just changes the energy of everything. I have a cushioned rocker on the back porch, and it’s facing the spot where the moon rises.  There’s a small foot rug in front of the chair, and the rug and the chair get moved around almost daily.  That’s because the moon rises just a little more to the north each night now as the sun sets way to the south in the west this time of year.   I like watching the moon make it way across the sky each night.  I feel it helps me stay connected to who I am.  This self perpetuating cycle of physical cells that are me. Continue reading

Simple Self Talk Scripts To Help You Attract a Better Tomorrow

self talk cat lion mirrorA friend asked me to help them script them some new self-talk and I was looking through my files and came across the one below that fits their situation.  If it sounds familiar, it’s because everyone has the same universal dilemmas. If you think it does not apply to you because you do not have a business, think again. This is long since my email readings are detailed. Or you can read the more simple
  A self talk script I read over when I need replacement thoughts.

QUESTION :  I’m seeking investors for my business because I’m literally on the immediate brink of financial disaster, although I also have faith in the universe and my own destiny.  I have been saved before at the last moment by either a job or a line of credit or something during these last crazy decades. Continue reading

Did Someone Ask For Drama? When Friends On The Path Go Off The Deep End

I wrote earlier this week in Clash of the Egos: Battleground for the Spiritual Seeker about a little drama with a friend who got miffed at something I said.  In a simple misunderstanding, she’d taken something the wrong way and did a public blowup on my Facebook wall.  She posted some private Instant Message conversations between us to outline her evidence, but after some comments came in, she quickly made the link inaccessible.  It was clear by our IMs that she had simply misunderstood and became abusive for no reason.  By now she’d stirred up a dozen Facebook friends with her story and they were contacting me wanting to know how to access the link, so I put it up.  I talked to several of them, then did the blog post Clash of the Egos to let everyone know everything was ok.  People misunderstand and get ticked all the time.  It’s no big deal.  It’s just life.  We get over it and we get on with it. Continue reading

Clash of the Egos: Battleground for the Spiritual Seeker

I often have flying and dancing dreams.  I love those.  I dreamed this morning that I’d been walking carrying a big wooden basket around me (imagine wearing a barrel and holding it up around you). It was very heavy to drag and I had forgotten what it was and why I was carrying it.  Then a wind came up and the big balloon that I had unknowingly been dragging behind me filled with air and I rose high, high over the rooftops.  It was an exhilarating ride and from up there, everything was so clear.  It was one of those dreams you want to last forever and wake up wanting to go back into. Continue reading

What do you do when friends misunderstand you and don’t want to play anymore?

What do you do when friends misunderstand you and don’t want to play anymore? YOU LET IT GO. You don’t hang on to it or try to sort it out or rehash it.

When friends misconstrue what you say and take something personal and cut you off? YOU LET IT GO.  It’s not about you.

When friends feel you are criticizing and coming down on them when you’re simply reminding them what works consistently for you to achieve what they wish to achieve? YOU LET IT GO. You focus your attention forward on something hopeful and pleasant.

What do you do when friends perceive you as being judgmental, feeling superior and being a know it all? YOU LET IT GO. You remember it is not your job to try to fix or educate anyone.

YOU LET IT GO. You get yourself back in the vortex and move on.

RELATED POST:  When Friends Misunderstand
RELATED POST:  When friends betray friends
RELATED POST:  Clash of the Egos
Taking Note of  Cause and Effect in Action to Practice Intuition
Simple Self Talk Scripts To Help You Attract a Better Tomorrow


James Ray’s escalating patterns of abuse leading to sweat lodge deaths: Cassandra Yorgey interview with Lorena Bathey

In James Ray’s escalating patterns of abuse leading to sweat lodge deaths: interview with Lorena Bathey, Cassandra Yorgey does more than give an update on the James Ray sweat lodge matter.  She does more than give an interview with Lorena Bathey, who in a 2007 Spiritual Warrior Retreat in Sedona broke her arm as well as learned much behind the scenes information about James Ray and staff.  Yorgey brings to light the psychological undercurrent in the targeted subgroups who are being unknowingly led through an indoctrination process for the seller’s purpose.  Her article is not just to do with James Ray and not just to do with calling self proclaimed teachers and experts on their coercize tactics.  What Yorgey writes focuses on personal responsibility.  It focuses on being conscious, being fully aware of what you say and what affect it has on those who hear it.

And being aware when others are doing it to you, whether outwardly or covertly.

I say just be aware.

Cassandra Yorgey’s entire article here:  James Ray’s escalating patterns of abuse leading to sweat lodge deaths: interview with Lorena Bathey


7 Mindblowing Tips On Getting Established as an Expert In Your Field with No Competition

I was speaking recently with my friend Bonnie. Bonnie is a Facebook buddy but also a real life friend of a dozen+ years.  She’s always full of ideas for networking and promoting and she loves to help friends make the most of themselves.  Usually when Bonnie and I talk, it’s after church. The New Way POD has live music and the musicians and choir really rock.  So at the end of the service, my brain and my body are way over on the right hemisphere, dancing and singing for hours afterward.  Love drunk.  Bonnie, far more equal brained than I am, can hold a coherent conversation right afterward.  I, meanwhile, am just soaking up the vibe, and smiling is about all I can do.  And Bonnie, never superficial, is asking some remarkable questions she has been researching. Continue reading

7 Mindblowing Tips For Success In Your Field with No Competition

I was speaking recently with my friend Bonnie.  Bonnie is a Facebook buddy but also a real life friend of a dozen+ years.  She’s always full of ideas for networking and promoting and she loves to help friends make the most of themselves.  Usually when Bonnie and I talk, it’s after church. The New Way POD has live music and the musicians and choir really rock.  So at the end of the service, my brain and my body are way over on the right hemisphere, dancing and singing for hours afterward.  Love drunk.  Bonnie, far more equal brained than I am, can hold a coherent conversation right afterward.  I, meanwhile, am just soaking up the vibe, and smiling is about all I can do.  And Bonnie, never superficial, is asking some remarkable questions she has been researching. Continue reading

Great Jobs for Women at Menopause: Rolling with the Ch-Ch-Changes

In 10 Great Jobs for Midlife Women, Aaron Crowe wrote, “ ran a list of 10 great jobs for midlife women. It’s a short list of jobs meant to feed your passion, and I think they could work just as well for a man as a woman.  They’re jobs in growing sectors that don’t rely on youth but on experience, and offer flexible hours and the ability to work remotely. And they pay well.  These jobs may make you want to change your life, according to And if they don’t, they should at least give you some ideas on how to find your passion and turn it into a job.”  Continue reading