Category Archives: Uncategorized

I’m Still Seeking Referrals for Accurate Psychic Readers

2-9-14 reading at Book and Bead copyMost of you know that I publish Horizons (Florida’s new age magazine), and have a psychic reading practice as well. I am not doing them right now and need someone to refer appointments to for psychic readings (not spiritual counseling, not intuitive advice.) Someone who can give accurate, detailed info about what is happening now and predictions for the future. If you know someone consistently accurate, let me know. Here’s the deal: I get calls for far more readings than I can schedule. If you want to be considered for referral by clients who call me for a reading, this is what I need from you:  Give me a sample reading by Facebook message or email to on any area of my life.  For the sample reading:   Continue reading

Seeing My World Through Someone Else’s Eyes

A friend stopped by yesterday, and they’d never visited before so I had to take them on the tour.  I always like the chance to see my place with new eyes, as I do when I show it to a new visitor.  But it can also put me in that mode of doing a frantic show and tell, wanting them to not miss one magical thing; all the while knowing I may be the only one who sees enchantment of it all. I surprise myself by getting nervous with new visitors, mostly since my home is not decorated in typical style.  I never know what they really think of all the altars and art and guru/saint portraits, with the meditation area and the bookcases of books being the focal point.  I realized at the last minute that I had no sitting area where 2 people could sit and face each other to talk.  We’re usually all facing the same way during meditation, or in a circle on the floor, sitting on cushions.  I never presume that a new guest is comfortable sitting on the floor, so I quickly arranged a sitting area at a table, like normal people have. Continue reading

The Zen of Farmville on Facebook? WTF?

Facebook is an idle relaxation time for me, when I have a few moments free, but am not free enough to actually leave the computer.  It lets me check up on what real life friends are doing, when I don’t have time to telephone and visit with them.  It lets me feel I am in the social loop, even if I can’t attend the local events.  Lots of my Facebook friends I don’t know at all, but am glad to expand who I interact with to be exposed to a variety of viewpoints. A lot of them post motivational quotes, which I usually skip over unless they include a personal comment.  I’ve been reading one liners like that my whole life – I’m on Facebook to learn what someone else thinks, not to hear a rehashing.  Post a quote, but also comment on what made you choose that one, right now.  I mostly like to know what people are doing in their ordinary lives.  That’s what lets me get to know them and want to follow what they say.  Those are the people who are on my Facebook News Feed. Continue reading

Keeping Track of Stacks of Books

One of my bookcases

One of my walls of bookshelves

Whew!  I just put 51 new books on the low shelves next to the reading nook.  I have lots of books. One way I keep track of them is to keep an ongoing list of all the titles, so in case I want to know if I have something, I can do a word search for it.  I have 589 on the list right now on Christmas 2009.  Actually, this number does not include the maybe 100 books of my own collection from before I began my list.  They get moved around quite a bit.  When books first arrive, I log them in and then I put them on the lower shelves by the main reading nook.  I have several areas for sitting and reading, all next to different bookshelves.  After each has been read, they move on to a more permanent location, typically by topic or author. Now if I could just keep track of where each title actually is, I’d be set.

The End of Death As We Know It

It Can be Exhausting Everyone Pretending To Be Happy At The Holidays – Moving Up The Emotional Scale

musical-notes-butterfliesA week before Christmas and we’re well into the stressful end of the year and just waiting for it all to be over with.  I just finished hearing from 4 friends, one after another, none of whom know each other, and it was the same conversation from each.  These are spiritual people who are just overloaded with the commercial marketing part of the holiday season.  They say how exhausted everyone they know is from pretending this is such a happy time of year.  They say they don’t know anyone who’s really happy now, that it’s just a season to be filled with obligatory gifts, unwanted visits and flare-ups of family tension. Continue reading

Writing your book? Vanity presses, self publishing, publishing

I emailed last week with Cassandra Yorgey upon the topic of friends who self publish, to understand the implications of using LuLu, a vanity press, versus a traditional publishing model. It’s important to be clear on what it is and what the differences are because vanity presses are sometimes deceitful.  I told her that I have friends all the time who are working on books and ask me about book publishers, which I know zilch about.  But some seem to think Lulu is the way to go.  Not wanting to be an author, I don’t care enough about it to want to research it myself. I asked her is there somewhere I could refer them to?  Is there a good site or blog post that gives helpful basic info to the ones who ask me to be referred somewhere for info? Continue reading

Lottery Winner Abraham Shakespeare Missing in Bizarre Story

While I’m busy finishing up the January Horizons Magazine, I posted on Facebook yesterday: will all my psychic friends take a moment to read this story, tune in to this gentleman and give any specific info that might be helpful. If you email  me at about it, I can keep track of when more than one person gets the same info. That’s not possible to do when info is being publicly posted in the comments.

Lottery winner Abraham Shakespeare – Woman Says Missing Man Publicity Upended Life By Merissa Green.    LAKELAND | The woman who says she helped missing Florida Lottery winner Abraham Shakespeare disappear now says she desperately wants him to come back.    “I felt like I was helping a man that got taken advantage of,” Dorice “DeeDee” Moore said, tears streaming down her face. “In the same respect, I ended up with all his mess. That was not worth all the money in the world.”   The Polk County Sheriff’s Office on Tuesday posted a $5,000 reward for anyone who could help locate Shakespeare. Continue reading

Compassion, Constructive Criticism and the Sunburned Grinch in WalMart

angry devilI live in Central Florida, an hour east of Disney and 15 miles from the Atlantic Ocean.  It’s 75 degrees here this week; our typical holiday weather.  Yesterday I was in WalMart having a fun conversation, as I often do, in the checkout line with an older gentleman, in his 70’s-80’s. A 30-ish woman walks up in line behind him, clearly sunburned, and he jokes “getting a sunburn in wintertime, that will make the folks up north jealous.”  She replied “keep your comments to yourself assh*le.” He looked crushed and humiliated. I put my arm around him and said, “if we had that sunburn, we’d be grouchy too.” and I let her go ahead of me. He gave me a wink. That wink made me feel so happy. Continue reading

Abraham-Hicks on Thriving in the New World Economy; Fine Tuning Manifestation

Fine Tuning Manifestation.  In this video, Abraham helps us understand how a very subtle difference in our understanding of the Vortex and our relationship to it can make all the difference in the world, of the abundance that flows to us. It’s so easy to let the circumstances that surround us set the tone of our vibration and therefore determine our point of attraction, but it does not have to be that way. We can control what we attract. This is Abraham’s best illustration of how to discover what’s holding us up; identify the “missing piece” of the puzzle, and stop unconsciously disallowing the things we desire. It feels so good to understand this stuff! Continue reading

A New Crop Of Baby Hawks Are Back In The ‘Hood

It’s that time of year again and the new hawks are here.  The one I see is rather small and whitish, which means he is a fledgling.  Hawks gestation is 28 days and they fledge at 45 days.  Hawk medicine has to do with being patient and observing.   I spent some time at the firepit yesterday, rearranging the stones and bricks.  I always have dry kindling and logs, although everything around me was dampened by the light drizzly rain of the last few days.  Water droplets were still dripping off the oak leaves onto me, but the small fire burned cleanly, barely any smoke, cooking my sweet potato to perfection.  Continue reading