Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Psychic Reads the Auras of the Real Housewives of Orange County. How the aura and energy field appear to me.

Last night I caught the Housewives of Orange County on Bravo TV and Vicki had a slumber party for the gals. As a surprise to them, she invites over psychic Dougall Fraser who gave them all aura readings. It was pretty funny, since everything he told them he could have learned on last year’s show.  Particularly comical was when he told Tamra she had “a blue aura, indicating truth and wisdom.”  Yes, Tamra who does nothing but diss and lie and connive. Of course, Tamra and Vicki, who invited the psychic, are best buds now and still ganging up against Gretchen.  The psychic of course had a caveat over the relationship Gretchen has now with Slade Smiley. Coincidence I guess since Vicki and Tamra don’t like Slade. Despite Gretchen saying she didn’t want a reading, Fraser had to play to the camera – and to whoever paid him – and give her a very public one. Gretchen has a point when she says in her blog “I don’t want to have someone instill doubt in me about a relationship or my future.” And I think it’s always amusing to hear anyone tell someone what their aura looks like, what color it is and what it means.  Don’t get me started on that. Continue reading

Overnight Camping In My Backyard Woods Defrags My Stress

3-08-firepit-5-72After a high of about 72 yesterday, it went down to 50 degrees last night, when I thought it was going to be 60 again.  There’s not much difference between 50 and 60 now that I got a taste last week of what 27 feels like. I’d forgotten to glance at the weather channel, but I was in a hurry.  I’d finished up the February Horizons Sunday and had cabin fever from being glued to my desk for 10 days straight.  I went outside and set up a lean-to tent in my west woods, so I could be outside in the open, in nature with the trees.  Out under the stars, where I could be “out of the box” – out of the house of full of wires and electricity and equipment.  No clocks, no phones, no computers.  Yes, I was in a hurry yesterday evening to set up a little camp outside so I could defrag from final layout week.  Nothing relaxes me more than watching the night sky and the small critters make their nightly way up and down the paths in my little patch of woods here. Continue reading

DUI, DWLS, Probation, PCP and False Positives

Don’t risk it

A 62 year old long time friend went to court this month for a DUI – driving under the influence.  She’s not a regular drinker, she doesn’t do drugs, she’s as straight arrow as they come. Christmas Eve she had one glass of wine at dinner with friends, and her slow driving back home got her pulled over.  She did the breathalyzer test and was charged with DUI.  Afterward, we had the talk about don’t get caught driving  – anywhere.  But the week after the DUI, she drove 6 blocks to the laundromat since the one in her building was out of service.  She got stopped. So now it’s a DWLS (driving while license suspended) as well as the DUI.  I wrote on Facebook, “It snowballs! Don’t risk it!”

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The Florida Frost Bite Changes My Landscape and Causes Serious Reflection

Floridians who have plants that died of frostbite this week, do not cut them back now. In a few weeks – after you see new growth on the live parts – would be the time to cut them back. You’ll handicap the plant if you cut the dead looking stuff off right now. What looks dead isn’t always dead.   Yesterday I wrapped my surviving arbicola up in wine colored sheets and indian blankets.  The frostbitten turk’s cap bushes made great frames for draping the fabric over to cover the tall plants. Some good news is that with so many plants dead to the ground, I now see I have hundreds of loquat seedlings, and they are cold hardy to 10 degrees.

With so many plants gone, do I make the choice of being in the Now or prepaving the future?  Can I do both?  Yes, I can do both.    In the Now, my plants under the oak and palm canopy are free of frostbite.  In a few months, everything that was not under the canopy will be back green and strong.  But I also appreciate the soft, dark, blackfrosted leaves that will fall any day now; they have an exquisite beauty all their own, telling of a life well lived, and they will become mulch for the new growth in Spring.  If I can’t see the beauty in the Now, if I can’t look at my frostbitten plants and feel good about them now, then I can turn my thoughts to being hopeful about what they will look like soon.  It’s helpful to remember, when looking at death, that it’s simply a cycle and that Spring always follows Winter. Continue reading

As a Journalist, How Do I Spin My Stories and Why? Why Do I Choose to Focus on What’s Right With the World?

Everyone has their own agenda for how they want the world around them to work.  The media knows the best way to get people to think and act a particular way is to proclaim publicly that people already think and act that way.  Have you noticed that?  The media is smart.  They know if they can draw enough attention to a particular thoughtform, that thoughtform becomes strengthened and takes on a life of its own.  What this amounts to is self fulfilling prophecy.  The weatherman talks about gloomy skies and rain and we all get bummed out and attract more gloomy skies.  The news anchor talks about everyone pulling out of the stock market, so everyone starts pulling out of the stock market.  Someone publicly proclaims a certain ethnic group as terrorists and… you get my drift.  When people hear it and see it often enough in print that they begin to believe it’s true. An amazing number of voters believe that what they see in the media is accurate.  And that’s what they count on, “they” being the big dollar wielding buyers of advertising, who have their own agenda of what they want you to believe.  And they always want you to believe you need what they are trying to sell you, whether it’s a product or a politician. Continue reading

Meditation Twice a Day Keeps the Outside World at Bay

Sit twice a day

Sit twice a day

At 4:00 each morning and afternoon, I sit for meditation.  For me, an hour twice a day keeps the outside world at bay.  That doesn’t mean I deny the existence of the outside, physical, material 3D world, simply that I keep a safe distance from it.  No matter what is going on around me, every 12 hours I take time to sit and re-connect with that deep, peaceful place within me.  I have a place of deep inner peace because I take daily time to cultivate it each time I sit to meditate.  Meditation can be likened to the fog that you walk in and then are surprised to arrive home soaking wet.

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Who John Edward Refers Callers to for Psychic Readings

john_edward_psychicWhen I get calls for referrals to psychic readers, I only refer from personal experience.  About 10 years ago I met John Edward, psychic medium of Crossing Over fame, and immediately he was giving me information and details that no one knew.  This is who John Edward refers people to:

For contact with the Other Side  (Mediumship readings):
Robert Brown  516-867-0433
Jonathan Louis  1-888-368-1242
Char Margolis Continue reading

When Spiritual Types Try To Blend 3D Life With Inner Guidance

The other day at Getting Clear on Finances to Begin the New Year, I wrote that I was getting ready to open all my credit card notices that would tell me rates are changing unless I opted out.  One Facebook friend commented:  “Can I add here without everyone getting their knickers in a twist? There is no debt-this whole gig with the banks, and the economy just proved that for those at the top. There is NO debt- you owe No one! Believe, and it is so.”   I asked her what her advice be to someone who has $20,000 in credit card debt, bad credit, who just got laid off and has no savings, and can only make the minimum payments on half the credit cards they have?  I asked her, “What would you advise them to do?” Continue reading

Getting Clear on Finances to Begin the New Year

credit cardsYesterday I did all the dreaded administrative stuff I save to do until I can’t put it off any later in the year.  I mean, it being December 30th and all.  I spent 2.5 hours filling out a 250+ questionnaire for my merchant provider to make sure I have a secure system. I called my computer genius Chuck to help me through the techie parts.  The rest were pretty simple since I’m just one person and not a big company with networked system computers and other personnel.  I passed – yay!

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Happy New Year’s Eve Eve

Yesterday was a productive day.  After the Undercarriage Incident of last week, I took my car to Brian at B & B Automotive, referred by my pal Bo Frazer who also has a Toyota Prius.  It was neat seeing the car up on the rack, checking out what all was underneath.  It was easy to see how the undercarriage part fit together and how it had become free.  So Brian ordered the replacement part from Toyota and he can replace it for me next week.  I’d spoken to Brian first thing in the morning and he told me to stop by about 5pm and see if he had a lift free.  My spidey sense alerted me at 3:30 to get in the car and drive over there an hour early.  As I arrived, Brian said it was good timing, that he just now got a lift available.  I love it when I listen.

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