Category Archives: Uncategorized

FREE Hayhouse Giveaway – Two Free Passes to Dr. Brian Weiss in Florida – March 13, 2010 in Fort Lauderdale

At Dr. Brian Weiss in Florida – Release Anxieties and Fears By Unlocking the Doors to Your Past, I wrote: Dr. Brian Weiss astonished the world of psychiatry with the theories of past-life regression therapy detailed in his best-selling book, Many Lives, Many Masters. Brian has become known as the nation’s foremost expert in the field. This highly experiential intensive workshop explores the latest in hypnotic regression therapy.  Hayhouse has donated two free passes to the March 13, 2010 10am to 5pm Many Lives, Many Masters: Experiencing Your Past Lives event at the Broward County Convention Center in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. I am not sure yet if one winner will be chosen randomly to receive both free passes, or if two winners will be chosen.  Do you have any thoughts on that?  Email your name, address and phone number to  Your name, address, phone number and email address will not be shared with anyone but Hayhouse so they can get the passes to you.  The random drawing will take place on on Full Moon Sunday February 28th, 2010.


Reprogramming My Belief System To Let Me Live a Better Life

Sleepytime Master 5x5x72I have self hypnosis audio files, mp3s and cds I’ve created and, while I don’t actively try to sell them, I have them at the old website.  So when all of a sudden I have a few dozen downloads out of nowhere, I always wonder how they found me and why they came in a clump.  The most recent clump came for my Sleepytime Recharge, and it’s the second best seller.  The feedback includes I really appreciate your cds.   They came at the right time and they are very good.   They are making a major change in how I view my life  and I wanted to say thank you.” and I used to think I had chronic fatigue or was depressed, but I think now it was all related to my habit of thinking.  Thank you for helping me change that.”   And “I have more energy now, more clarity and feel motivated because of the suggestions on your cds. Your voice sounds just like I thought it would, like an angel.   It is so soothing and comforting to hear your words in your voice and know a difference is being made in my life. Thank you for making life good again.”  Wow. Continue reading

Keeping Your Dollar Karma Clean by Being Honest on Your Taxes

Cash is hard to come by these days. So it’s not unusual to see barter arrangements between taxpayers.  You’ve probably even done a little of this yourself: No money actually changes hands, so it’s almost as if the transaction didn’t happen, right? Not exactly. The fair market value of goods and services that you receive in exchange for those you provide must be included as income on your tax return even though you don’t receive payment in a traditional way. If you’re not sure how to start bartering, consider a barter exchange.  A barter exchange is an organization with members that contract with each other to jointly barter for credits. Since they are strictly regulated by the IRS, you’ll receive a form 1099-B from the exchange indicating the amount of income to be reported.  What are tax consequences of bartering? Continue reading

Recalling Past Valentines and Why I Don’t Have One Now

Valentine 2015 RumiTrue Valentine’s Day story.  I had a 3 day weekend one President’s Day in the early 80’s and decided to go on a cruise out of  Miami to Nassau.  I didn’t even consider that it was also Valentine’s Day weekend.  The entire cruise was couples, with very few solo.  The Greek crew members all paid special attention to the single women and it was quite a fiasco, since I like hanging out alone.  I also got seasick for the first time ever, after having been on small boats my whole life.  When I went into Nassau, I saw my father and his wife on the cover of The Sunday Miami Herald when I’d not been prepared for the story. It was quite the memorable Valentine Day weekend. Here’s  pdf of the article I saw –> Hermits Face Disruptions in Big Cypress Hideaway.

Happy Valentine’s Day.  Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.   (From Essential Rumi by Coleman Barks)  I’m grateful for each one of you, sent to me as a guide.  You are truly my valentines. Continue reading

Vibrational matching: Read the news or read the funnies, it’s your choice

Remember when you were a kid and the newspaper would come, and dad would take the front page, mom would take the lifestyle section and the kids would get the comics first?  We’d all sit at breakfast and Dad would fuss at the news headlines, and mom would comment about what she was reading, to lighten the mood.  As kids, we’d just be reading the comics and not paying attention to much of anything either of them said, lost in our own little world of Dennis the Menace, Peanuts, and Calvin and Hobbes.  For the kids, Sunday morning was for reading the Sunday funnies (in color!) and thinking of what fun things could be done with a day off.  For Dad, Sunday morning was for catching up on the bad news of the week all at one time.  What he read in the paper determined what his mood was going to be all day.  After reading the Sunday paper, we kids were ready to play and have fun while Daddy was bummed out and disheartened over the state of the the world.  Not a vibrational match for a fun day.  Or a fun life. Continue reading

Where are All the Spiritual Stores in Florida? Especially in the Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice Florida area

I had a mystery solved this week.  I’d suddenly gotten a bunch of new subscriptions from the Sarasota area, and whenever that happens it’s usually because a store that carried them moved or closed. That wasn’t the case this time, simply that some locals were having conflicts with a particular store.  I didn’t want to get into who or why, but their conflict meant more subscribers for me.  I don’t have salespeople visiting all the stores, so I rely on the Horizons readers to let me know where the new locations are.  I’m glad to send Horizons out to any stores as a gift for their customers.  So West Coast Florida friends, I am asking you to tell me where the current metaphysical, new age, or pagan and feminist bookstores are in the Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice areas are. You can email me

For that matter, let me know your favorite local bookstore for spiritual fare, located anywhere in Florida.  Let’s share the Love.

Spiritual People Squabble Over Personality Stuff Because It’s How We Learn. Some Learn Faster Than Others

A new Facebook friend posted the other day: “Well, it a new day, time to laugh at our individual and collective seriousness. There is nothing here that cannot be beautifully raised into the light of dawn….who’s ready to let go their version of the ancient hatred?

I commented: “Hatred and grumpiness is too time consuming for me. I have squirrels to watch and birds to feed. I see the humor in their squabbling amongst themselves. Who wants the biggest seed? Who ends up with the most seeds? From here it’s just comical. For them, maybe not so much.”  Continue reading

I Get Reminders to Keep Eating Healthy – Deja Vu All Over Again

I see I wrote at Tummy Bug, I Can Control My Perception a post that almost mirrors this week’s experience.  Wednesday night I came down with a little tummy ick that had me down for the count for 24 hours. I think it was really the fact that I’d eaten too heavy rather than a bug, but then I had a fever and chills and sweats all night, so who knows?  The body does all sorts of things when it is ridding the body of toxins.  I also see at Getting to know how my body works that reminds me that I’ve been overdoing it with the Chinese food and chicken & rice again, too.  Hmmm, once or twice a year I see I’ve let myself do that.  I’m glad I blogged about it so I could have a record to learn by.

I find what works best for me is to keep my meals light, with maybe a hearty meal no more than twice a week, and not two days in a row, either. I have to remember that at my age and level of physical activity, I don’t need to have a hearty meal – ever.  That also means separating what I eat from what brings me emotional comfort.  I can’t just sit and mindlessly ingest snacks.  I have to remember that bread and rice moves through my system slowly.  I have to remember that if I eat bread or rice, 5 hours later it is still in my stomach.  That is something to remember if I am going to eat 5 hours later – that my stomach may already be half full even though I feel hungry. Continue reading

The Healing Power of… Asparagus? Why Not? Brain Imaging Shows Beliefs Can Cause Biological Changes

asparagus soupThe other day I wrote in How to Get Lots Done Even When You Feel Low Energy that I’d woken feeling very lethargic, feeling as though I had 10 pound weights at my arms and legs, and like I was in slow motion, underwater.  Picking up the lawn sprinkler, it felt like it weighed 20 pounds.  Mentally I felt a little foggy but mood wise I felt great.  Every move I made exhausted me, yet I felt compelled to keep moving (and hydrating).  I also felt compelled, at the end of the day, to drive to the market for some fresh asparagus to make an asparagus and mushroom soup for dinner. I’ve learned to follow my cravings, it is my body talking to me.  I had a fridge full of food and felt almost too exhausted to drive, but felt compelled to run out for asparagus.  I made a beautiful light soup for dinner, a seasoned low fat chicken broth with mushrooms and spices and an entire bunch of fresh asparagus.  I nibbled the soup all evening and awoke the next day feeling completely restored to health. Continue reading

How to Get Lots Done Even When You Feel Low Energy

I got lots done yesterday, despite feeling kinda low energy and sloth-like all day.  I woke up feeling kinda like in a dream where your body is going slow motion, and objects are very heavy.  I didn’t know what it was all about, but the day before was the heaviest physical workday of the month for me, at the end of 2 weeks being nose to the grindstone, so I figured I needed to hydrate after all the muscle use, and that was making me feel sore and slow. Whatever it was, it lasted all day, so I ate light and didn’t go into the office Saturday as I had planned.  Day off! Continue reading