Category Archives: Uncategorized

Balancing my checkbook, balancing my sleep routine

I went to the market yesterday morning and bought some fresh asparagus, snow peas and organic broccoli.  I’ve been craving fresh greens and have eaten a lot of them the past two weeks.  Yesterday I got on the scale for the first time in a week and I was down five pounds!  Wow, and without trying, I like that.  I even bought a rotisserie chicken and ate that for 3 days.  I avoided starches while I had my head/chest  congestion, so that likely caused the weight loss.  I don’t even think about my weight now, which is cool. It took a couple of years of consciously eating the things that are best for me to develop my new eating habit, b ut now it’s second nature.   I’ve been wanting a lot of light vegetable soups lately, and I make a small one or two serving soup at a time so I can have a different one each day. Continue reading

You May Be Doing a Lot Better Than You Think You Are

A friend wrote on Facebook last week, “Sometimes I worry that I am not accomplishing enough. That I am not growing into some unknown ideal, on a soul level, fast enough. It’s as if I am expecting, at any moment, for God to walk up to me and give me a ticket for soul-loitering. Now silly is that?” Through the years, so many friends have mentioned detailed ideas to me that I encouraged them to consider selling the design or producing it, but at the time they lacked the experience or the belief that what they had developed was good enough to sell.  I see these items on the market now 10 and 20 years later by other people.  When we’re not sure is when we have a lot of Power.  When we are in that uncertain place, that place of doubt, if we act as though the Power is completely behind us, It will be.

The best mother thinks she’s the worst mother and the worst mother thinks she’s the best mother. If you have an idea and are having doubts about it, that’s good news.  You might just be on to something.  And if you think your life is just doing okay, you’re probably doing a lot better than you think you are.

Natural Anxiety Relief, When I Let It All Get To Me

This past week and a half I’ve had a lot of head and chest congestion and when that happens, it’s easy for me to let myself get backed up in my work.  Much of what I do is by phone, so when I can’t do hours worth of calls each day, the work begins to pile up on me.  When I’m feeling stressed and rushed and overwhelmed, that’s when I’m glad to know about natural, herbal alternatives like Valerian and St. John’s Wort, which affect the same brain pathways as anti-anxiety drugs like Xanax.   Read more: “Valerian and St. John’s Wort for Anxiety: Relieving Anxiety and Depression with Mild Natural Herbs”. Continue reading

Do You See 336-970-4221 On Your Caller ID? They are *NOT PHISHERS* It’s Wachovia/Wells Fargo

UPDATE:  I WROTE THE BELOW POST EARLIER AND IT IS WRONG. THIS IS WACHOVIA/WELLS FARGO. If you see 336-970-4221 on your caller id, or have gotten a call from your bank telling you a loan payment is late when you know it is not, these people are PHISHING for your personal information in order to scam you or even steal your identity.  Read the experience others have had with this phone number.  I was checking voice mail and see this number called several times in one day but left no message.  Be safe.  When in doubt, Google it and go to And never give personal info out to anyone who calls you.  I AM LEAVING THIS UP FOR PEOPLE TO SEE.  THESE ARE NOT PHISHERS, IT IS WACHOVIAWELLS FARGO AND I WAS LATE ON A PAYMENT WITHOUT KNOWING IT – I checked my own files to tell me this.



The Importance Of Having Friends Who Call You On Your Stuff

I’ve had a headcold for the past few days.  I always keep my Facebook friends posted with what I’m doing, so yesterday I wrote:  <wakes up, takes swig of Nyquil, thinks about soup, passes back out>  A girlfriend, who pulls no punches, joked – although we both knew it was no joke: “Andrea, why the heck are you manifesting illness? What is it about being sick you wish to experience?”  I love having friends who call me on my stuff! Continue reading

*HOAX* Hidden Spy Cameras and Microphones Found Inside Digital TV Box – This is Untrue

Popular videos circulating on You Tube show the discovery of a spy camera and a microphone hidden inside a digital TV converter box.  Such devices are part of a government and industry surveillance program that is undoubtedly connected to the forced digital TV switchover being rolled out in the UK and US.  “I could not believe my eyes,” states the blurb accompanying the video clip, “I have a friend who is kind of a conspiracy theorist. He was trying to convince me that many of the digital TV convert boxes that are coming out have microphones and cameras built into them. Knowing a bit about electronics I bought one of these devices opened it up fully intending on proving him wrong. To my surprise he was right. This device has both a miniature camera lens and what looks like a microphone. I was so shocked I took pictures and video. Please send this out to everyone you know who is using one of these devices.” Continue reading

Why I Shout Out To Psychic Friends To Help With Missing Persons and Criminal Investigations

Yesterday I wrote Asking Psychic Friends For Info in the Melbourne Beach Death of Nurse Kelly Brennan and the next post was Realtor Sheila Trott, Estranged Wife of former Mayor, Arrested in Beachside Slaying of Recovery Room Heart Nurse Kelly Brennan.  I’d posted on Facebook asking my psychic friends to take a moment to read the story, tune in to the matter and email any specific info that might be helpful.  I do a shout out like that when there are missing persons or crimes like this, that it would be helpful to have the blanks filled in to save investigation time. It gives a chance for all the Facebook friends who promote their psychic services to put their skills to work. Continue reading

Realtor Sheila Trott, Estranged Wife of former Mayor, Arrested in Beachside Slaying of Recovery Room Heart Nurse Kelly Brennan

Yesterday I wrote Asking Psychic Friends For Info in the Melbourne Beach Death of Nurse Kelly Brennan, whose body was found earlier this week.  John Torres of Florida Today reports: “Last night Brevard County sheriff’s agents arrested a 44-year-old Indialantic woman Wednesday evening in the killing of her former friend, a 46-year-old nurse.  Sheila Trott, a Realtor and the estranged wife of former Indialantic Mayor Daniel Trott, was taken into custody about 5 p.m. She was arrested on a charge of first-degree murder. Sheriff’s agents said there was a clear motive for the crime, but they would not reveal it. Continue reading

Asking Psychic Friends For Info in the Melbourne Beach Death of Nurse Kelly Brennan

While I’m busy finishing up the March Horizons Magazine, I posted on Facebook: “Will all my psychic friends take a moment to read this story, tune in to this matter Investigators found woman’s car overnight and give any specific info that might be helpful. If you email me about it, I can keep track of when more than one person gets the same info. That’s not possible to do when info is being publicly posted in the comments.” Continue reading