Category Archives: Uncategorized

Stepping Out of the Frantic, Urgent Mode

Yesterday they delivered the April Horizons Magazine and we spent the day getting it into the mail and to the drivers.  Subscribers: look for it by Friday. Stores: you’ll have it earlier. Each month I am surprised by how quickly the time flies in between one issue of the magazine and the next.  My free time doesn’t begin the day the magazine goes to the printer, it begins a week later after the magazine has been delivered and all distributors have checked in.  Then I get to sleep in and spend a few days running errands and attending to the rest of my life until I need to glue myself to the computer once again 10 days later.  It’s a schedule that works well for me, however I have a tendency to try to hurry up and work as much as I can so that I can take lots of time off later.  Later of course, that never comes. Continue reading

My Day at Jiffy Lube and Tire Kingdom

Since I stay busy with work and always have a bunch of big and little things to do, I’ve learned some tips and tricks that keep me motivated and not getting overwhelmed by it all.  When I have to do maintenance type chores, like getting my oil changed, I put it on my To Do List so I can see it each day until I can stir up the entusiasm to jump up and get it done.  I’ve had “change oil” on the list for 2 months, and yesterday morning I woke up wanting to go right to Jiffy Lube.  I didn’t even step into the office first, I just jumped out of bed and left. That was my signal that I was in the perfect vibrational place to have a quick and easy experience.  Continue reading

The Power of a Sisterhood Circle

I sat with some friends Sunday morning to welcome a new sacred space one of them had created in her side yard.  Almost hidden beneath a huge and tangled Brazilian pepper tree, she’s created a magical faeryland with a tent as her writing and meditation room.  I haven’t asked everyone permission, so I am not naming names, but it’s not the names that matter. What matters is that we’re a group that has come together in synchronistic fashion and as we all sat together, some of us for the first time in person, we all felt the bond of our sisterhood.  Aged 28 to 58, we sat in a circle and honored the intention of the dedication of this sacred space.  Continue reading

Welcome, Spring

finished the April issue of Horizons Magazine yesterday and headed outside to do some hand watering for a few hours.  I can see the turk’s cap and arbicola are coming back, and the mulberry tree is loaded with new leaves and small berries.  I have 3 loquat trees all getting fruit at the same time, and the live oaks have all dropped their dead leaves as the new ones have come on.  The entire property floor is covered in fallen oak leaves and everywhere I walk there is a crunch, crunch.  I’m once again under a high canopy of shade, and getting a little more privacy now that the live oaks are waking back up.  I walked around with my clippers and pruned the frostburnt ends off.  I made a few dozen cuttings and stuck them in the ground for a privacy hedge by next summer.  I talked to the orchid tree, bent her branches and gave her a few taps to wake her up.  She’s shown me dozens of baby orchid blooms in the past week. Continue reading

Don’t represent yourself in Court if you don’t know the law – especially when your home is on the line

blindfoldedA friend has let a lawsuit get out of hand without legal representation and he’s about to lose his house because of it. He thinks it’s not fair, and has sent long, long letters to the Court. I told him what he sent is not a legal response. He got advice online on what to send the Court.  I read his formal response and he doesn’t cite relevant case law. I told him to go to the law library. He said finding info online is “easier”.  I told him what he finds online includes people’s opinions of what they think the law is and someone else takes it as gospel and loses in court.  PEOPLE: Don’t let that be you. Continue reading

What’s in a name? Anagraming your name for self discovery

“Nice airhead damsel.”  “A shielded American.”  “I’m a deadline chaser.”  What do these 3 phrases have in common? They are all anagrams, or phrases made up using all the letters of my first and last name.  One recent popular anagram is the name of the movie, October Sky, which is an anagram of Rocket Boys, the title of the book the movie was based on. They anagrammed it to give more credibility and better market appeal to moviegoers.  Rearranging the letters of “Clint Eastwood” gives “Old West action,” “Madonna Louise Ciccone” gives “Occasional nude income,” and “William Shakespeare,” “I am a weakish speller.” Continue reading

Everything frost burnt is growing back!

I like the daylight saving time, because I like daylight later into the night.  Yesterday evening I was hand watering plants, and I noticed that all the arbicola that had been frost burnt back in January was all growing back.  All of it, all up along the stalk new sprouts and leaves were coming on.  I was so glad I’d not cropped them when they looked dead.  I could see they still had life force in their energy field.  Thank you Barbara Brennan and Donna Eden for teaching me to read auras so I could interpret the energy field.

The live oak trees are getting their new leaves and filling out, and the same with the mulberry tree, which now has a gazillion tiny mulberries.  The loquats didn’t lose their leaves, but now they are all filling with loquats.  The cold will have made them sweet.  The laurel oaks did not lose their leaves, the orchid tree that lost everything has new leaves. Even the grass seed put down by the city after they installed the city water pipes is growing green and tall.  It seems new growth is everywhere.

A good sign.

The Florida Frost Bite Changes My Landscape
Welcoming Transformation: The Gift of Change
Florida Record Low Temps Changing My Perception of Cold

Talking Instead of Listening: L.A. Ink, Season 5 Episode 4

Last night I watched L.A. Ink for the first time in awhile. I see Kat Von D has had some facial plastic done, as her face has that weirdly frozen above the upper lip line look.  She used to have a beautiful fluid smile.  In tonight’s episodes, Kat hires a new employee and Liz Friedman comes in with no background in the business, and with all sorts of ideas.  She opens by telling the camera that she’s smarter than most people she knows.  She sees herself as the new shop manager, when it appears she’s been hired to help out.  The first two days Liz reminds everyone that she comes from a corporate background, that she’s used to running the show.  She’s a wise ass, she’s sarcastic and her humor revolves around cutting people down.  Continue reading

Talking about it: My Kimberly-Clark Poise Pad Experiment

A friend on Facebook posted a link to Whoopie Goldberg’s LBL video about Great Women in History It’s a cute and funny presentation about LBL, light bladder leakage.  She posted it the week I had my giant coughing going on, so I could totally relate.  I reposted the video and wrote: “A good post from a friend. And yes kegels exercises work if you work them. If your winter coughing makes you nervous in public, protect yourself.”  Then I decided I’d try an experiment. Continue reading