Category Archives: Uncategorized

How do you attract a new source of income?

A friend asked me, “Exactly what do you place on your “list” for a new source of income, job/career/whatever? How is it worded?  I am interested in working one. I now know ALL the stuff I DON’T want so I’m a whole lot clearer on what I do want. But not sure how to structure the list. Thanks.”

I responded, “I’m ready to attract a new source right now myself so I can free up some time. My script goes something like I have no idea where this new source of income will come from, nor how it will begin, nor how small of steps I may be making right now that I don’t even know I am making. I will keep my eyes out for clues as I continue doing what I do and do it in a happy and contented way since I know it’s all related.” Continue reading

Doctors Again Dabbling in Psychedelic Drugs

Interesting article and we’ve got some comments at the end.  In Doctors Again Dabbling in Psychedelic Drugs, Katie Drummond writes: (April 12) — Recent studies are offering compelling evidence that modern medicine should reconsider the use of hallucinogenic drugs in the treatment of several psychiatric disorders.  A handful of elite research institutions, including Johns Hopkins Medical Center, Harvard and New York University, are conducting tests on the potential for hallucinogens to offer beneficial, long-term changes to an individual’s brain chemistry.  Most of the current studies are concentrating on psilocybin, a key ingredient in the hallucinogen known as “magic mushrooms.” Continue reading

The Meanings of Natal Retrograde Planets

According to many astrologers, planets which were retrograde at the time of our birth indicate karmic lessons we’ve brought into this life.  Some say they’re an indication of latent genius in areas pertaining to the planet and sign in which the retrograde occurs, and which manifests later in life; still others, that those with retrograde planets are here to increase consciousness and create change on a global scale.  Others claim that those with retrograde planets in their natal charts are seldom seen as they actually are. In other words, their full and true potential is hidden, and that there is often much more to an individual with planets in retrograde than can be readily seen.  Because they are karmic in nature, this is an indication of a past life influence.  When a planet is retrograde in your natal chart, you will have some challenges in that area until the planet goes direct in your progressed chart.
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Personality Conflicts, Competition, It’s Just Souls Searching

I’ve been in business and on the planet long enough to know not to burn bridges.  The same people you are snarky to and unfair with in your youth will come back in positions to help you decades down the road, and they’ll end up halfway around the world to do it, if that’s what it takes.   So you save yourself a lot of personality conflict karma by giving that stuff up early on.  When I use the word karma, I mean karma as in cause and effect.  You do this, it sets that in motion.  It’s like a fanbelt, a boomerang, it’s a cycle going around and around, you know it’s coming back again.  You don’t know in what form it will return, but if you’re smart, you stay tuned for clues so you can nip it in the bud. Continue reading

Saturday is Saturn’s Day

Saturday is Saturn’s day – a day to direct our attention toward routine chores and personal responsibilities, a good day for furthering our ambitions through perseverance, patience, responsible action, and a sense of purpose.  Ask yourself some questions: How are you doing? Are you consciously heading in the direction you want to be going? Saturday is a good day for rest and relaxation, forming goals, and for giving and receiving recognition.  It’s a day to formulate new beginnings, new projects and ideas.  What’s next for you?

Friday is Venus’ Day, a Day for Sharing Pleasure

Friday is Venus’s Day: A day for lovers and pleasure, affairs of the heart, sharing, peace, beauty, gentleness, healing, protection. Venus is all about appreciation and gratitude.  Venus feels the love!  Take advantage of Venus on Friday by taking time out to:

* treat yourself to fresh flowers or a new plant
* redecorate, hang artwork of flowers and lovers on the walls
* indulge in a favorite fragrance, quality chocolate, beautiful, sensual music
* consciously choose acts of compromise, put others first today
* make choices based on bringing people together
* get a massage
* take time to touch and experience what you feel under your hands
* ratify your senses
* allow your artistic side full expression
* write in your book of positive aspects
* make a list of everything you appreciate

Friday is also a day to release old disputes. Let quarrels go today.
Experience the joy of life and seek to be with those you enjoy.
What time does your weekend start?

RELATED: Sessions with Andrea
Spiritual Astrology Reports – 3 Months Future Prediction

Mercury Retrograde De Mystified

retrograde-meansI think Mercury Retrograde  gets a bad rap.  Since Mercury rules communication, people love to say “oh everything’s going wrong, that’s Mercury retrograde for you,” and that’s not the case at all.  Mercury Retrograde just means review, reconsider, return for more info. Pay extra attention to detail.  Check everything twice.  Slow down during this time, to be as effective as you can be. Continue reading

What Not To Do When You Get Arrested

At Confession Prompted by Lies, Prisoner Fights for Freedom, Joel Alcox had been drinking heavily, had stayed up all night and had taken LSD when police arrested him in 1986 for the murder of a motel owner.  At first, Alcox insisted that he knew nothing about the murder, but over the course of six hours, his two police interrogators told him his fingerprints were found at the scene and that witnesses saw him there. Neither was true, but Alcox became convinced during interrogation that his own recollection was faulty and he accepted the facts presented to him by the police — even though some of that information was false. Finally, he broke down and he falsely confessed to the crime, under extreme duress. He has spent the past 23 years in prison for first-degree murder.  His attorney argues that Alcox was betrayed by a legal system in which police were allowed to lie to extract his confession. I was a criminal defense paralegal for 22 years.  I’ve seen it all. Continue reading

Thursday is Jupiter’s day

Thursday is Jupiter’s day, a day for vision, spiritual insight, growth, expansion, benevolence, generosity, business, attracting more of what you have.   Today’s influences are luck, religion, healing, employment, treasure, honors, riches, legal matters.  Decisions made on Thursdays tend to have greater impact than those made on other days.  Today, you learn more about yourself through those around you. You consider a larger context and your role in others’ lives. Thursday is a good day to broaden horizons, study a foreign culture, to socialize and have fun.  Be generous today, with your time and money, overtip, be gracious to everyone.

RELATED: Sessions with Andrea
Spiritual Astrology Reports – 3 Months Future Prediction

Wednesday is Mercury’s Day

WEDNESDAY IS MERCURY’S DAY. After Tuesday, even the calendar says WTF. Wednesday is the best day of the week for throat chakra work: communication and making connections, returning phone calls, holding meetings, saying what needs to be said. On hump day, we analyze our efforts so far during the week, and we pay attention to details. It’s a good day to refine plans and map out strategy, to bring intent into our conscious awareness. Wednesday is a day to collect information, learn the basics, handle several things at once, maintain mental control over your environment. Today Mercury helps you stay organized and detail oriented, no matter what is going on around you.

RELATED: Sessions with Andrea
Spiritual Astrology Reports – 3 Months Future Prediction