Category Archives: Uncategorized

I get asked about angels and spirit guides

I have a client named Shakti, who is also a Facebook friend. She often writes bold comments on my posts, but that’s mostly because English is her second language and it’s hard being subtle in English.  Think of Margaret Cho‘s impression of her mother, speaking choppy with an Asian accent, she says.  But her bluntness is good as it jars us into the Moment.  Earlier this week, she sent me a few links to websites of people who were channelling this spirit guide or yet another archangel Michael.  She asked me to respond to what each channelling said  – which I did not do – but she also asked me: “How can there be so many people saying they channel the archangels? The messages are all not all the same. Sometimes Archangel Michael sounds like he’s from Jersey. Don’t they know how crazy they sound in their ads? Shouldn’t the angels tell them to not sound crazy?Continue reading

Using the tarot for yes and no questions

Last night my friend Domino came by to talk about upcoming projects, and we pulled out the tarot cards to get some insight.  I used to use the tarot a lot more than I do now. Ninety percent of my reading work is by phone the last few years, so it had been more than a year since I’d gotten out the cards.  I like using them when someone is face to face with me. Tarot cards give them a focus, I like the symbolism, and it gives me tips and reminders, like sticky notes. I’d given Domino readings in the past, so I got quickly in the vibe. Continue reading

Abraham-Hicks Synopsis – Stop Telling The Old Story

I listened to the monthly Abraham-Hicks cd in the car Monday (San Rafael 8-1-09 workshop) – it’s such good stuff.  I’ve gotten their cd of the month for as long as they’ve offered it, and it was audiotapes before then.  I usually listen on my long drives up and down I-95,so I am not distracted by turns and stop signs and traffic.  I can just drive and listen, so it’s like being in a 90 minute workshop of theirs each month.  As I drive, I always have a writing station set up so I can quickly take notes. I’ll share highlights from the recent San Rafael workshop here: Continue reading

Favorite Abraham Hicks Processes

These processes are summaries of those recommended in the book Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks. They continue to be both fun and life changing for me, so I hope that you will have a similar experience.   Although most of these processes can be done in your head, your degree of focus while writing makes them much more powerful and effective in changing your point of attraction. Continue reading

You Can Tell By The Questions How Much Work Has Been Done

Yesterday I spent a half hour on the phone with a man who called about the mailbox visualization he read at A Creative Visualization to Attract Dollars.  You’re walking out to your mailbox, and you’re excited because you know good things are in the works for you. You’re opening your mailbox, and you see an unexpected big check payable to you. You’re thrilled, you’re excited, and you know there’s more where this came from. Yes! He wanted to know should the check be in an envelope or not?  Continue reading

Staying skilled and open to change in today’s employment market

Florida Today writes in Career centers brace for wave of clients that the end of the space shuttle program could send thousands of aerospace workers into joblessness later this year.  But this isn’t just about one sector’s struggles.  “If we don’t have aerospace workers going to a restaurant, using a dry cleaner or going to the doctor, you see a ripple effect start to happen.”  Career centers offer one-on-one and group help with skills training, career counseling and other support services.  I’m all for getting trained in relevant technology to keep up with the times.  It’s scary when what you’ve always done for a living is no longer viable.  But that means it’s time to move into a new area, time to get trained for the transition.  I wonder what else I would do? Continue reading

What I Did on Saturday

Yesterday I began the day by gathering some plants together for a galpal to pick up.  She recently bought a home with a big sunny yard and I had lots of cuttings and seedlings for her.  There were loquat seedlings, 2 big aloe plants, 2 pineapple plants, an areca palm, a live oak and a laurel oak, some jatropha almond, lemongrass, ginger and night blooming jasmine.  Yin Yang followed us as we wandered through the yard, but Izzy was nowhere to be seen.  He’s such a fraidy cat, but once he meets this pal in person, he will want to climb in her car and go home with her.  We found out that little oak seedlings have a long tap root and that aloe stays shallow.  The areca palm was remarkably easy to dig up, as were the two pineapple plants.I have a lot of ginger and as we cut a few new ones for her, we could smell the fragrance.  Mmmmm, nice. Continue reading

Remember an active hurricane season doesn’t mean any will make landfall

The news is at it again. In Consensus Growing for Active Hurricane Season, Paul Yeager writes:  When private forecasting company WSI increased the number of predicted tropical storms and hurricanes in its updated Atlantic hurricane forecast, it added to the growing consensus among forecasters that the 2010 season will be an active one.  Skeptics of the accuracy of seasonal forecasts are numerous, often citing the inability of forecasters to predict the weather for next week as evidence that a seasonal forecast is impossible to make with any accuracy and is therefore useless.  In fact, three private outlets, along with the federal government’s Climate Prediction Center, all correctly predicted that the 2009 season would be less active than the 2008 season. The initial forecast for all of the entities was for a greater number of storms than actually occurred. ### end of article excerpt Continue reading

Neurotheology: How God Changes Your Brain

 One of the emerging academic disciplines that many seekers are honing in on these days is the whole field of “neurotheology.” Basically what is going on here is the application of scientific method to the study of God. We know, for example, what the brain looks like when it is focused on anger. Brain scans also reveal what the brain looks like on forgiveness. The question is then, what does the brain look like on God?  Andrew Newberg, M.D. and Mark Waldman have co-authored a book entitledHow God Changes Your Brain.” In the first chapter they write, “We are currently studying Sikhs, Sufis, yoga practitioners, and advanced meditators to map the neurochemical changes caused by spiritual and religious practices. Our research has led us to the following conclusions: Continue reading