Category Archives: Uncategorized

I eat beef for the first time in 5 years and dream of Anthony Bourdain

Last night I had a very vivid dream, which I attribute to having begun taking ferrous sulfate the day before, and also eating two lean sirloin patties, the first beef in five years. I’d also seen Anthony Bourdain on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon the night before. Here’s the dream.  I find myself away from home without a car and Izzy has followed me. I go up to a house that ends up being like a hospital where my galpal Trish is in room 7 or 8 but I can’t find my way back to it. I find a room with my former bff Suzie Miller and others in it, kind of like a sorority place she is the boss of. We say hi as if we never had a falling out years ago. I continue wandering through halls looking for Trish’s room and can’t find it.  Then I am somewhere else. Izzy the cat has wandered away and I follow to find him. I come to a big office building where a music festival had gone on in the lot next door the night before. It’s all empty now with equipment and stuff all over. I ask the woman behind the desk for a phone to call a cab. She said they thought I was coming in to borrow. I have money I just need a ride back to Palm Bay.   Continue reading

Restless Legs Syndrome Associated with Iron Insufficiency

Yesterday I began taking ferrous sulfate elixir, an iron supplement.  I wrote about it here.  That night I had a good sleep and also complex dreams.  When I woke up, I Googled “ferrous sulfate” and “sleep” and found that indeed people report sleeping better when they begin taking it for iron insufficiency.  I also found that it’s a good remedy for Restless Leg Syndrome in people who need iron.  While I don’t have that, I know people who do.  A good article is below.   Continue reading

What I’m doing to increase the iron in my body

I’ve been a little low energy lately and wanted to find out why.  I go to Wuesthoff Reference Labs every few months to get blood work done. I love Wuesthoff, it’s cheap, they’re fast and there’s a lab just down the street. Best of all, no doctors needed! I do it several few times a year to make sure my cholesterol is nice and low. When I eat in restaurants, I can’t be sure how much fats I’m getting.  When I ate egg drop soup every day for a month earlier this year, my triglycerides doubled to 138. No more egg drop soup for me!  I learned from the lab tech that the easier arm to draw blood from is usually your non-dominant one. Being right handed, my right arm may have more musculature covering the veins, so they like to draw from the left. That’s good to know – I knew one was better than the other but always forget which. Now I’ll remember.  My test results showed that my iron is not its usual 77-ish but only 47.  I began drinking hot water with blackstrap molasses and ordered some ferrous sulfate liquid to pick up at Palm Bay Pharmacy tomorrow. That should perk me right up. My iron was abnormally (for me) highest (127) on July 30th when I was eating eggplant and hummus every day for a month before — wow, the body knows what it needs.    Continue reading

Interpreting symbols in psychic readings

Last night I watched an episode of Medium. In the popular show, Allison DuBois, played by Patricia Arquette, is a strong-willed mother of three, a devoted wife who can talk to dead people and see the future in her dreams. The tv guide described the night’s episode as, “While investigating a rash of murders, Allison sees floating symbols above people’s heads, signs that she thinks could match them with their perfect mate. “  I’d seen the show a few times before and thought, “Neat, this is how it really happens,” and was anxious to see how they portrayed it in the show.  It turns out they used a cartoon heart symbol floating at the actors’ foreheads.  The idea was that the man with the heart symbol would notice the woman’s heart symbol and they would know they were meant to be together.  Now wouldn’t that make it easy, when you’re trying to find your soul mate?  Continue reading

How does the psychic know where the body is buried?

I did a midnight reading last night that ended up being three people for three hours, not the one person/one hour I’d planned on. It was an interesting session to say the least.  It ended up being a group seance session with the three of them together in one room in California, speaking to me via speaker phone. I wrote on Facebook that I hoped the one who recorded it sends it to me or puts it up on YouTube, since it was a good one.  And no, I don’t mind that you recorded it without telling me **that’s cool** Sometimes people think they have to sneak and do things when, if they just asked, it wouldn’t be a problem.  I understand, though, and stuff like that doesn’t bother me.

Facebook friend Sharon Greene wrote: You knew where the keys were when no where else could find them, and the coins, jewelry, how could you know those things when he (her great uncle) died and no one else knew where they were? Continue reading

Psychic Readings and Channellings from the Astral Plane

Many psychics and channellers read the astral plane, so when they give you info, that’s usually where it’s coming from.  That’s often how they can pull out of your mind a thought you’ve been having.  That’s also why they are so often wrong with their predictions.  Think of the astral plane as the next thought-plane up from our awakened plane of consciousness.  What does that mean?  That means that every thought and feeling  — and thoughts about feelings — that everyone on the planet has gets deposited in there, good, bad, indifferent, as well as our dreams, fantasies, wishes, visualizations, recollections.  So when we have an intuitive thought or feeling, this is the database we encounter. Continue reading

Dr. David Rindge does laser needle acupuncture on me

Yesterday I went to my Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture Physician pal David Rindge to get my paws lasered again. Last week’s initial lasering took 90% of the pain away. I’ll do it a few times this week for good measure. Laser therapy is really amazing for carpal tunnel, I never had the surgery and do not need it now that I can laser when it flares up once or twice a year. Dr. Rindge used laser needle acupuncture on me yesterday, which supplies radiation via optical fibers – it was very sci-fi. I believe that visualization can enhance any kind of physical treatment, so I did a visualization for the 15 minutes I was hooked up, visualizing myself being connected to God’s healing light, and it coursing all through my body. It was very cool.  You can research David’s site to see what laser therapy can do for your particular ailment.  Here’s a partial list of what laser therapy is good for: It includes Acne · Alopecia · Arteriosclerosis · Arthritis · Asthma · Back Pain · CP · Dental · Diabetes · Fibromyalgia · Headaches/Migraine · Hearing Disorders · Herpes · Hypertension · Pain · Respiratory Disorders · Scars · Skin Disorders · Sports Injuries · Tendonitis · Tinnitus · Wound Healing.   David Rindge has 35 years as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture Physician. He worked wonders with my carpal tunnel. He’s now retired.

Pain control and dumbing down the consciousness
You can eat an elephant one bite at a time
Natural Carpal Tunnel Relief

The importance of babies crawling or adults swinging arms when walking

crosscrawl1Feeling off balance, thinking fuzzy, uncoordinated upon rising?  You likely have an energy crossover problem. Our bodies are like self winding clocks.  Our natural movements of babies crawling, or us walking and swinging our arms is more than just exercise.  The motions help synchronize both hemispheres of the brain so we have more brainpower.  This is how the Universe designed it.  When babies don’t get to crawl, when they are instead in baby walkers most of the time, they don’t get this motion.  This can delay development.  If, while we go for our daily walk, we carry a shoulder bag, or hold a phone or iPod in one hand, anything instead of swinging both arms naturally as we walk, we don’t get the motion.  We need this motion for optimum brain hemisphere synchronization and if we don’t get it naturally, there is a short and easy exercise we can do on our own that doesn’t cost a thing.  It’s called –> The Cross Crawl in Energy Medicine.

The left hemisphere of your brain sends information to the right side of your body and the right hemisphere sends info to the left side. If energy from the left or right is not adequately crossing over to the opposite side of your body, you cannot utilize your brain’s full capacity or your body’s full intelligence. Donna Eden in Energy MedicineContinue reading

I have a lucid Mobic Mom dream

I wrote in Pain control and dumbing down the consciousness that I’d taken one 7.5 Mobic for two days to help with some wrist pain.  It made me feel kind of dumbed down, but it gave me some vivid dreams.  In one, I was sitting with  my mom, who died in 1996, she in her blue nylon nightgown and me in pjs, and we were each drinking a glass of red wine.  Which in real life we never did.  We were just talking about ordinary things.  I woke up feeling I’d visited with her.  It was very cool.

RELATED — LINKS TO MORE DREAMS:    Continue reading

Pain control and dumbing down the consciousness

I’d been having a bout with an old carpal tunnel injury and wrote on Facebook earlier this week: “Wow, I gave in and took one 7.5mg Mobic for my aching paw at 1:00pm and just now woke up at 10:00pm. Well, my hand hasn’t hurt since then, I’ll say that. This is why I don’t like to take drugs.” A Facebook friend wrote: “We call them Frog Pills because they make you feel like a pithed frog.”  She wasn’t exaggerating.  I did it two days in a row, since it was the perfect time to stay off the computer.  It shut down the ache, but it also shut down my brain.  It made me feel… stupid.  And not in a fluffy, stoned, la la la way.  Just… inert.  I did not feel particularly intuitive.  And for someone whose livelihood depends upon my intuition, that’s no small thing.  It also affected my meditation, it was like driving through a fog trying to stay focused.  I so seldom take anything – even aspirin kinds of things – that I forget one side affect is dumbing down the consciousness.  I’ll have to see if it’s worth it.

Dr. David Rindge does laser needle acupuncture on me
You can eat an elephant one bite at a time
Natural Carpal Tunnel Relief