Category Archives: Uncategorized

Attitude is Everything: A Tale of Three Hairs

3 hairs kidThere once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head. “Well,” she said, “I think I’ll braid my hair today.” So she did and she had a wonderful day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that she had only two hairs on her head. “H-M-M,” she said, “I think I’ll part my hair down the middle today.” So she did and she had a grand day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head. “Well,” she said, “today I’m going to wear my hair in a pony tail.”

So she did, and she had a fun, fun day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn’t a single hair on her head. “YAY!” she exclaimed. “I don’t have to fix my hair today!”

Attitude is everything.

Domino Thinks I’m Hiding Behind the Phone and Computer

I wrote at When One Person Wants To Keep Fighting that long time friend Domino wants to keep arguing about something and I wrote her that I’m not into fighting and to call me when she’s over it.  After that she wrote another long email about why part of our arguing is “the administration’s fault” and she demanded I acknowledge her being right and apologize in person.  I told her that since she is this confrontational via email, I have no interest in being in person with her.  Bear in mind this  person knows I work about 18 hours a day and have about 3-4 days in between each issue of the magazine to just goof off and do whatever I want.  Being a friend, last year I confided to her that I miss having time for a social life to hang around with friends, but that I love my work and feel my work is my mission and that’s why I choose to make it a priority.  Even though we just live a few blocks apart, since we reconnected last year after maybe 10-15 years, we’ve only had 3 or 4 visits of 10-15 minutes each in person.  So she called me on the carpet for again not meeting her expectations and seeing things her way.  Once again she missed the point.  Read on and decide for yourself.  The point of this post is not to say she’s wrong and look how silly she’s being, the point is that no matter how clearly you think you are communicating with someone, being right to the point and telling them exactly what you are doing and why, not everyone hears what you say.  They are too shrink wrapped in their own head trip.  I’ve been there myself.  Often. Continue reading

When One Person Wants To Keep Fighting

I wrote at A longtime buddy blocks me on Facebook over politics that I’ve got a real life friend and neighbor I reconnected with after several years’ absence.  On Facebook I learned Domino had become a Republican extremist and that he had a habit of posting inaccurate and inflammatory slurs on Facebook.  Including my Wall, and always a recitation of what he heard on Fox News that day.  So last month I ticked him off and he unfriended me and forwarded me 30+ spam emails spouting anti-Obama until I emailed: “Sorry for my part in whatever you are upset with.  Let’s take a break.  Please don’t forward me any emails.  I’m sorry.  Thank you.  I forgive you. I love you.”  He wrote to me this morning and said “I’d like to talk to u – in person – about what happened. I replied, “I‘m already over it – I just figure Facebook isn’t the place for us to interact.  I still love you, just not into fighting about politics or anything else.”   Continue reading

One of the most important jobs a psychic medium has

Walk-into-the-lightI wrote at We Clear Domino’s House of a Playful Spirit that someone was told I could banish “demons and bad spirits” for them. I don’t experience nonphysical energy as demonic or bad, but I knew what he meant and was able to help him.   Spirit releasement is among the most important work that a psychic medium can perform, helping direct earthbound entities into the Light.  I wrote about it on Facebook and a couple of friends wrote comments about entity attachment and one wrote that a lot of times people get freaked out by what she says to them, and they go running for the hills.  I hope she was joking.  If she was not, I hope she practices and hones her skill before doing that again.   A most important job a psychic medium has is ascertaining the ability of her recipient to receive the information in such a way that they can deal with it and use it.  Anyone can have a vision and repeat what they see; the skill is in matching the info with the ability of the sitter to grok it and use to navigate their daily lifeExample: Send a 40 year space veteran and a five year old child in a shuttle to the moon and upon their return, ask each to tell what they saw. One talks from a place of broad awareness and deep understanding.  I’d want a medium that does the same, that has a broad awareness and enough life experience to have a wide vocabulary.  Although I’ll bet the kid could likely weave a fancy story around his trip and keep me entertained.  Bless the psychic mediums who perform this most profoundly important work.

RELATED:  The Tipping Table Knows
We clear Domino’s house of a playful spirit
What is the value of contacting ghosts or loved ones in spirit?
Home Clearing, Spirit Releasement, Entity Detachment
The haunted chair, journeys out of the body
What Andrea believes

The End of Death As We Know It: What The Crossing Over Experience Was Like As Reported By Those Who Made The Transition

We Clear Domino’s House of a Playful Spirit

Spirit releasement is among the most important work that a psychic medium can perform, helping direct earthbound entities into the Light.  I received a call from an engineer at Harris who told me he didn’t believe in this stuff but suddenly his house is haunted and he was referred to me by an unnamed mutual friend who said I can banish demons and bad spirits. Not what I’d put on my resume, but I told him I’d  check it out.   I met with Domino, a 30 something very conservative, left brained engineer, his wife, her grandmother and their 8 year old daughter.   We sat at the dining table and I explained what we’d spend the next hour or two doing.  When I feel their response to what I’m saying, that helps me know how to word things so they understand.  Their understanding of the process is a factor in how successful the house clearing will be.  Once the solution becomes clear in consciousness, the problem disappears on its own. Continue reading

I bug bombed my house and only got 4 bugs? Boric acid as a natural insecticide.

This is Florida and we get lots of bugs outside, especially living in a wooded area as we do.  When my Uncle Jimmy built my house in 1984,  he put 100 pounds of boric acid in the walls, which he said would control the bugs, especially the  palmetto bugs and cockroaches.  It apparently worked really well because until last year, 27 years later, I hadn’t seen any bugs inside except for the occasional ant.  Last year I saw a small roach on two occasions and Saturday I saw one in my kitchen cabinet.  That was all it took to get me out to buy a Raid Concentrated Deep Reach insect fogger and set it off before I left for church. Continue reading

Sri Sathya Sai Baba left his body today. This is how I met him.

sai babaBhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is no more with us physically. He left his earthly body on 24 April 2011 at 7:40 a.m (10:10 pm Eastern time). “Service to man is service to God.  Dedicate all your gifts to service to mankind, to all living beings. Love all, Serve all.”  Sai Baba’s devotees called him Swami.  I learned at church this morning that Swami had passed and I was at once joyous yet sad.  My astral body had its few minutes of tears, even though I know there is no death.  I discovered Sai Baba in 1990. A series of synchronicities and “accidents” had me in stop at Pat Thomas’s house in the middle of the day.  Judy Kopp, whom I did not know at that time, came by and invited Pat to go to the home of Buddy and Shanti Balwant, devotees who had just returned from India where they’d gotten darshan from Sai Baba.  Not knowing who it was, suddenly my mouth was saying, “I want to go.”   Continue reading

The importance of having a muse

Fairy museI like having a secret crush on someone. It gives me fuel for visualization and floods me with endorphins, without the aggravation of interaction or feedback.   I see them as a muse and use the energy to fuel my passion for whatever projects I am involved in.  I find a muse is a powerful catalyst to my creativity.  Even more so if they don’t know they’re my muse.  Sometimes more so if they think they are, yet aren’t quite sure.  There’s such power in keeping it to myself, but also fun in the playful interaction with them when we both know we’re doing it.  I find it crucial to my creativity to have a muse, although it’s only every few years that someone comes along that really stokes my fire.  I mean, I have a lot of creative friends and they ALL inspire me but every so often one flame flares higher than the rest and the creative juices begin to flow.  What brews up can be very powerful and transformative.    Continue reading

There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground

Today like every other day, we wake up empty and frightened.  Don’t open the door to the study and begin reading.  Take down a musical instrument.  Let the beauty we love be what we do.  There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.  Rumi

Free e-book:  Rumi The Book of Love, translation by Coleman Barks

I have come to drag you out of yourself and take you in my heart.
I have come to bring out the beauty in you,
and lift you like a prayer to the sky. – Rumi

I remember Momma 2011

Mom 1968I wrote in I Remember Momma about how my mom died on April 8, 1996 of her first heart attack.  We didn’t expect it, she’d not been sick, so there was no time to worry beforehand.  My mom and I were very close and we spoke on the phone nearly every day.  I always thought that when she passed I would freak right out, but surprisingly I didn’t.  In fact even now, 15 years later, it still feels as though she’s just in the other room and that I can speak with her anytime I want to.  In the two days between her heart attack and passing — which we did not know was going to happen —  she was heavily medicated and could not speak, yet managed to open her eyes very wide once in order to look me in the eye and let me know she was still in there.  I talked to her and I whisper-sang to her.  Her lips looked dry and I asked if she wanted Chapstick.  She pursed her lips and I put the Chapstick on her.  It was the most holy moment I ever spent with her.    Continue reading