Category Archives: Uncategorized

Let’s do some Ho’oponopono for John Springer

John Springer

I think a little Ho’oponopono, an ancient Huna healing process, is in order for John Springer of Enchanted Walkabouts.  I know that everything in my world is my responsibility, simply because I’m aware of it. “I forgive you and for whatever my (unknown/karmic) part in the situation, I ask forgiveness, I thank you for your part in my life and I love you.” Really.  What is Ho’oponopono?  Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len was a psychologist at the Hawaii State Hospital who – without ever seeing a patient in person – cured a ward of criminally insane patients using an ancient Huna technique.  Dr. Lew would study an inmate’s chart and then look within himself to see how he created that person’s illness. As he took responsibility, asked forgiveness and expressed gratitude, he improved himself and the patients improved.  Dr. Len never saw his patients. His agreement was he would have an office and he would review the patient files. While he looked at those files, he would work on himself. As he worked on himself, patients began to heal. Continue reading

Lee Tritt died at 4:40 p.m. today, with husband Adam’s head on her chest, holding her hand.

Elise "Lee" Tritt

Our dear friend and sister, Lee Tritt, has left her body.  She died at 4:40 p.m. today, with her husband Adam’s head on her chest, holding her hand.  Please visit the website to see how you can help, even if you just quickly donate $10 to help the family offset the enormous medical bills.   Adam is extremely grateful for the prayers, love and positive thoughts.

We’ll meet again, my friend.

RELATED:  The end of death as we know it: What the crossing over experience is like as reported by those who have passed

The rental is ready for the next lucky tenant

The rental is ready!  Click on the small image to the right and it will take you to a large pdf of the flyer.  My friend and master craftsman Tod McNeal tacked down the last edge of carpet last night, picked up his tools and left the place spotless.  See pics of a similar home at . Their home and mine look the same inside, both built the same year, theirs is furnished and mine is not. They have panelling, my walls are painted a light color.  So imagine the empty space without their furniture.  Ceiling fans in every room, good insulation and super cool a/c.  My last tenant was there nine years and we never had a problem.  She went into the hospital and passed, but her son and daughter in law are available for a landlord reference.  You pay the utilities: power, water and cable.  I give complete privacy, no surprise visits ever.  If you have a problem, you email me or mail a note and I get right on it.  There should be no problems since much of the plumbing and electrical has been redone, much caulking and waterproofing, all new floor vents, wall switches and receptacles, plumbing parts and fixtures, all new paint, new sinks and faucets, more. $500/month.  If you’re interested, email me at

RELATED:  I have really cool new tenants!
Readying the rental home
I’m not just readying a rental, I’m creating a home for someone
Turning on utilities
We’re making progress at the rental home
Getting my rental property ready for the next lucky tenant
Wear gloves cleaning nicotine damage to avoid poisoning
I clean my rental home of nicotine stains
My tenant is moving out this weekend

Funny how this psychic stuff works — when psychics are wrong

I was talking with a friend today who asked about when psychics get something wrong, meaning they pick up something out of your own mind rather than what is really happening. An example happened this week.  I was at the rental watching Tod McNeal connect plumbing under the bathroom sink.  The lines were close together and it was very tight in there.  A thought popped into my head and I said, “Do you think the inside line is the hot water?” and Tod said yes.  So I thought, “Cool, we both intuited where the hot water was.”  However, we were wrong.  How could we both be wrong?  My experience tells me that what happened was that the thought popped into my head when Tod thought “the inside line is the hot water.”  I was just picking up his thought.  Here I thought the great and mighty Oz was giving me the big answer from the Universe, however I was only picking up Tod’s thought.  We both laughed.  But sometimes it’s not so funny.  Like when you go to a psychic because you’re worried your man is cheating.  When the reading says he’s cheating, it’s most likely the reader is picking up your own fear and, your own thoughtform.   Continue reading

When you just want to start all over

I used to think I’d like to wake up one morning and all my past would be behind me, that I would automatically do and say the right things, and everyone would receive me with fresh eyes.  It happens to all of us, thoughts of wishing we could leave behind the past momentum and just wake up and be different.  No obligations, no burdens, no responsibilities, no consequences.  Wouldn’t that be nice?  But that’s not usually how it goes.  How it goes is that, one by one, day by day, you start becoming aware of how you act and react with people.  You start wishing you hadn’t told Debra what you really thought or had taken that extra shot before the block party last night and jumped naked in the pool with your neighbor.  You start feeling embarrassed and ashamed to be around people you’ve treated unfairly in the past, and sometimes it makes you feel so guilty that you avoid being around them.  Then they notice you doing that and begin staying out of your way, then you begin to feel isolated.  Sound familiar?  Of course it does, and not just to the 12 steppers.  It’s just a stage in the process of life on the Path and we all go through it.  It’s just evolution of consciousness,  just the shakti moving up the chakras and the higher it goes, the more cobwebs are removed, the more Light comes in, the more awake and aware you become.  Sometimes waking up to who are is a welcome change, sometimes it’s SO not. Continue reading

I’m living happily ever after and did not need a Prince to get me there

I don’t have the “romantic partner for life” dream.  That makes life so much easier because I have fewer dashed expectations.  It’s easier – not to mention more productive and time efficient – to have secret crushes, keep to myself and tend to business.   I didn’t know this was how I was going to feel at this age.  I used to always be in a relationship, one after another.  I loved it and them.  But in my 30’s that began to change and I began to want more time to myself.  Who I was was expanding and I needed more space between my molecules.  I wanted more silence and less in-person interaction.  I became more aware that what I think and do and say in the moment has power beyond anything I thought possible.  That when those 3 are in sync, what I give out and what I get back is always instantaneous — and I can make it good and I can make it bad.   Continue reading

It’s comforting knowing our tropical storms have a cycle

As of 11 a.m. EDT Monday Aug 22, 2010, the National Hurricane Center’s track forecast puts the center of Irene roughly 120 miles east of Florida’s Cape Canaveral by Friday evening, with landfall  forecast just south of Charleston, S.C., about 8 a.m. Saturday.  Irene is expected to make landfall as a Category 3 hurricane (winds in excess of 115 mph) Thursday morning.  For reference, in 2004, Hurricane Jeanne was a category 3 (I stayed home for Jeanne – lots of wind all night; oak tree came down on my back porch.)   Errors are large, however, in track forecasts this far in advance. The track’s error cone also includes possibilities that the storm could swing west and move up the Florida peninsula.  By Tuesday, Aug 23rd, Irene was  expected to swing parallel to Florida’s east coast Thursday for a possible landfall in North or South Carolina Saturday. Continue reading

Facebook friends, if you don’t care about my work, please unfriend me now

I’ve got almost 4,000 friends on Facebook.  I am asking you now, if you do not care about the work I do*, please do us both a favor and unfriend me now.  Really.   Of the 4,000, 647 are on a list called “People I actually know.”  These include not just real life friends, but also clients, advertisers, publicists and other media contacts I’ve worked with in the 19 years I’ve published Horizons Magazine.  Some of them I only know as far as their name on the periodic emails we exchange, or a voice on the phone twice a year.  But I still feel a personal connection to them, so they are on the list.  A lot of people want to friend me on Facebook simply because I publish a magazine.  They see me as potentially someone to promote them.  They don’t necessarily care about me or my posts, or my work; they see me as another media contact while they are doing their shotgun spam approach to marketing.  So if you’re one of those, or if your main focus is politics or news reports or looking for a girlfriend, please unfriend me now.  Thank you.  And if you are interested in what I do, then you must be part of my cluster.  Abraham-Hicks says, “You come forth in clusters with intentions to enhance one another’s experience; and when you meet up with your cluster, it’s really fun.”  I’m all about the fun.  Andrea Continue reading

How can you tell if you’re a Sugar Mama?

Last night I had a reading with Domino, whom I first met in 1987.  Domino is in her mid 60’s and was widowed in 1990.  She looks 40, she’s petite and slim and fit and she gets plenty of male attention.  Domino has always been a free spirit.  Her boyfriends are often the topic of our discussions and they definitely fit a distinct pattern.  Domino works part time and has a modest income.  Her boyfriends are always nice guys who are looking for a place to live shortly after meeting her, and they usually don’t have a steady source of income.  One former boyfriend helped her remodel her home to the tune of $26,000.  This was not money she paid him, but rather out of pocket costs for supplies and labor.  He simply lived in her home for 3 years and she paid for everything, meals, vacations, all costs.  With that one, when she finally asked him to get a job and contribute to the repayment of the second mortgage she financed the renovation with, he decided he needed his space and disappeared.  With no notice, no forwarding info.  I was glad she didn’t marry that one. Continue reading

Frank Lorie can custom make the jewelry you design

A Franklin Lorie original

Ever dream of designing your own jewelry line?  If you can draw it, my friend Frank Lorie can create it for you.   He’ll make a professional master mold so you can make as many pieces whenever you wish, at a fraction of the cost of having it done elsewhere. I first met Frank in the mid 70’s when I worked for his stepfather.  Frank’s a cool guy, an awesome jewelry artist, and he’s soul centered. He made this awesome ring for me.  I’m telling my friends they can design their own jewelry lines.  Frank can also set gemstones in a variety of settings and do repairs. Continue reading