Category Archives: Uncategorized

Betsy Shanahan May 24, 1957 – December 9, 2011

The Light shines on

Betsy Shanahan

Betsy’s sister writes:  Betsy’s pain and struggle to breath are over. She was transfered to Hospice care on December 8th and apparently she thought there was somewhere else she would rather be because less than 12 hours later at 1:50am she peacefully took her last breath, holding the hand of a hospice nurse early Friday morning.  It was such a shock to all of us.  She has been freed from her pain and suffering brought on by the Pulmonary Fibrosis and is now at peace.  She is now in a much better place where she breaths in only wonderful, sweet air and is now in the world she has always imagined. I want to thank all my family and friends who have lent me their ears, shoulders and arms to help me through these last couple months. I love you all! There are no words that can ever thank you for your kindness and friendship. To all of Betsy’s friends who have left such wonderful messages on her Facebook page, we will have a celebration of her life sometime after the first of the year. Please check her Facebook page in early January for details. Continue reading

How psychometry works for me

What do these keys tell you?

A friend returned a drum yesterday and asked me if drumming helped or hurt my carpal tunnel when I was having a flareup.  I told her I didn’t know if drumming aggravated it.  I was more afraid to lose sensitivity in my fingers since that’s how I read photographs and physical items.   It may be that I think it’s important to have the skin on my fingers be uncalloused, when it’s not important at all — but if I have the belief it matters, then it will matter.   I’m working on it,  I can surprise myself too when I don’t expect it.   Once after the car accident of September 2000 when both hands and arms were in splints up to the elbow, someone put their sweater over the splint (for me to hold it for her) and — surprise — I totally read it, no problem. Continue reading

Age 28-31 and 58-61: The Saturn Returns

I have two very deep and close friends and we are all in the midst of soul work together.  One is going through his first Saturn return, one through his Uranus opposition, and I am in my second Saturn return.  They both have a 20 degrees Taurus rising sign, mine is 25 Aries.  There is a lot of transformation and alchemy happening, not all of it fun.  But what IS fun is that we all know we’re being tested and we’re surfing it and having a good time finding all the symbolism, coincidence and synchronicity between us.  I found this article online:

It has often been said that under strong Saturn transits one can choose between exhaustion and depression — some choice! It implies that because Saturn is often about doing real work in the mundane world that exhaustion is the better choice— hinting that “it’s better to wear out than to rust out”as Mark Twain once said. So folks who understand “just a little” astrology sometimes view the coming of a Saturn Return with raised eyebrows and deep sighs. But then a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.   Saturn brings to mind the two ancient Greek maxims, inscribed at the Temple at Delphi: “Know Thyself” and “Nothing in Excess.” One might think that by understanding and trying to live by these wise sayings one could avoid the great troubles in life. Perhaps they help; but still we seem to suffer. Our understanding of these words change as we age, but life often plays some nasty tricks on us in the meantime. Perhaps this is why we have Saturn transits—it’s a chance to get it right this time.

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Saturday Dec. 3rd live music fundraiser from 10am Palm Bay

God has no hands but ours

PALM BAY, FL Angela was a 28 year old that was recently diagnosed with leukemia and passed on very quickly. She left a husband and children behind who are struggling with their loss. Single parenthood, medical bills, and Walmart wages add up to make it a tough road for this family. Walmart stores in the area are all pitching in this Saturday, December 3rd, 2011 for a fundraising event in front of the store at 845 Palm Bay Road, just east of I-95 exit 176. There will be a ton of food, so come grab some lunch and help this family out with donations of cash or canned goods.  The event will be from 10AM to 5PM.  Live Music: Musicians Mark Mahoney and Ken Sharp will stop by to do a special ‘unplugged’ set for a couple hours leading up to lunch. Bring some friends.  Every dollar helps.  It will return to you a thousandfold.

God has no hands but ours

I get a big evidential the forgiveness is working

I just had a big evidential that doing intensive forgiveness work can turn around even the most hardened heart. A friend’s wife had been hateful and mean as they split, then today she visited him and apologized, realizes how hard he worked at it when she didn’t and offered him money. A big red letter day turn around. We’ve been doing ho’oponopono on it. Thank you God

Ho’oponopono, a Hawaiian Healing Process 

Helping a friend in their unfolding while incarcerated

Jeremy has an interesting story. Unbeknownest to me, when we met he was awaiting trial, which he never mentioned.  He told me he might be going to Haiti on a mission with his church.  In reality, he was awaiting trial in Florence, SC for stalking a woman and was convicted of indecent exposure and placed in the sex offender registry.  But I didn’t know any of that at the time. He is the son of my neighbor of 20 years, who never mentioned him. His story to me was that the Christian community he was involved with ignored him during his troubled times and he came to me for meditation. We began metaphysical discussion and reading Rumi, Hafez nightly and his mind blew open. While he was incarcerated in SC for 6 months,I introduced him to Bo Lzoff’s book We’re All Doing Time, which instructs inmates to use their prison time s self imposed monks doing sadhana, spiritual practice.  He began meditating and having revelations and writing them to me.  He was gaining insight from time spent contemplating and I witnessed the evolution of thought via his daily writings.  I could see his beliefs evolving and morphing.  I watched the light bulbs as they went off. Below I share from what I sent him. It’s way long. Continue reading

Are You In Spiritual Emergence-y?

I have met many people who have been treated for depression and other conditions when they were, in fact, in the deep stages of spiritual crisis. ~ Caroline Myss
Are you in turmoil in relationships?  Have you been fired, or betrayed? Do you have a total sense of abandonment? Is your emotional life like a roller coaster? Are you moving between feelings of numb blankness to darkness and despair?  Are you hurt, angry, irritable, fatigued, restless, resentful, melancholy, mentally foggy, over or under fed,  sleepless or overslept, using addictive substances?  Are your spiritual needs not being met in churches and temples?  You know your spiritual needs are being met when you have a sense of stillness within you, and a feeling of connection to the Creator/ Source/ Universe/ Energy/ God/Goddess of your understanding.  Spiritual crisis a/k/a “spiritual emergence-y” is a form of identity crisis where you experience drastic changes to your belief system. A spiritual crisis may cause disruption in psychological, social and occupational functioning. This crisis is a sign that deep work and purification are unfolding. It can feel uncomfortable and painful. The higher Self of you is emerging. Some would say this is the Christ Self rising within you.

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I get asked about electronic voice phenomena and why the succubus won’t communicate

An email I just got:   Andrea, hi, I’ve been dabbling in the paranormal since I was 12 after a demonic experience. I see your a pro and just have a few questions if you would be so kind to answer.

1. How can I communicate with positive energy while keeping the negative away? For example. On my last paranormal journey I picked up many evps (electronic voice phenomena, nonphysical voices on tape )and some photos of a young child named Anna. But also had evps of what seemed to be a negetive or demonic spirit not wanting me around. I believe this young spirit is in need of something. The last evp tho was her saying “can I help you?”

2. I’ve been dealing with a succubus (Andrea’s note: a nonphysical entity that takes the form of a female to have sex with you in dreamstate) ever since I moved to my new house and since I’ve mentioned “it” or her. It’s stopped messing with me I.e having sex with me while sleeping. But also will not communicate. How can I get communication with this spirit?

3. What is the best advice to give to someone asking for help to communicate with passed relatives who linger? Continue reading

I join Planet Fitness the day before Thanksgiving

The day before Thanksgiving, I joined Planet Fitness.  It was cool that they were open Thanksgiving Day.  I spent yesterday morning getting familiar with the equipment and the routines.  It feels good to be back in a gym. I can’t pretend I’ll stay strong if I don’t work on it, I’m 50 freaken 9. I do daily yoga but I can at least walk the treadmill each day, too.  Like you, I’ve belonged to several gyms off and on through the years.  I like something real close.  I don’t like commiting to a contract.  I’ve got friends who have never been in a gym and say they wouldn’t know what to do when they got there. Well, that’s it, you ask and they tell you.  You tell them what your goals are and they tell you which muscles that involves and show you which machines work those muscles.  They suggest which muscle groups to work together on the same day, which muscle groups to work on other days and how long to rest in between. Continue reading

A Meditation on Oneness for Personal and Planetary Transformation

earth planetary gridSo often in life we feel alone, as though we’re the only one thinking what we’re thinking; feeling what we’re feeling. This meditation done regularly will strengthen your feeling of connection with others and bring a deep sense of calm in your life:

Take a few deep, even breaths before we begin.   Sit comfortably with your eyes closed, your spine straight and your body at ease.  Breathe slowly and deeply, and feel all the tension flow out of your body, with every breath you take.   Getting deeper and deeper relaxed, with every breath you take.  Now envision breathing in healing, cleansing light and filling your body with it.   The deeper you breathe in, the deeper you relax, and the brighter you shine with this brilliant, healing, cleansing light. Feel the light radiant within you and around you, and out from you toward the others in the room with you now. Continue reading