Category Archives: Uncategorized

Who conducts these surveys ranking psychic readers?

I have to shake my head every time someone tells me they went to a highly ranked psychic and got a disappointingly generic and unremarkable reading.  When asked where she got the name from, it turns out she saw an ad naming the person as “The Country’s No. x Psychic.”  When asked how she got her title, it was as a result of a survey given to several hundred subscribers to a newsletter.  Those eligible for nomination were advertisers in the newsletter and they created a contest for it. Continue reading

Uncle could use some prayers after full moon stent surgery

Synchronicity! I couldn’t stand it any longer and called my bratty Cousin to see how Uncle is doing after his stent surgery. They were rolling him into the room right as I called.  Perfect that it is heart chakra time 3:43 (4th chakra, 3 above, 3 below) — there are no accidents!  Earlier today, I posted on Facebook  “Shouting out for some prayers for Uncle Jimmy, having another stent put in today, after two last month.  If you grew up smoking, eating bacon and fried chicken — please — for your loved ones, cut that sh*t out. Really. They are cutting open someone I love today because we did not know then what we know now.  Please.” Continue reading

A fun adventure in Publix

At Publix in the checkout, I’m in workout gear and so is the woman ahead of me.  She’s buying Lean Cuisine meals and I’m buying chicken thighs, a pint of vinegar and a white potato.  I remark, “Hey, ima buy what you’re buying if I get to have a body like that.  I was going to buy a 3 Musketeers bar until seeing you. Thanks for the inspiration.”  We laugh.  When her total comes up, the cashier says, “if you buy $1.37 more, you get a $10 gift certificate (for $100 purchase.)”  She looks around  to see what’s near she can buy for $1.37.  I told her “A 3 Musketeers bar is just $1.59.”  She said “I’ll buy you one.” I said “Oh no you won’t, buy my vinegar instead.”

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Why competition and jealousy when we’re on the Path? Because that’s how we work this stuff out, with each other

Try to love one another right now

Do you notice how when you’re fully connected to your inner guidance, you see the world and everything in it just fine as it is?  You don’t worry about what the news says or what the complainers say, because you’re filled — maybe just for a few moments — with that feeling that it’s all under control and that everything happens for a Divine purpose?  That no matter what wacky whatever is going on around you, you know that it will all work out, that somehow you will be guided to it.   Then there are those times you’re reminded you’re a business person competing for dollars in a world of just so many customers.  That’s when you know you’ve gone off your guidance signal, since when you’re feeling competitive with anyone, if you think anything anyone does  against you can prevent you from attracting what you are meant to attract, you’re simply not connected to guidance.  If you think anything anyone says about you can prevent you from attracting the good that is meant for you, you are temporarily disconnected from guidance. Continue reading

A nice festival of sleep this weekend

Ok, so my only job this weekend was to get my bookkeeping and billing done, neither of which happened.  Instead I played in my yard, moved furniture around and put the February Horizons Magazine online.  I also had a weekend festival of sleep, culminating in my last sleep segment being from 5am-9am this morning.   For me that is unusual, going to bed when it’s dark outside and then waking after sunrise to get into my day.   When I have phone appointments at night, I usually start winding down to sleep – darkening the rooms and muting the sounds – about 3pm so I can be up by 9pm.  If I don’t have calls, then I’m up at 4:00am for morning meditation and usually just go right into the office after that.  It’s remarkable how much better I think and feel when I get real sleep.  Real sleep as in not waking every 30 minutes to check the clock to see when 3-4 hours have passed so I can finally just get up and have it over with. I run myself ragged and don’t know I’ve done it. Nice to have a wake up call to it and a break from it. Continue reading

Solar Flares Causing Our Anxiety? Or Just Life?

I”m fairly mellow, so anxiety is something I only infrequently experience. Friends say it’s related to the solar flares we’re having right now.  Call it what you will, but I figure, like that great sage Roseanne Roseannadana, said, “It’s always something.”   After a few days of personal anxiety (I wrote about it here I get relief from my acute anxiety and here Another Mother of a Shakti Crash,)  I wrote yesterday on Facebook:   “Sigh, it’s only 9:00am on Wednesday, can all my bipolar pals please stop bonking out all at once, I am of no use to you today, trust me.”  Continue reading

I get relief from my acute anxiety

I wrote this week that after having some acute anxiety,  I for the first time in years made a medical appointment.  I wrote at the end of How Timely: Another Mother of a Shakti Crash that I attribute the anxiety of the shakti crash I am experiencing now to a few incidents last week where I was concerned with dear friends in health crises.  I clearly let my mind run away with worry.  My wake up call was  Sunday when a close friend began having classic heart attack symptoms and we called 911.   The paramedics  arrived just in time they said and he was transported to the emergency room.  I followed and hung with him while they did all the poking and prodding and gave him a ride home many hours later.  Except for the almost dying part, it was fun once he was stabilized.  When he mentioned on Facebook that I’d hung with him in the emergency room, I posted, “I couldn’t resist hanging with a handsome dude all tied down to a bed is all 🙂  I tried tickling his ear to make the numbers on the monitor thingy go up but it didn’t work…Glad you’re still around to torment some more.” Continue reading

How Timely: A Mother of a Shakti Crash

I’m having a shakti crash after an eventful week. In this context, I define shakti as the life force energy as I experience it within my physical body.  When I say a shakti crash, I refer to what I experience as a result of an overload of sensory input.   Much of my personal time is spent alone in silence and I am someone who likes a lot of empty space, a lot of room between my molecules.  I speak with dozens of people every day and can feel easily overloaded with voicing and listening.  I like a lot of thought time after an experience in order to fully grok it.  I like a lot of still time in between physical exertion times.  I like slow, easy, quiet time spent with friends appreciating The Now.  When I don’t get the quiet downtime, like when I choose to instead hang with fun friends doing adventurous things for extended periods of time, afterwards I get what I call a shakti crash.  

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Which daily supplements I take

I’ve made an appointment with a health professional and I made up a list of all the vitamins and supplements I take so they have it in my file.  I’m narcissistic enough to think you might want to see it too 🙂
…. ABOUT ME:  I eat a mostly unprocessed diet with the occasional can of soup, pasta, crackers or bread a couple of times a month.  Otherwise it’s chicken, fish, some cheese, some tofu, veggies.  Potatoes are my main starch. I keep my fat grams about 40-60 grams a day, no butter, I use Earth Balance.
I eat no red meat, no pork since 2005.
I had my gall bladder out in 2004 after 2 bouts with gallstone pancreatitis.
I got another pancreatitis attack a year later and learned to change my diet, lower my fats, start cooking healthy and stop eating lumberjack quantities of fried meats and bread. My website at is all about my healthy eating journey.  These are the supplements I take each day for past year or so: Continue reading

No more fu manchu and goatee… for now

No, not mine

I pride myself on letting my facial hair grow and keeping it trimmed so I don’t look like the bearded lady at the circus. Hair is there for a purpose and I like facial hair on me.  Not all my friends do and when we’re in person, some are quick to point out I could use a tweeze.   I just laugh and let them know I grow it on purpose.  Hey, the hair is blonde and smooth and fine, so you have to be right in my face to even see it.  A good friend and spiritual brother is going through several austerities right now.  An austerity is, among other things, an extreme practice undertaken during an ascetic or monastic period of one’s life.  We share a spiritual practice, so when he did a head shaving, I cut my bangs.  When he removed his beard, I got out the Nair and removed mine.  For a month. I know that sounds like no big deal to most, but I’m very into symbolic practices and sharing this was important.   Continue reading