Category Archives: Uncategorized

You gotta tell me the rules if you want me to follow them

ignoring youApparently I committed a major faux pas today. I saw a lesbian acquaintance at a friend’s place of business.  I recognized her from the back and said, “Sandy, hi.”  That’s the name I know her by, although she also goes by a nickname which did not immediately come to mind since her giant tattoo was on the side away from me.  I haven’t seen her in 15+ years.  She ignored me and wouldn’t even turn around when I touched her on the shoulder and said, “hi, it’s Andrea.”  She got up and left, saying goodbye to the store owner and not even turning in my direction.  I was told she no longer goes by “Sandy” at all.  She now only answers to the nickname.  She considers herself a man, not a lesbian. Dude,  WTF? For the record, I don’t care about your genitalia, nor whether you’re straight or gay, nor what color nor religion nor size and shape nor political party you are.  If you reached the age of 30 being known as one name, don’t be shocked when some unknowing someone from the past calls you that name.  So what if they don’t know your new name or your new rules.  It’s simple courtesy to say, “Hi, please call me “Barry.” ‘Nuff said.  Communication is the key.

When do you help others and when do you help yourself?

diamond in coalHow often do you think that the ones who give advice would be better off taking it themselves?  That’s the dilemma, isn’t it?   When we are going through our own personal growth process, our own transformation, ascension, dark night of the soul, illumination, that’s when we begin to seriously seek answers.  While we’re still the unformed chunk of coal, we don’t yet understand that the insights that come to us are meant for US — not for anyone around us.  Most often, the human mind/ego that likes to think itself separate and apart from others is in charge.  To those newly upon the Path, the mind makes you think that you and you alone are going through this, that you and you alone are receiving information and guidance from a higher source, and that you and you alone are the messenger sent to save everyone around you, maybe the world.   Continue reading

My menopause journey from insomnia to restful sleep

I’m used to sleeping twice a day.  I love the feeling of falling sleep and this way I get to do it twice a day.  I like the fresh burst of energy I have upon waking up, so sleeping twice gives me two bursts of energy.  It gives me the illusion of getting two days worth of work in one 24 hour period.  I’ll have insomnia for years at a time and then it will stop for a few years.  I’ve been prescribed all kinds of sleep stuff and find it lets me sleep for only 3 hours at a time, whether it’s Ambien, Remeron, Trazodone.  Here are links to the natural supplements I found work for me.  The short version: First try Hyland’s Calms Forte, Valerian Root and Melatonin.  Here are the links.


Domino asks how to train her lover to meet her needs. Stop Faking Orgasm; Know What Turns You On; Tell Him That

In a recent reading with Domino, we talked about her relationship with her new man.  “Like most men, he thinks my body is ready the moment he gets an erection.”   They’ve known each other 2 years and just recently became lovers.  Now she’s wondering if she made a mistake and if they’re on the way to ruining their friendship. She and I have talked about this before with her previous lovers.  The simple answer is (1) know what you like, then (2) tell him and show him.  If you’re intimate enough with this man to have sex with him, you’re intimate enough to discuss it with him.  If you know what your body responds to, honor him by telling him the sequence of touch and caress that gets you there.  If he forgets and acts hastily, slow him down and remind him.  At first, if he’s not trained to be real conscious about sex, be prepared for him to get his feelings hurt and stop altogether.  Believe me, that’s preferable to faking an orgasm and becoming more and more unsatisfied without him knowing it. If he has to be continually reminded, she has to decide if it’s worth the hassle. Continue reading

Inverted Body Scanners in Airports Show Entire Naked Body; you gotta hand it to the guys who decided to make people feel shame about their bodies. Just another control technique.

At  Inverted Body Scanner Image Shows Naked Body In Full Living Color, it is reported, “The full body scanners to be rolled out in airports across the country not only produce detailed pictures of your genitals, but once inverted some of those images also display your naked body in full living color.  And you don’t need to be a graphics wizard to pull off the trick – inverting a photo is a simple process that takes one click and is an option available even in the most basic image editing software.

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A Non-Working Father’s Day. Do workaholics ever retire?

Today was an odd Father’s Day for sure.  For the past 20 years, I’ve been used to working almost every holiday, because that’s when some of my clients are alone, have the time and most want the appointment.  My own dad died on Father’s Day, but I know we survive in consciousness after the change called death, so it’s not a sad day for me.  For others, it can be a day that is difficult to get through, as is Easter and Christmas and Thanksgiving.  I typically have a half dozen readings scheduled and that’s how my day is spent. Happily spent, I might add, since I enjoy my work.  I enjoy interacting with everyone and I learn from them as well.  I learn about myself as I learn about them.  This Father’s Day I spent relaxing at home, cooking some good food, napping, hanging with the Roomi.  What I learned about myself is that well, I miss working on a day that I know a lot of emotion is in the air, a day I’m used to being available for friends to chat it out if they want to.  Old habits die hard, huh? Hmmm, do workaholics ever really retire?


I get feedback about a psychic reading that made the client depressed and afraid – there’s never a need to do that

I always ask people to give me feedback about which psychic readers they would and would not recommend, and why.  This is a letter I received last year.  “I got a reading with Rev DP. The reading left me depressed and angry because of what she told me was on my future and there was no way to change it. I was not not told about death or sickness but stuff  definitely unwelcome in my life. I was told I was going to write a book well I am not a writer or that committed to do such a thing. That my ex husband was very abusive verbally to me and that he was going to leave my life for good very angry and that the relationship with my boyfriend was over for good because he found somebody who was very compatible with but he would not marry her and that such relationship break up was protection from financial difficulties for myself. Instead my boyfriend and this woman were going to have horrible financial problems and one of them was going to move away. And that I was going to meet someone very intelligent with whom I was going to have a very steamy affair and we were going to be very in love with each other but for the meantime I was going to avoid him and that she could see me doing that.

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Adjusting to sharing space

Yesterday my roommate was involved in a variety of projects which kept drawing my attention to what he was doing, rather than what I needed to be doing.  I told him it’s like watching the bunny do one cute thing after another. At at the end of the day — in box still full, calls unreturned, emails unanswered —  I realize I’ve done nothing all day except follow the flippin bunny.  And I wonder how I get off schedule?  My biggest occupational hazard has always been feeling as though I have no time to myself.  As a spiritual counselor, I connect with dozens of people each week and listen to their challenges and concerns.  If I’m not mindful, I can allow myself to fall into their vibe and let myself get caught up in their tension and worry.   If I do it enough, I can slow my income down to a trickle.  It only ever happens when I just let the hamster wheel run through my head, rather than stepping away and letting myself take time for conscious thought. Continue reading

In what part of your life is the planet Uranus causing chaos right now?

Wherever Uranus is in your birth chart is where you’re in for some cosmic surprises. Sometimes it’s liberating, and other times you’re thrown into utter chaos.  Uranus represents spirit and free will, breaking with law and tradition, and that which is sudden, unexpected and out of control in life. Uranus symbolizes unpredictable change, intuition, genius, individualism, independence, freedom, social reform, rebels, inventions, electricity, and the joining of the personal to the collective consciousness and the group mind.  In the physical body it rules electrical nerve impulses.   Uranus is known in astrology as the “Awakener,” since its aspects and transits bring sudden change and upheavals are a necessary break from restrictions in favor of a more liberated path.   The Uranus opposition occurs somewhere around the age of 40, when transiting Uranus opposes your own natal Uranus. Also known as the mid-life crisis, this is when people suddenly cast off whatever keeps them from fulfilling their destiny. You might get the courage to leave a stagnant relationship, or to suddenly follow a long-buried dream.  When I began my Uranus opposition, I discovered Abraham-Hicksbegan seeing new possibilities in my life and Horizons Magazine was born.    Uranus sets us free when we’ve become too rigid or structured. While its influence is disruptive, a crisis tends to sharpen the focus, make you feel more alive. Uranus can remind you of what you really want, not what you’ve been conditioned to think you want.  Uranus rules Aquarius and those with a heavy influence in their chart are born to shake things up.  For just $22, lI can do a Predictive Astrology report for you, which is a three month transit report, telling where your planets are now , what is being influenced and what you can be prepared for. Continue reading

When I step out of that vibe, I step out of that world

A few days before the Memorial Day weekend, I felt sad and grieving for no apparent reason. That’s how my spidey sense tells me someone I know is passing.  I learned 2 days later that a dear brother had died.  He was in a lot of pain with a terminal illness, so his passing was a sweet relief.  The day after that, I learned another longtime friend was in the process of leaving her body.  Also terminal and at home with family and Hospice, she was on Day 18 of refusing food and water. Through waves of sadness, I set the prayer chain in motion and sat in meditation to connect with her in spirit, giving permission and spending some final time.  I believe one of the best things we can do for our loved ones is pray for their comfort and easy passing, knowing that once they drop their body they will re-emerge in a place of relief and no pain, of understanding and being intensely alive, supported in every sense, totally content and at peace.  Two hours later, she peacefully passed.

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