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My Ouija Board Story and 5 Tips for Using the Ouija

Take care who you sit with

Take care who you sit with

I’m careful who I ouija with, since we’re opening doors to astral nonsense that can freak out people unfamiliar with it. Plus so many fake it, not trusting in their own abilities to draw communication forth.  Once I sat with people I trusted. I asked the ouija board to give me one DO and one DON’T to give to everyone I came in contact with.  At the time I was talking to 40-60 clients a day working the Psychic Friends Network.  Stop laughing.  I told it I wanted something I could give to everyone. It spelled out “meditate daily cease criticism.”  Well done!  Wait, that wasn’t too freaky.  What’s so scary about the ouija board?  Why do people get freaked out about it?  This is what happens when you sit to use the board, and it happens whether you believe it or not.  The ouija is a strong mental and emotional focal point for the group of people present. By sitting to use it, you are doing so with intention and inviting communication from the nonphysical realm. You will attract that which is a vibrational match to the combination of people present.  The nonphysical realm closest  to us is the astral realm, which is where our emotions lie.  Our astral body — and the inhabitants of the astral plane — get an addictive charge out of making the emotions rise and fall. When these nonphysicals show up, we call them spirits or ghosts or entities or guides or messengers.  You can also think of them as a thoughtform or thoughtbank that has access to your memories and your emotions.  “They” speak to you through spelling out words on the board and they also speak to you via your emotions.     Continue reading

What happens when you eat gluten and your body cannot tolerate it?

A friend with Celiac’s disease cannot tolerate gluten and has become very visually impaired because of it.  I asked on Facebook:  “Several people tell me they no longer eat gluten — but I don’t know what happens when you eat gluten and cannot tolerate it.  If you eat a gluten-free diet, tell me the answer ok?”  I don’t have a gluten intolerance but was so surprised by the answers that I wanted to share it here with you.  Basically, if you feel low energy and sickish with tummy issues, try eating no gluten for 30 days and see if it doesn’t clear right up.  Continue reading

No over the counter antacids for me, here’s why

I’ve learned if I’m getting indigestion or heartburn on a regular basis, that doesn’t mean stock up on the Tums and Prilosec.   Antacids weaken stomach acids for about an hour, which relieves the symptoms.  They often cause rebound heartburn  as the stomach works overtime to try to make up for the stomach acid it doesn’t have. In the long run, antacids will make heartburn and indigestion worse. They can contain trace elements that block mineral absorption and can cause harm to the nervous system.  They can produce vitamin and mineral deficiencies and irreparable harm to your organs and bones.  The good news is there are many natural remedies for indigestion and heartburn.  The first is changing your diet to eliminate problem foods.  Period.  Yep, you have to do it.  In the meantime, take 2 tablespoons of organic, unpasturized apple cider vinegar (with the Mother) added to 8oz of water thirty minutes before meals.  I take one Vitacost Mega Digestive Enzymes with Pancreatin 10X before every meal I eat. Continue reading

Real Housewives – Insecure Mean Girls Who Never Grew Up

I watched part of The Real Housewives of New York last night.  I’d watched the first season or so but after that each episode dissolved into jealous envy and backbiting.  It’s never fun for me to watch people arguing and trying to one-up each other.  Of the NY show, Ramona seems to be the one who demands the most air time, so she’s always stirring up arguments with gossip.  Lately she’s really got it out for Luann, pitting her against several of the others.  Last night Ramona was in her glory as LuAnn brought Johnny Depp look alike Tomas to her room at 3am.   Continue reading

The Enneagram – I’m a 7, he’s a 4

What type are you?  The Enneagram is a personality typing system that helps us discover our habitual ways of being. Learning what “type” I was brought to light many underlying fixations I was ready to be free of and helped me understand how to get along with friends better.  

The Enneagram is mainly a diagnostic tool of one’s emotional outlook on life. It is also useful as a guide to how other people see the world differently.  There are a number of tests, including these 2 eclectic enneagram tests, the Enneagram Institute test, the Helen Palmer work, and the 9 Types.  The best way to determine your location on the Enneagram spectrum is to understand the system, and understand yourself. The tests will take you only a small part of the way toward that goal.  

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A return to breathing and sleeping

The past couple of weeks, my roommate has been hacking, choking and wheezing his way through a respiratory thang and yesterday he finally got medical attention. He received a breath treatment in the office, a sample inhaler and prescription for another, and a prescription for antibiotics.  Yay for Publix having free antibiotics!  He got immediate relief, and slept through the night for the first time in weeks.  That meant I also slept through the night, because he wasn’t out there with the tv on, and in and out the doors all night.  While he had the cough, he breathed better when he stood and walked, which he did… all night long.  Last night for the first time in a long time I was able to close my eyes at 11pm and didn’t open them until 7:45am.  Wow.  Awesome experience!  It’s interesting to note that it’s not the volume of the tv that keeps me awake at night, it’s the fact of it being on and whatever signal comes from that.  It keeps me on high alert and wakes me up every hour or two.  It’s an occupational blessing and hazard, this sensitivity. Right now I’m just sitting and breathing and loving life.

More evidence that it’s all related

I was working in the Horizons Magazine website today and got another lesson in the   It’s all related department.  I split the one large file for Past Issues into four smaller files, and that meant all the links had to the revised.  That meant all the old links as well as the current links.  In my obsession to cross link everything, I’ve created quite a job for myself.  I do the same thing in life too.  I would do well to always remember that it’s all related – everything.

Should I sell real estate if I don’t need to?

I wrote at Florida real estate for sale, inexpensive lots off I-95 two years ago that I wanted to sell some property to pay off a debt.  I just amended the post because the debt is paid and I only have two properties left in Volusia County. It’s undeveloped land, two 2.5 acre parcels.  I haven’t even thought about these properties for a long while then suddenly I have three people emailing me asking about them.  It might be time to sell them! Continue reading

Reprogram Your Eating Habits: What to Expect From the Experience

Give yourself 30 minutes alone where it is quiet. Know that while listening to this recording (or reading the script below,) you could open your eyes and rouse yourself immediately in case of emergency. Even if you fall asleep, your subconscious mind is still listening, so you can still expect change to occur.  In case of emergency, you will wake right up. Even under deep trance, you are still in control. Know that while listening, you could open your eyes and rouse yourself immediately if you need to.  Before working with this recording, have an expectation of success. If you are skeptical of the process, or skeptical that it could work for you, that is ok. A fish doesn’t have to believe in the ocean. However, at least for the period of time you are working with the recording or the script, set aside all doubt and let go of all resistance. Allow your creative imagination to run free as you create vivid images in response to any words you may hear before you fall asleep. Continue reading

Be Happy Or Be Out Of There

This morning, Domino begins to tell me all the problems she’s having with her boyfriend.  She’s not complaining, since she’s paying me for the call. She and I have had this conversation several times through the 15 out of 18 years she’s been with him.  I stopped her from reciting her long list of his faults and transgressions and asked why she doesn’t move out and be done with it.  “I can’t afford it.  He pays the bills.”  I understand, but you’ve been telling me this for 15 years.  As soon as you choose to take control of your own thoughts and do something about it, you’ll be on to happier times.

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