Category Archives: Uncategorized

If you’re having an emotional reaction to the election, you have some inner work to do

cloud-with-heart-in-skyIf your guy is losing, are you furious and frustrated?  If your guy is winning, are you gleeful thinking the losing candidate got what was coming to him/her? Do you continue to judge anyone for their actions? I love situations such as voting because it requires serious thought and forces me/us to look at what I/we really believe.  I tend to believe there is Someone or Something up there or out there that allows it to all play out just as we collectively choose it.  Sixty years’ experience has taught me that things always work out for the best when I expect and believe they will.  Period.  I’ve never seen any evidence otherwise.  So when something happens that I formerly would have considered disastrous, I can either immediately see the blessing in it, or know it’s coming.  As usual, for all to go right in my world, nothing ever needs to change except my perception.

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Help me plan an event for Spring 2013

Let me correct that, I am thinking of having an event next Spring, possibly sooner if I decide to do it in a private residence. A friend has offered their large home and grounds on South Tropical Trail in Merritt Island for the project if I go that route.   It may be that several conference rooms at a hotel on the beach is the better choice.  At this point, I have two purposes.  One is to showcase a friend’s large format photographic art and the other is to showcase some local acoustic music.  My first thought is that if it’s a combination event, why not make it a small fair?  I could invite a dozen vendors and perhaps a some fortune tellers.   I’ve done that before and know what’s involved.  I know a great group of people, so I wanted to throw it out there that I’m thinking of doing this.  If you have any ideas, you may email Andrea at with SPRING ART/MUSIC EVENT in the subject line.  Thanks, you guys rock!

If I’m in the presence of something I am not a vibrational match to, I can miss it completely even if it is right in front of me

I’ve learned that if I’m in the presence of something I’m not a vibrational match to, I can completely miss it even if it is inches from my face.  I had an interesting happening this evening.   A friend lives on the corner and comes home from work at the same time each night.  I time my nightly walk to end up at the corner to say hi.  I was on the phone as I walked out the door; having the phone meant I could keep checking the time.  The moon was full and bright and the night air was a cool 54 degrees.  Since I didn’t see him as I expected at 9:42pm, I went farther down the road and had fun playing in the shadows from the pine woods hammock across the street.  It had been a good day and I had a fun song going through my head.  At all times I had his driveway in my view. Continue reading

Ailey Hines donates violin to homeless 10 year old Jazmin, thanks to a Facebook shout out

Jazmin with violin donated by Ailey Hines

Last Sunday, a friend shared a post on Facebook with a link to “Seeking violin for a homeless child: I am the Case Manager for a 10 year old homeless child, who is in need of a violin. She watches Charlie Daniels music videos of him playing all the time which has inspired her to learn how to play a violin. My clients school offers classes, but if you do not have your own instrument, then you must pay $10 a month, which is not in the budget of a young homeless child. That has not stopped her from sitting in the class to just watch and listen to the music of the violin playing. I would like to help this young child with receiving a violin. If your organization can help, please contact me. Receiving an instrument for a homeless child is like becoming a millionaire, a dream that she feels will never happen.” Facebook friend  Ailey Hines donated her violin to 10 year old Jazmin. She is a homeless child living in a shelter, with a love for music. This year Christmas came early for this child and remember that name!!! Jazmin, the violinist.”

Is it possible to be in a happy love relationship with someone you aren’t planning a future with?

“Do you believe it’s possible to be in a happy love relationship with someone you aren’t necessarily planning a future with? Just because you adore them and feel highly infatuated, doesn’t mean they fit into the entire equation of the rest of your life, nor you theirs.” I wrote on Facebook.  “The future is NOW. Stay in the Now and the future will take care of itself.” Continue reading

Elections, Law of Attraction and Vibrational Matching

I’ve been asked several times about the elections, law of attraction and vibrational matching.  Election year!  No matter who you cast your ballot for, know that you vote vibrationally with every thought you think.  Things come to you via your vibration and remain only by your attention to them.  We vote vibrationally in every moment by where we choose to place our attention, and how we feel as our attention is placed there. It’s that simple. Is someone in office – or anyone you perceive as having authority over you – pissing you off? Keep talking about it and you’re empowering the status quo. And it doesn’t matter if you believe it or not, kind of like gravity.  To everyone who’s upset with the election results, this too shall pass.  To everyone who’s thrilled with the election results, this too shall pass.  Think of today as a good lesson in surrendering, going with the flow and offering it up. Remember that whatever happens is the will of God – and if we’re in the midst of God’s will — like it or not — how can we not rejoice?  No matter who voted what, the majority got what the majority was vibing with. We live it day by day. My life is none the lesser due to whomever is in office. I thrive despite it all.

Abraham-Hicks:  “We are always casting vibrational votes whether we think we are or not. Our vibrational votes go beyond anything we can imagine, and the evolution of our planet is about that, not about what happens at the polling booth.”

Create the space for the phone to ring off the hook

The last two weeks, I’ve been doing a visualization about taking credit card numbers over the phone.  This week, my phone has been ringing off the hook with, you guessed it, people wanting to pay me by credit card.  When I do a Paypal Visualization, my Paypal payments increase. When I do My Making Up The Bank Deposit Visualization, more checks than usual come in.  Build it and indeed: they will come. I build it in my mind. In my consciousness, if I create the space for dollars, the space will call the dollars to itself. It’s never not happened.

Life Transforming Links here for Creative Visualization 

The firepit in my west woods is ready for Fall

I just returned from the firepit where I did a fall puja to renew the energy before we begin using that space again.  I unstacked all the bricks and stacked them together again a little different way.  I’ve been using the chimenea for my burning bowl ceremonies, so the firepit has become overgrown.  I untangled the grapevines and cut the foilage back about two feet around the circle.  It had encroached since spring, when the summer heat drove us to the east garden where it’s shadier and cooler.  I moved two chairs up next to the firepit.  Usually we sit on stumps of pine, but they are all rotting now and no new ones to replace them.    Continue reading

Sleepytime Recharge — a $10 download for a revitalizing segment of sleep

SLEEPYTIME RECHARGE: Play this recording for a refreshing segment of restful sleep and rejuvenation. Even when asleep, your subconscious mind is listening, so you can still expect change to occur. We can retrain our consciousness and regulate our own brain chemistry to overcome ailments and bad habits. Carefully selected words and phrases on this recording will reprogram the cells of your body for optimum physical and mental health. Each time you listen to this recording, you will awaken refreshed, rejuvenated and motivated to get into your day

Why I Don’t Trust Eyewitness Testimony

I was a criminal defense paralegal for 22 years and learned to trust circumstantial evidence over eyewitness testimony because people don’t always see what they think they see.  This morning I was 30 minutes into a telephone reading when I saw a car pull into my driveway.  I did not recognize the small beige sedan, so I excused myself to see who it was.  Jeremy got to the door before me, and it was a friend of  his.  I told him I hadn’t recognized the small car, I had only seen his friend’s truck.  Jeremy said it was his truck.  Not the car I swear that I saw??  Nope.  I was surprised, because my first thought was the only one who shows up this early is this one person.  Since I identified the vehicle as a small sedan and not the truck I expected to see, I didn’t recognize it.  So what happened?  Granted, I was 30 minutes into a psychic reading and maybe not as grounded as I could have been to see what was in the 3-d around me.  But it’s things like that that remind me, we don’t always see things as they are.