Category Archives: Uncategorized

You can serve all of humanity by raising your child with love

You can serve God and others through raising your family.  Your loving care deposits a bank of love and good intention that we can all draw from.  The soul wants all things from the past resolved so the future is blessed and joyous. If the past is not resolved, then you can expect that when things are going well, it can all be yanked out from under you. That’s why you get it all resolved when you’re down in the muck of it and have far less to lose. That way you don’t spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder.  Alicia wrote:  ”Thank you for this message, sometimes it is hard to stay committed to serving others.”   Continue reading

If you’re really successful at bullshitting, it means you’re not hanging around enough people smarter than you.” — Neil deGrasse Tyson ..

The good news is if you’ve come across a bullshitter, they will quickly move on as soon as you stop being a vibrational match to their snake charming.

Astrology: It’s good to know how long a planet stays in each house to know when and how challenges can be overcome

As the planets move in the sky, their effects are played out in the people and events of our lives.  We know what area each transit will be felt in by which house it is passing through. The houses in astrology are those 12 pie slices you’ve seen on the charts, showing Aries on the first house, Taurus on the second, etc.  Your birth time determines your rising sign, which determines how your own houses line up on the wheel.  How the planets line up determines WHAT area of your life will be affected, and how they aspect each other determines HOW it will play out. Below is a list showing how long each planet is typically in each house.  Consult an online ephemeris for exact dates in and out of each house.   Continue reading

Honor your commitment to serve those who ask for awakening, help them make peace with their past so they can move on

Do not let yourself waver from your commitment to serve those who ask for relief, for spiritual awakening, especially when their lessons unfold in a form they don’t expect or like. You may get blamed and maligned.  None of that matters. What matters is as each step of the path is revealed, you give them in plain language the steps to get to the next level.  Don’t expect them to respond, even acknowledge or like you.  Give them every chance to make peace with the past. That’s what they asked for. As each layer is peeled away, more light comes to the surface and they see for themselves.  When they see clearly, you will reconnect.  All things in their own time.  The personality gets pissed off but the soul knows. The soul wants all things from the past resolved so the loop into the future is blessed and joyous. If the past is not resolved, then you can expect that when things are going very well, it can all be yanked out from under you.  That’s why you get it all resolved when you’re down in the muck of it and have far less to lose.  That way you don’t spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder and waiting for the axe to fall when things are going well  That way all karma is balanced off and the only momentum you have to be concerned with is forward momentum.

I get an unexpected discount on my print job after doing a fave visualization about dollars coming in

Wow, people are throwing money at me now! I just got more evidence my daily visualizations work:  Sunday I got the May Horizons Magazine off to the printer.  I called this morning at 8:00am to make sure they received it and that all was well.  It was.  Yay!  I could go back to sleep! Two hours later I’m awoken by the printer calling to tell me my job was printed and “they goofed it up.”  He told me the goof.  I yawned. It was no big deal.  I mean, Horizons is not Time Magazine. He apologized and offered me a discount on the print job.  Yay!  Unexpected money!  Last month the visualization I’d been doing was the one in this link: I get evidence my visualizations are working, where my viz topic was about “finding unexpected money and sources of income that I may already have and have forgotten about.”  I read it over a few times each day and that was it. Dollars are fine and I’m grateful every day.


Whatever you’re thinking about is literally like planning a future event

“Whatever you’re thinking about is literally like planning a future event. When you’re worrying, you are planning. When you’re appreciating you are planning.” — Abraham
I plan on finding joy in whatever it is I decide to do in any given moment. I plan to pivot grumpy thoughts to happier ones. I plan on being delighted by whatever the Universe sends my way. The details of how and when and where and who don’t really matter.  What matters is the “wheeeeee” of it.

Getting used to having only one kitty

YinYang, my Minicow Yinnie

YinYang, my Minicow Yinnie

After decades of having several cats, I’m now down to one.  Both of us seem fine with it.  I sure go through a lot less cat food, vacuum up less cat hair, and far less yard debris gets tracked into the house.  I’ve never been very hands on with my pets.  Now I’ll brush her when she jumps up and she’ll let me do that as long as I want to.  Her nails nab me but I don’t cut them since she’s an indoor/outdoor kitty.  Sometimes I’ll wake up in the recliner with her sleeping on my chest.  Thankfully that’s not often.  All last year I had an allergic reaction to her and no longer do.  The things our minds make us think is real!


When I feel love pouring through me, it’s easy to forgive

I stood watching the waterfall in Unity Park this morning before church, meditating on the pouring of the water into the pond.  That rushing is the same feeling I get when I feel love pouring through me.  When I feel love pouring through me, I recognize that as my alignment with Source energy, as the connection to the God within me.  When I feel love pouring through me, all problems disappear, and nothing seems worth troubling over. It’s easy for past hurts to be forgiven.  It’s a feeling I wish everyone could feel.  It’s the same feeling as the feeling of a new infatuation, whether for a lover or a grandchild or new puppy.   When you feel it, savor it so that you can store it in your memory bank as fuel for future visualizations. Generate that feeling of the love flow by thinking whatever thoughts generate that emotional response in you.  Breathe the feeling deeply within you, then slowly exhale it out into the world.  You can direct that love flow onto whoever’s life you want to send a blessing to.  It helps to remember that everything is a miracle.  This extended rendition by Faith Rivera of Peter Mayer’s song makes the love flow start in me.  Bask in it yourself –>  Everything is holy now.
RELATED:  Hawaiian Forgivness Ho’oponopono Process 


My Birthday celebration on New Moon evening

Last night after dusk, I headed out to the firepit for new moon ceremony. This one was special, as it fell on my birthday.  My intention for this new moon was simply to attract honest, like minded friends with whom to engage in fulfilling and meaningful projects.  It’s already begun and more appear every day.    Last night’s ritual had more to do with gratitude, since I’m already in the flow.  First I dug up the crystals I buried last weekend and rinsed them in rainwater. I laid them on a scarf to dry as I prepared the small fire for the evening puja.  I could feel the intense fresh energy from the stones even though I was closer to the fire than to them.  That’s why you can’t always trust the seen world: I was closer to the flames than to my crystals, yet I could feel their energy more intensely.    Continue reading