Category Archives: Uncategorized

Care enough to talk it out and make an honorable exit

Blessed are those who know how to communicate with honesty and kindness when they are ready to leave a relationship. Never stay for a moment with anyone or any job you’re ready to be free from. If it’s time for a break, tell them so. At once. Care enough to talk it out and make an honorable exit. This is how you remain friends for life. The test of one’s character is how one has left others in the past.

It’s inspiring to share space with someone who has the same daily sadhana I have

I forgot how totally cool it is to share space with someone who has the same basic sadhana, or daily practice I have.  A friend has been visiting and mostly keeping to himself in the master suite, working on a writing project.  Twice a day we’ve been doing yoga and meditation together.  He’s doing silence this week so we don’t speak, but simply sitting and stretching together is a powerful interaction.  Attuning our breathing to each other, our body movements in the poses, with complete awareness yet in complete silence.   Sitting side by side to meditate,  there’s a definite difference in the energy of the room, with two rather than one. He helped me re-route grape vines to make a canopy over a sunny area in the back west woods.  He picked up a lot of the branch deadfall and stacked it in the firepit area as I swept off the back porch.  Part of the silence is also not making eye contact, to give each other complete privacy. It’s a powerful practice, forcing one to choose carefully what needs to be said and what does not.  It’s amazing how much does NOT need to be said. I’m not talking about a vow of silence forever, this is just taking a week’s break at a time to reboot the body, mind and spirit.  My house is feeling like a yogi’s home again, after a year of being a householder.  I loved it then, and I love it Now.


Thank you for adding kindling and wind to this massive bonfire. I will use it to light the world on fire.

From Illumina Bast : Owning my worth on a level I have never actually known in this body. (FINALLY)  Thank you to everyone who has ever been a f*@/ing douchebag to me, everyone who has overlooked and underestimated me, everyone who found me expendable and unworthy of decency, everyone who honors me, who saw my worth even when I couldn’t, everyone Who Knows WHO I AM. I love you. Thank you for adding kindling and wind to this massive fucking bonfire. I will use it to light the world on fire.


Happy Mother’s Day 2013, Mommy! The best is yet to be Posted on May 12, 2013 by msandrea

My mom and I were close, speaking every day, never arguing, she was my best friend. I always thought I’d freak when she passed, which she did suddenly on April 8, 1996.  I didn’t freak.  I didn’t grieve.  I felt there was no separation.  I still don’t feel she’s missing from my life. I’ve ever been a sentimental person. I’ve never been family oriented. In the 80′s, I co-raised a stepdaughter from ages 10-13.  I love my family, but family life is not for me.  Mom was the one who kept in touch with everyone. It’s only 17 years later I think I might have liked a copy of her address book.  I figure whoever is meant to find me will find me, like cousin Laurie who found me on Facebook. Laurie and I are much alike and she’s fun to connect with. Mom would be laughing with us today. Happy Mother’s Day to the one who inspired me that giving others hope for a brighter future makes it come to pass for all of us so much quicker. I love you, Mommy! Have  good day floating on your cloud playing a harp or rocking in your chair on your porch with your cat Lady in your lap, whatever it is you’re doing Up There or Over There. I can’t say you’re missed because I know you’ve never left.

RELATED: I remember Momma 2011
I remember Momma 2010
 I remember Momma 2009 (Poem: If you could see where I have gone)
A Friend and I Talk About Dying and Easy Transitions
The End of Death As We Know it  – What The Crossing Over Experience 
Was Like, As Reported By Those Who Made The Transition


Someone to meditate and do yoga with twice a day

This week I’ve given over the master suite to a yogi friend, so he has his own garden entrance and bath.  He’s fasting and on silent retreat. It’s nice to have someone to meditate and do yoga with twice a day. It reminds me of living in functional silence in the ashram years ago, sharing space yet no voices. That’s a familiar and comfortable place for me. Since he’s fasting, he can hole himself up and do his work without the distraction of meal preparation and eating. I’m staying out of the east garden while he’s here, so he has complete privacy.  Since 2001, I’ve stored some boxes for him, so he removed those and organized the shed for me. There’s workshop space now! I’ve been spending time on the back porch, sketching the cardinals building the new nest not seven feet away from me as I sit in the rocker with my sketchpad. The nest so far is mostly moss and thin twigs, some strands of my hair, they made a lot of progress on it today.  Tonight we got some good rain on the back porch roof, I love to hear that, and the wind was sounding the chimes in the courtyard… I love the sounds of nature. I like the feeling of sharing space for a short time with someone of like mind, of communion with a friend without having to engage in nonstop conversation. I like the feeling of someone working on their own project in another room and me working on mine, and us not feeling the need to update each other with everything we’re doing or get into a bunch of idle talk.  The Universe is showing me new things to like and appreciate. May it ever be so.

I love creating natural vignettes in my yard

A yogi pal is visiting and we’ve been gardening. I went outside to do some morning watering, and ended up working on my bamboo and grapevine privacy wall.  Every length of grapevine I cut was the perfect length, and every bamboo bone I chose was the perfect height. I love creating natural walls, because I like a change of scenery.  As the older palmetto fronds and bird of paradise leaves begin to decompose, I add newly cut  ones.  One of my favorite things to do here at home is to cut new trails in my little patches of woods, and re-route the grapevine to grow where I want shade or privacy each season.  Then you have to be inside the yard to see the special little vignettes here and there, little meditative spots.  We have a lot of walkers-by here, and I prefer my yard look as nondescript and uninviting as possible.  But inside, it’s Paradise! I’ve been watering a lot, so everything is blooming and lush. I decided against a vegetable garden, since the only sunny spot in the yard is a patch in the back that I neglect, walking through it only to water the loquat, turk’s cap and arbicola in the northwest yard. My big turtle likes the crabgrass there in the sunny spot, preferring it to the lush grass in the shade. The wild bunny likes the lush grass.

To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood. I consider it an initiation, an honor & blessing

To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood. Stay Strong. Small minds can’t comprehend big spirits.  Spirit Science and Metaphysics

I myself consider it an initiation, an honor and a blessing when it happens.  Some say we undergo a crucifixion in every lifetime.  Our response to it balances karmic debt and determines how long we keep ourselves on the cross.  It’s the same as not coming to the altar to pray, expecting to receive fully, if we’ve not first forgiven everyone and everything.  The initiation is in being mocked, hated and misunderstood.  We run the gauntlet of the initiation by how we respond and react. The honor and blessing of it is being given an opportunity to resolve the past, do things differently and make a clean start.


Example of astrological transit predicting future event

Excerpt of letter written 11-30-11, doing a friend’s astrology transit for 2012:  Our transits reflect the journey we are taking.  “Remember,” I said, ” we make or break anything in our lives by our attention and focus to it, astrology notwithstanding.  While you and I have houses 12 (the unconscious) and 1 (the personality) in common in our charts, I see that our astrological “lessons” fall into houses 6 and 7, the same for me and my friend ZR.  I mention him because the lessons you and I will have together should be a higher octave of what he and I went through on our journey. The higher octave remedies the karma of the lower.    ZR is smart as a whip, sarcastic, sardonic, we’ve never discussed spirituality.  He is an attorney and so our entire time together was filled with legal stuff, albeit of a different sort.  ZR’s fatal flaw was he was very selfish and controlling.  He defined his manhood by how much sex he could have with every new woman he met, irrespective of their feelings, leaving much confusion and heartbreak in his path.  Out of sight, out of mind, next.  I just mention that because if we have a solid house 6 (work/service) relationship, then overpouring into the 7th house (relationship/partnership) will cause conflict.

UPDATE: It did

Jeremy Bonner, contact Facebook, someone is hacking you (Update: No, he sent them out and got flagged by Facebook)

UPDATE: Jeremy reports he did send them out. That doesn’t explain why the emails were shown as coming from the names of several people who did not send them out, though. At least he knows now I did not get him kicked off FB. I got 4 emails in a row today, one from him and 3  from different Facebook names, and the time stamp made me curious. They did not send them.  This might be his FB problem.  Below is what I got with an attachment I did not open.  Since then, more have told me they’ve been told emails are going out in their name and asking how to report it.  This is how.

Subject: Re: New Website ~ AWESOME NEW VIDEO!!
Date: 5/9/2013 4:44:35 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time From:   Subject: Re: New Website ~ AWESOME NEW VIDEO!!
Date: 5/9/2013 4:45:49 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time From:   Subject: Re: New Website ~ AWESOME NEW VIDEO!!
Date: 5/9/2013 4:46:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time From:

They did not send these out, they should not be going out in someone else’s name.

6:21 pm Andrea: AW, hi, I got an email from AW’ with Subject: Re: New Website ~ AWESOME NEW VIDEO!!

Did you sent it? I’ve gotten a few of them just now all at one time. If you did NOT send it, that might be why he got kicked off FB but it looks like a robot sent them out, all at the same time. I mean if you did that’s fine but if not, someone needs to tell him he’s got a robot spamming his email.

6:25pm FB Friend AW: Oh, how weird, Andrea… No, I actually received an “Auto-generated message” with that subject… sent to me, including others as well.. and attempted to ‘remove myself from the conversation’… ??? Tis very weird!

6:26pm Andrea: this might be part of his FB problem hmmm

6:27pm FB Friend AW: I’ve no idea… I have no contact with him… Just noticed, I have about 8 copies of the same message… This is what one of the messages says:
“Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 This message was created automatically by Facebook. A message that you sent to could not be delivered. We’re working hard to get this problem fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

How To Report A Facebook Violation  If something went out in your name, report it and tell all parties to report it also. I got the notices by email, it looks like those who were not blocked got a chat conversation. Report both the email and the chat conversation.