Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tarot Card of the Day: Knight of Swords

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message onto their monitor.  YOU DID. There are no mistakes.

MEANING:  Knights often mean that someone or something desirable is about to seek you out. The Knight of Swords also points to your physical, emotional, and spiritual energy being at a peak. If you’re waiting for news, you will like what you hear. The Knight of Swords can point to lots of activity, travel, being out and about, getting things accomplished. You are unlikely to feel like waiting for anything to come to you; that’s a good thing… go after your heart’s desire. Continue reading

Pretend to reconcile with a mate just to get back at an ex? That’s just playing with her heart and her kids’ hearts

In July 2011, I wrote about The ladies man who presents himself as a guru and a soulmate.  A few weeks ago, his current fiancee made a Facebook post that she was heartbroken and devastated that he could leave her, literally bedridden, after promising he was brought into her life to help her heal from other physical problems. I know him to be a sociopath and a narcisscist.  I sent a note of support and we had a brief private conversation.  She wrote “he’s been with me pretty much 24/7 for over a year, so i know he’s not been cheating.”  I knew he became engaged to her within weeks of leaving his last (secret) relationship.  I didn’t need to tell her that.  A day later she wrote on my FB wall, “Thank you, Andrea, I grew up a little bit more today.”  A day later, she said she’d done her own research, including speaking with her ex.  He’d convinced her that based on my intervention, they were now back together and had me to thank for it.  It would be laughable in that I expected no less from him, laughable except that this is a woman’s heart and mind and health he is playing with.  A woman with small children living in the same home with her.  Under no circumstances is that funny.
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The exercise I do to begin each day raising my vibration

As soon as I awaken in the morning, I lie there and bask in how good it feels, how comfy the bed is, how soft, how cozy. I listen to the fan and stick my leg out to feel more of it, then back in when it’s too cool. I listen to the birds waking up and smell the jasmine in bloom. I milk those first few minutes of all the delight I can squeeze out of them until I absolutely have to get up. That starts my day in a good place, always. By doing this, you will begin the day with a raised vibration. That will bring you closer to your dreams and goals.

The Acupuncture Meridian Organ Clock

Meridian_Clock2So you find yourself waking up at the same time after you’ve gone to bed each night?  What time is that?  Acupuncturists use the acupuncture meridian organ clock to diagnose and to determine the optimal time for treating specific imbalances.  Waking up automatically at the same time could mean your body needs to bring itself into balance in that area.  This chart illustrates the flow of chi (qi or life-force energy) through the meridians during the 24 hours of the day. Continue reading

Tarot Card of the Day: High Priestess Reversed

Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message onto their monitor.  YOU DID. There are no mistakes.
MEANING:   It can be more difficult for you to see and/or to tap into the powerful, intuitive, and attractive energy that is flowing. The energy is there. Look for it. Allow yourself to feel it.  You may be finding it difficult to “hear” what your intuition is telling you. If so, it’s a clear signal to quiet down, spend some time in meditation, and spend some time alone. Try different approaches, including journaling, yoga or walking meditations. The info you seek is there. Trust yourself and your instincts. Continue reading

Tarot Card for the Day: The Fool

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message onto their monitor.  YOU DID. There are no mistakes.

MEANING:  The Fool is always an indicator of newness. This is generally considered a positive card, with the caveat that it’s important to take time to be sure that you are “looking where you’re going.”  This card indicates new beginnings that have deeper spiritual meaning – for example, starting a meditation practice or a relationship, as opposed to buying a new pair of shoes. The appearance of the fool can depict an important “fresh start.” Continue reading

It becomes enchanted here at nightfall

It becomes a different world here in the midnight hours.  I live in Paradise every day but at night is when the enchantment begins. Like right now. It’s a beautiful evening out there, a balmy 76, light breeze, moonrise not for another hour, then another hour+ to make it over the tree line. There’s night blooming jasmine in the air. The nightly parade of critters has begun. For me, this is the time to take a walkabout, then sit and soak up the night.  Each day as I bring work to a close, I review what needs to be done the next day.  Then I leave work at the office. When I ponder at night, it’s more about basking in appreciative thoughts of what magic the day has brought me, or seeing where I stand on any personal issues I may be working through. Most recently, I had 4 close to me pass in the last 3 months. I get waves of feeling grief and loss, all the while knowing there is no death.  Ongoing estate matters keep the topic fresh in my mind. One I lost in March was a friend of 54 years, and my sole confidante. I feel that loss acutely every day. At the same time, it is good to have no one to discuss things with.  It throws me back into myself and sends me pondering in the midnight hours.  In the quiet, in the night, thoughts become more clear. What seems tangled becomes smoothed free. That’s the magic of the nighttime.  It’s the perfect setting to step into the mystic and unravel truth from illusion.  Mysticism is defined as the pursuit of communion with the Source or God through experience, intuition and insight. It is for this reason I typically live a monastic life, as it is conducive to the cultivation of the mystical state of consciousness.  The session work I do with friends depends upon my state of consciousness.  It is for this reason I put my time in to become enchanted with nature, under the stars, listening to what the Universe has to tell me.  It’s where I get my continuing education to keep me qualified for my profession 🙂

My horoscope says this month I’ll fall in love

My June 2013 horoscope by Barbara Lee reads:  Your relationship arena will be the focus for this month. Stranger things will happen especially when you find yourself falling in love at first sight with someone you have only just met. When endings seem to happen abruptly, know that they have been brewing for a long time and you just have to prepare for a new beginning.

RELATED: I just realized a friend lives two blocks away

A primal meditation sitting in the pouring rain

I wrapped up in a sheet and sat in the pouring rain last night in the backyard.  It had been raining off and on, short spells of pouring.  I was reminded of a powerful waterfall meditation I’d had once at a retreat, so I prepared for it. I pulled a bedsheet out of the closet and wrapped it around me like a cloak.  I went out into the backyard and found a grassy spot to sit on.  The skies were cloudy, no moon in sight at 9:30 pm. It was about 77 degrees. I began by preparing myself by breathing rhythmically.  Within a few moments, a downpour hit and I could feel it pummel down on me.  I had the sheet over my head as well, but within a moment I was soaked through.  I’d prepared myself for the chill by doing yogic fire breathsContinue reading

You only feel competitive if you are disconnected from your inner guidance

His piece of the pie is bigger than mine – wah! The illusion of Competition. That’s been the topic this week during readings.  No wonder today’s Tarot Card of The Day was the 5 of Wands, about feeling competitive.  What experience has taught me is there is enough for everyone, and we each attract according to right of consciousness: our expectation and belief about how much of anything we think is available to us. And it’s all related, everything.  He advertises more? So what! No one can take anything from you for long. If you’re all caught up in the world of emotions, you’re operating on an astral level. The astral level is where a lot of illusion lies.  As we raise in consciousness, we rise above the astral level so that truths are less and less clouded by illusion.  As we meditate, we are no longer driven by our emotions, we can distance ourselves emotionally from the situation.  When we can view the situation objectively, we see there is never any competition.  What anyone else does doesn’t matter, unless you think it does.  Again, your expectation and belief governs what you attract. Continue reading